2020-12-15 23:47:38 +01:00

130 lines
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from arm.logicnode.arm_nodes import *
class MathNode(ArmLogicTreeNode):
"""Mathematical operations on values."""
bl_idname = 'LNMathNode'
bl_label = 'Math'
arm_version = 1
def get_enum_id_value(obj, prop_name, value):
def get_count_in(operation_name):
return {
'Add': 0,
'Subtract': 0,
'Multiply': 0,
'Divide': 0,
'Sine': 1,
'Cosine': 1,
'Abs': 1,
'Tangent': 1,
'Arcsine': 1,
'Arccosine': 1,
'Arctangent': 1,
'Logarithm': 1,
'Round': 1,
'Floor': 1,
'Ceil': 1,
'Square Root': 1,
'Fract': 1,
'Exponent': 1,
'Max': 2,
'Min': 2,
'Power': 2,
'Arctan2': 2,
'Modulo': 2,
'Less Than': 2,
'Greater Than': 2
}.get(operation_name, 0)
def get_enum(self):
return self.get('property0', 0)
def set_enum(self, value):
# Checking the selection of another operation
select_current = self.get_enum_id_value(self, 'property0', value)
select_prev = self.property0
if select_prev != select_current:
# Many arguments: Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide
if (self.get_count_in(select_current) == 0):
while (len(self.inputs) < 2):
self.add_input('NodeSocketFloat', 'Value ' + str(len(self.inputs)))
# 2 arguments: Max, Min, Power, Arctan2, Modulo, Less Than, Greater Than
if (self.get_count_in(select_current) == 2):
while (len(self.inputs) > 2):
while (len(self.inputs) < 2):
self.add_input('NodeSocketFloat', 'Value ' + str(len(self.inputs)))
# 1 argument: Sine, Cosine, Abs, Tangent, Arcsine, Arccosine, Arctangent, Logarithm, Round, Floor, Ceil, Square Root, Fract, Exponent
if (self.get_count_in(select_current) == 1):
while (len(self.inputs) > 1):
self['property0'] = value
property0: EnumProperty(
items = [('Add', 'Add', 'Add'),
('Multiply', 'Multiply', 'Multiply'),
('Sine', 'Sine', 'Sine'),
('Cosine', 'Cosine', 'Cosine'),
('Max', 'Maximum', 'Max'),
('Min', 'Minimum', 'Min'),
('Abs', 'Absolute', 'Abs'),
('Subtract', 'Subtract', 'Subtract'),
('Divide', 'Divide', 'Divide'),
('Tangent', 'Tangent', 'Tangent'),
('Arcsine', 'Arcsine', 'Arcsine'),
('Arccosine', 'Arccosine', 'Arccosine'),
('Arctangent', 'Arctangent', 'Arctangent'),
('Power', 'Power', 'Power'),
('Logarithm', 'Logarithm', 'Logarithm'),
('Round', 'Round', 'Round'),
('Less Than', 'Less Than', 'Less Than'),
('Greater Than', 'Greater Than', 'Greater Than'),
('Modulo', 'Modulo', 'Modulo'),
('Arctan2', 'Arctan2', 'Arctan2'),
('Floor', 'Floor', 'Floor'),
('Ceil', 'Ceil', 'Ceil'),
('Fract', 'Fract', 'Fract'),
('Square Root', 'Square Root', 'Square Root'),
('Exponent', 'Exponent', 'Exponent')],
name='', default='Add', set=set_enum, get=get_enum)
def property1(self):
return 'true' if self.property1_ else 'false'
property1_: BoolProperty(name='Clamp', default=False)
def __init__(self):
array_nodes[str(id(self))] = self
def init(self, context):
super(MathNode, self).init(context)
self.add_input('NodeSocketFloat', 'Value 0', default_value=0.0)
self.add_input('NodeSocketFloat', 'Value 1', default_value=0.0)
self.add_output('NodeSocketFloat', 'Result')
def draw_buttons(self, context, layout):
layout.prop(self, 'property1_')
layout.prop(self, 'property0')
# Many arguments: Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide
if (self.get_count_in(self.property0) == 0):
row = layout.row(align=True)
column = row.column(align=True)
op = column.operator('arm.node_add_input', text='Add Value', icon='PLUS', emboss=True)
op.node_index = str(id(self))
op.socket_type = 'NodeSocketFloat'
op.name_format = 'Value {0}'
column = row.column(align=True)
op = column.operator('arm.node_remove_input', text='', icon='X', emboss=True)
op.node_index = str(id(self))
if len(self.inputs) == 2:
column.enabled = False
def draw_label(self) -> str:
return f'{self.bl_label}: {self.property0}'