niacdoial f892fdfd8a
Merge months of changes into 'newrotation' branch
(and homogeneised the contents of said branch in the process)
(plus a couple bugfixes, because what else)
2021-08-18 17:04:00 +02:00

20 lines
672 B

from arm.logicnode.arm_nodes import *
class VectorToObjectOrientationNode(ArmLogicTreeNode):
"""Transform world coordinates into object oriented coordinates (in other words: apply object rotation to it).
@seeNode World Vector to Object Space
@seeNode Get World Orientation
@seeNode Vector From Transform
bl_idname = 'LNVectorToObjectOrientationNode'
bl_label = 'Vector to Object Orientation'
arm_section = 'rotation'
arm_version = 1
def arm_init(self, context):
self.add_input('ArmNodeSocketObject', 'Object')
self.add_input('ArmVectorSocket', 'World')
self.add_output('ArmVectorSocket', 'Oriented')