E1e5en 5451b3e7e2 Added settings for building APK
Added a panel with settings:
- Building APK After Publish - to start the build after the project has been successfully published (False by default). Disabled if SDK path is not specified;
- Emulator - list of installed emulators in Android Studio (AVD Manager). At the start of Blender, the list is always empty, to fill and update it, you must click the Refresh button. To start the emulator, if you wish, you need to press the "Start" button (the list of emulators is obtained with the emulator -list-avds command, the launch is performed with the emulator -avd [name] command). The "Start" button is disabled if the name of the emulator is not selected from the list;
- Run Emulator After Building APK - launch the emulator after successfully building the APK file. Disabled if no APK build is installed or no emulator name selected.

To perform these operations, you need to specify the ANDROID_SDK_ROOT environment variable, if it is not specified in the OS, then the "Android SDK Path" setting is read and set as the environment variable os.environ ['ANDROID_SDK_ROOT'] to perform operations.
If no value is specified, then the user receives a corresponding message to the console. If the specified value is incorrect, then the user will receive messages from the corresponding programs.
2020-10-22 19:19:03 +03:00

16 lines
268 B

redraw_ui = False
target = 'krom'
last_target = 'krom'
export_gapi = ''
last_resx = 0
last_resy = 0
last_scene = ''
last_world_defs = ''
proc_play = None
proc_build = None
proc_publish_build = None
mod_scripts = []
is_export = False
is_play = False
is_publish = False