E1e5en 6116c665c4 Modifying the Screen To World Space node
Modifying the Screen To World Space node

Input parameters:
- Screen X - value of screen coordinates along the X axis (data type Int);
- Screen Y - the value of the screen coordinates along the Y axis (data type Int).

- Separator Out - whether or not to separate the output parameters (vectors) into components (XYZ).

Output parameters:
- World - coordinates of a point in 3D space (Vector data type)
- Direction - normalized direction vector from the camera towards the point/cursor indication (data type Vector).
- X, Y, Z - components of the corresponding vectors (data type Float).
2020-10-13 20:50:30 +03:00

50 lines
2.2 KiB

from arm.logicnode.arm_nodes import *
class ScreenToWorldSpaceNode(ArmLogicTreeNode):
"""Transforms the given screen coordinates into world coordinates."""
bl_idname = 'LNScreenToWorldSpaceNode'
bl_label = 'Screen To World Space'
node_index: StringProperty(name='Node Index', default='')
arm_version = 1
min_outputs = 2
max_outputs = 8
# Separator
def property0(self):
return True if self.property0_ else False
property0_: BoolProperty(name='Separator Out', default=False)
def init(self, context):
super(ScreenToWorldSpaceNode, self).init(context)
self.add_input('NodeSocketInt', 'Screen X')
self.add_input('NodeSocketInt', 'Screen Y')
self.add_output('NodeSocketVector', 'World')
self.add_output('NodeSocketVector', 'Direction')
def draw_buttons(self, context, layout):
layout.prop(self, 'property0_') # Separator Out
if self.property0_:
if len(self.outputs) < self.max_outputs:
self.outputs.remove(self.outputs.values()[-1]) # Direction vector
self.add_output('NodeSocketFloat', 'X') # World X
self.add_output('NodeSocketFloat', 'Y') # World Y
self.add_output('NodeSocketFloat', 'Z') # World Z
self.add_output('NodeSocketVector', 'Direction') # Vector
self.add_output('NodeSocketFloat', 'X') # Direction X
self.add_output('NodeSocketFloat', 'Y') # Direction Y
self.add_output('NodeSocketFloat', 'Z') # Direction Z
if len(self.outputs) == self.max_outputs:
self.outputs.remove(self.outputs.values()[-1]) # Z
self.outputs.remove(self.outputs.values()[-1]) # Y
self.outputs.remove(self.outputs.values()[-1]) # X
self.outputs.remove(self.outputs.values()[-1]) # Direction
self.outputs.remove(self.outputs.values()[-1]) # Z
self.outputs.remove(self.outputs.values()[-1]) # Y
self.outputs.remove(self.outputs.values()[-1]) # X
self.add_output('NodeSocketVector', 'Direction')
add_node(ScreenToWorldSpaceNode, category=PKG_AS_CATEGORY, section='matrix')