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package armory.trait.internal;
import iron.Trait;
#if arm_ui
import zui.Zui;
import armory.ui.Canvas;
class CanvasScript extends Trait {
public var cnvName: String;
#if arm_ui
var cui: Zui;
var canvas: TCanvas = null;
public var ready(get, null): Bool;
function get_ready(): Bool { return canvas != null; }
* Create new CanvasScript from canvas
* @param canvasName Name of the canvas
* @param font font file (Optional)
public function new(canvasName: String, font: String = "font_default.ttf") {
cnvName = canvasName; + ".json", function(blob: kha.Blob) {"_themes.json", function(tBlob: kha.Blob) {
if (@:privateAccess tBlob.get_length() != 0) {
Canvas.themes = haxe.Json.parse(tBlob.toString());
else {
trace("\"_themes.json\" is empty! Using default theme instead.");
if (Canvas.themes.length == 0) {
}, function(defaultFont: kha.Font) {
var c: TCanvas = haxe.Json.parse(blob.toString());
if (c.theme == null) c.theme = Canvas.themes[0].NAME;
cui = new Zui({font: defaultFont, theme: Canvas.getTheme(c.theme)});
if (c.assets == null || c.assets.length == 0) canvas = c;
else { // Load canvas assets
var loaded = 0;
for (asset in c.assets) {
var file =;
if (Canvas.isFontAsset(file)) {, function(f: kha.Font) {
Canvas.assetMap.set(, f);
if (++loaded >= c.assets.length) canvas = c;
} else {, function(image: kha.Image) {
Canvas.assetMap.set(, image);
if (++loaded >= c.assets.length) canvas = c;
notifyOnRender2D(function(g: kha.graphics2.Graphics) {
if (canvas == null) return;
setCanvasDimensions(kha.System.windowWidth(), kha.System.windowHeight());
var events = Canvas.draw(cui, canvas, g);
for (e in events) {
var all = armory.system.Event.get(e);
if (all != null) for (entry in all) entry.onEvent();
if (onReady != null) { onReady(); onReady = null; }
var onReady: Void->Void = null;
public function notifyOnReady(f: Void->Void) {
onReady = f;
* Returns an element of the canvas.
* @param name The name of the element
* @return TElement
public function getElement(name: String): TElement {
for (e in canvas.elements) if ( == name) return e;
return null;
* Returns an array of the elements of the canvas.
* @return Array<TElement>
public function getElements(): Array<TElement> {
return canvas.elements;
* Returns the canvas object of this trait.
* @return TCanvas
public function getCanvas(): Null<TCanvas> {
return canvas;
Set the UI scale factor.
public inline function setUiScale(factor: Float) {
Get the UI scale factor.
public inline function getUiScale(): Float {
return cui.ops.scaleFactor;
* Set visibility of canvas
* @param visible Whether canvas should be visible or not
public function setCanvasVisibility(visible: Bool){
for (e in canvas.elements) e.visible = visible;
* Set dimensions of canvas
* @param x Width
* @param y Height
public function setCanvasDimensions(x: Int, y: Int){
canvas.width = x;
canvas.height = y;
* Set font size of the canvas
* @param fontSize Size of font to be setted
public function setCanvasFontSize(fontSize: Int) {
cui.t.FONT_SIZE = fontSize;
public function getCanvasFontSize(): Int {
return cui.t.FONT_SIZE;
// Contains data
public function getHandle(name: String): Handle {
// Consider this a temporary solution
return Canvas.h.children[getElement(name).id];
public function new(canvasName: String) { super(); cnvName = canvasName; }