2018-07-24 21:28:03 +02:00

380 lines
11 KiB

package armory.trait.physics.bullet;
#if arm_bullet
import haxebullet.Bullet;
import iron.math.Vec4;
import iron.object.Transform;
import iron.object.MeshObject;
class RigidBody extends iron.Trait {
var shape:Shape;
var _motionState:BtMotionStatePointer;
var _shape:BtCollisionShapePointer;
var _shapeConvex:BtConvexHullShapePointer;
var isConvex = false;
public var physics:PhysicsWorld;
public var transform:Transform = null;
public var mass:Float;
public var friction:Float;
public var restitution:Float;
public var collisionMargin:Float;
public var linearDamping:Float;
public var angularDamping:Float;
public var animated:Bool;
var linearFactors:Array<Float>;
var angularFactors:Array<Float>;
var deactivationParams:Array<Float>;
public var group = 1;
public var trigger = false;
var bodyScaleX:Float; // Transform scale at creation time
var bodyScaleY:Float;
var bodyScaleZ:Float;
var currentScaleX:Float;
var currentScaleY:Float;
var currentScaleZ:Float;
public var body:BtRigidBodyPointer = null;
public var ready = false;
static var nextId = 0;
public var id = 0;
public var onReady:Void->Void = null;
public function new(mass = 1.0, shape = Shape.Box, friction = 0.5, restitution = 0.0, collisionMargin = 0.0,
linearDamping = 0.04, angularDamping = 0.1, animated = false,
linearFactors:Array<Float> = null, angularFactors:Array<Float> = null,
group = 1, trigger = false, deactivationParams:Array<Float> = null) {
this.mass = mass;
this.shape = shape;
this.friction = friction;
this.restitution = restitution;
this.collisionMargin = collisionMargin;
this.linearDamping = linearDamping;
this.angularDamping = angularDamping;
this.animated = animated;
this.linearFactors = linearFactors;
this.angularFactors = angularFactors; = group;
this.trigger = trigger;
this.deactivationParams = deactivationParams;
inline function withMargin(f:Float) {
return f - f * collisionMargin;
public function notifyOnReady(f:Void->Void) {
onReady = f;
if (ready) onReady();
public function init() {
if (ready) return;
ready = true;
if (!, MeshObject)) return; // No mesh data
transform = object.transform;
physics =;
_shape = null;
_shapeConvex = null;
isConvex = false;
if (shape == Shape.Box) {
_shape = BtBoxShape.create(BtVector3.create(
withMargin(transform.dim.x / 2),
withMargin(transform.dim.y / 2),
withMargin(transform.dim.z / 2)));
else if (shape == Shape.Sphere) {
_shape = BtSphereShape.create(withMargin(transform.dim.x / 2));
else if (shape == Shape.ConvexHull || (shape == Shape.Mesh && mass > 0)) {
_shapeConvex = BtConvexHullShape.create();
isConvex = true;
addPointsToConvexHull(_shapeConvex, transform.scale, collisionMargin);
else if (shape == Shape.Cone) {
_shape = BtConeShapeZ.create(
withMargin(transform.dim.x / 2), // Radius
withMargin(transform.dim.z)); // Height
else if (shape == Shape.Cylinder) {
_shape = BtCylinderShapeZ.create(BtVector3.create(
withMargin(transform.dim.x / 2),
withMargin(transform.dim.y / 2),
withMargin(transform.dim.z / 2)));
else if (shape == Shape.Capsule) {
var r = transform.dim.x / 2;
_shape = BtCapsuleShapeZ.create(
withMargin(r), // Radius
withMargin(transform.dim.z - r * 2)); // Height between 2 sphere centers
else if (shape == Shape.Mesh || shape == Shape.Terrain) { // Static
var meshInterface = BtTriangleMesh.create(true, true);
fillTriangleMesh(meshInterface, transform.scale);
_shape = BtBvhTriangleMeshShape.create(meshInterface, true, true);
//else if (shape == Shape.Terrain) {
// var data:Array<Dynamic> = [];
// _shape = BtHeightfieldTerrainShape.create(3, 3, data, 1, -10, 10, 2, 0, true);
var _transform = BtTransform.create();
_transform.setOrigin(BtVector3.create(transform.worldx(), transform.worldy(), transform.worldz()));
var rot =;
_transform.setRotation(BtQuaternion.create(rot.x, rot.y, rot.z, rot.w));
var _centerOfMassOffset = BtTransform.create();
_motionState = BtDefaultMotionState.create(_transform, _centerOfMassOffset);
var _inertia = BtVector3.create(0, 0, 0);
if (!isConvex) {
if (mass > 0) _shape.calculateLocalInertia(mass, _inertia);
var _bodyCI = BtRigidBodyConstructionInfo.create(mass, _motionState, _shape, _inertia);
body = BtRigidBody.create(_bodyCI);
else {
if (mass > 0) _shapeConvex.calculateLocalInertia(mass, _inertia);
var _bodyCI = BtRigidBodyConstructionInfo.create(mass, _motionState, _shapeConvex, _inertia);
body = BtRigidBody.create(_bodyCI);
if (deactivationParams != null) {
setDeactivationParams(deactivationParams[0], deactivationParams[1], deactivationParams[2]);
else {
if (linearDamping != 0.04 || angularDamping != 0.1) {
body.setDamping(linearDamping, angularDamping);
if (linearFactors != null) {
setLinearFactor(linearFactors[0], linearFactors[1], linearFactors[2]);
if (angularFactors != null) {
setAngularFactor(angularFactors[0], angularFactors[1], angularFactors[2]);
if (trigger) body.setCollisionFlags(body.getCollisionFlags() | BtCollisionObject.CF_NO_CONTACT_RESPONSE);
bodyScaleX = currentScaleX = transform.scale.x;
bodyScaleY = currentScaleY = transform.scale.y;
bodyScaleZ = currentScaleZ = transform.scale.z;
id = nextId;
#if js
untyped body.userIndex = id;
#elseif cpp
if (onReady != null) onReady();
function lateUpdate() {
if (!ready) return;
if (object.animation != null || animated) {
else {
var trans = body.getWorldTransform();
var p = trans.getOrigin();
var q = trans.getRotation();
transform.loc.set(p.x(), p.y(), p.z());
transform.rot.set(q.x(), q.y(), q.z(), q.w());
if (object.parent != null) {
var ptransform = object.parent.transform;
transform.loc.x -= ptransform.worldx();
transform.loc.y -= ptransform.worldy();
transform.loc.z -= ptransform.worldz();
public function removeFromWorld() {
if (physics != null) physics.removeRigidBody(this);
public function activate() {
public function disableGravity() {
body.setGravity(BtVector3.create(0, 0, 0));
public function enableGravity() {
public function setGravity(v:Vec4) {
body.setGravity(BtVector3.create(v.x, v.y, v.z));
public function setActivationState(newState:Int) {
public function setDeactivationParams(linearThreshold:Float, angularThreshold:Float, time:Float) {
body.setSleepingThresholds(linearThreshold, angularThreshold);
// body.setDeactivationTime(time); // not available in ammo
public function applyForce(force:Vec4, loc:Vec4 = null) {
if (loc == null) {
body.applyCentralForce(BtVector3.create(force.x, force.y, force.z));
else {
body.applyForce(BtVector3.create(force.x, force.y, force.z), BtVector3.create(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z));
public function applyImpulse(impulse:Vec4, loc:Vec4 = null) {
if (loc == null) {
body.applyCentralImpulse(BtVector3.create(impulse.x, impulse.y, impulse.z));
else {
body.applyImpulse(BtVector3.create(impulse.x, impulse.y, impulse.z),
BtVector3.create(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z));
public function setLinearFactor(x:Float, y:Float, z:Float) {
body.setLinearFactor(BtVector3.create(x, y, z));
public function setAngularFactor(x:Float, y:Float, z:Float) {
body.setAngularFactor(BtVector3.create(x, y, z));
public function getLinearVelocity():Vec4 {
var v = body.getLinearVelocity();
return new Vec4(v.x(), v.y(), v.z());
public function setLinearVelocity(x:Float, y:Float, z:Float) {
body.setLinearVelocity(BtVector3.create(x, y, z));
public function getAngularVelocity():Vec4 {
var v = body.getAngularVelocity();
return new Vec4(v.x(), v.y(), v.z());
public function setAngularVelocity(x:Float, y:Float, z:Float) {
body.setAngularVelocity(BtVector3.create(x, y, z));
public function setFriction(f:Float) {
this.friction = f;
public function syncTransform() {
var t = transform;
var trans = BtTransform.create();
trans.setOrigin(BtVector3.create(t.worldx(), t.worldy(), t.worldz()));
var rot =;
trans.setRotation(BtQuaternion.create(rot.x, rot.y, rot.z, rot.w));
// _motionState.getWorldTransform(trans);
// trans.setOrigin(BtVector3.create(t.loc.x, t.loc.y, t.loc.z));
// _motionState.setWorldTransform(trans);
if (currentScaleX != t.scale.x || currentScaleY != t.scale.y || currentScaleZ != t.scale.z) setScale(t.scale);
function setScale(v:Vec4) {
currentScaleX = v.x;
currentScaleY = v.y;
currentScaleZ = v.z;
if (isConvex) _shapeConvex.setLocalScaling(BtVector3.create(bodyScaleX * v.x, bodyScaleY * v.y, bodyScaleZ * v.z));
else _shape.setLocalScaling(BtVector3.create(bodyScaleX * v.x, bodyScaleY * v.y, bodyScaleZ * v.z));;
function addPointsToConvexHull(shape:BtConvexHullShapePointer, scale:Vec4, margin:Float) {
var positions = cast(object, MeshObject).data.geom.positions;
var sx = scale.x * (1.0 - margin);
var sy = scale.y * (1.0 - margin);
var sz = scale.z * (1.0 - margin);
for (i in / 3)) {
shape.addPoint(BtVector3.create(positions[i * 3] * sx, positions[i * 3 + 1] * sy, positions[i * 3 + 2] * sz), true);
function fillTriangleMesh(triangleMesh:BtTriangleMeshPointer, scale:Vec4) {
var positions = cast(object, MeshObject).data.geom.positions;
var indices = cast(object, MeshObject).data.geom.indices;
for (ar in indices) {
for (i in / 3)) {
BtVector3.create(positions[ar[i * 3 + 0] * 3 + 0] * scale.x,
positions[ar[i * 3 + 0] * 3 + 1] * scale.y,
positions[ar[i * 3 + 0] * 3 + 2] * scale.z),
BtVector3.create(positions[ar[i * 3 + 1] * 3 + 0] * scale.x,
positions[ar[i * 3 + 1] * 3 + 1] * scale.y,
positions[ar[i * 3 + 1] * 3 + 2] * scale.z),
BtVector3.create(positions[ar[i * 3 + 2] * 3 + 0] * scale.x,
positions[ar[i * 3 + 2] * 3 + 1] * scale.y,
positions[ar[i * 3 + 2] * 3 + 2] * scale.z)
@:enum abstract Shape(Int) from Int to Int {
var Box = 0;
var Sphere = 1;
var ConvexHull = 2;
var Mesh = 3;
var Cone = 4;
var Cylinder = 5;
var Capsule = 6;
var Terrain = 7;
@:enum abstract ActivationState(Int) from Int to Int {
var Active = 1;
var NoDeactivation = 4;
var NoSimulation = 5;