2018-02-27 20:27:27 +01:00

205 lines
8.9 KiB
Executable file

// References
const float MAX_DISTANCE = 1.73205080757 * voxelgiRange;
const float VOXEL_SIZE = (2.0 / voxelgiResolution.x) * voxelgiStep;
const float blendFac = (1.0 / max(voxelgiOcc, 0.1));
// uniform sampler3D voxels;
// uniform sampler3D voxelsLast;
vec3 orthogonal(const vec3 u) {
// Pass normalized u
const vec3 v = vec3(0.99146, 0.11664, 0.05832); // Pick any normalized vector
return abs(dot(u, v)) > 0.99999 ? cross(u, vec3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0)) : cross(u, v);
vec3 tangent(const vec3 n) {
vec3 t1 = cross(n, vec3(0, 0, 1));
vec3 t2 = cross(n, vec3(0, 1, 0));
if (length(t1) > length(t2)) return normalize(t1);
else return normalize(t2);
// uvec3 faceIndices(const vec3 dir) {
// uvec3 ret;
// ret.x = (dir.x < 0.0) ? 0 : 1;
// ret.y = (dir.y < 0.0) ? 2 : 3;
// ret.z = (dir.z < 0.0) ? 4 : 5;
// return ret;
// }
// vec4 sampleVoxel(const vec3 pos, vec3 dir, const uvec3 indices, const float lod) {
// dir = abs(dir);
// return dir.x * textureLod(voxels[indices.x], pos, lod) +
// dir.y * textureLod(voxels[indices.y], pos, lod) +
// dir.z * textureLod(voxels[indices.z], pos, lod);
// }
vec4 traceCone(sampler3D voxels, const vec3 origin, vec3 dir, const float aperture, const float maxDist, const float offset) {
dir = normalize(dir);
// uvec3 indices = faceIndices(dir);
vec4 sampleCol = vec4(0.0);
float dist = offset;
float diam = dist * aperture;
vec3 samplePos;
// Step until alpha > 1 or out of bounds
while (sampleCol.a < 1.0 && dist < maxDist) {
samplePos = dir * dist + origin;
// Choose mip level based on the diameter of the cone
float mip = max(log2(diam * voxelgiResolution.x), 0);
// vec4 mipSample = sampleVoxel(samplePos, dir, indices, mip);
vec4 mipSample = textureLod(voxels, samplePos * 0.5 + 0.5, mip);
#ifdef _VoxelGIEmission
mipSample.rgb = min(mipSample.rgb * 0.9, vec3(0.9)) + max((mipSample.rgb - 0.9) * 200.0, 0.0); // Higher range to allow emission
// Blend mip sample with current sample color
sampleCol += (1 - sampleCol.a) * mipSample;
dist += max(diam / 2, VOXEL_SIZE); // Step size
diam = dist * aperture;
return sampleCol;
vec4 traceDiffuse(const vec3 origin, const vec3 normal, sampler3D voxels) {
const float TAN_22_5 = 0.55785173935;
const float angleMix = 0.5f;
const float aperture = TAN_22_5;
vec3 o1 = normalize(tangent(normal));
vec3 o2 = normalize(cross(o1, normal));
vec3 c1 = 0.5f * (o1 + o2);
vec3 c2 = 0.5f * (o1 - o2);
const float offset = 1.5 * VOXEL_SIZE * voxelgiOffsetDiff;
#ifdef _VoxelCones1
return traceCone(voxels, origin, normal, aperture, MAX_DISTANCE, offset);
#ifdef _VoxelCones3
vec4 col = traceCone(voxels, origin, normal, aperture, MAX_DISTANCE, offset);
col += traceCone(voxels, origin, mix(normal, -o1, angleMix), aperture, MAX_DISTANCE, offset);
col += traceCone(voxels, origin, mix(normal, c2, angleMix), aperture, MAX_DISTANCE, offset);
return col / (3.0 * blendFac);
#ifdef _VoxelCones5
vec4 col = traceCone(voxels, origin, normal, aperture, MAX_DISTANCE, offset);
col += traceCone(voxels, origin, mix(normal, -o1, angleMix), aperture, MAX_DISTANCE, offset);
col += traceCone(voxels, origin, mix(normal, -o2, angleMix), aperture, MAX_DISTANCE, offset);
col += traceCone(voxels, origin, mix(normal, c1, angleMix), aperture, MAX_DISTANCE, offset);
col += traceCone(voxels, origin, mix(normal, c2, angleMix), aperture, MAX_DISTANCE, offset);
return col / (5.0 * blendFac);
#ifdef _VoxelCones9
// Normal direction
vec4 col = traceCone(voxels, origin, normal, aperture, MAX_DISTANCE, offset);
// 4 side cones
col += traceCone(voxels, origin, mix(normal, o1, angleMix), aperture, MAX_DISTANCE, offset);
col += traceCone(voxels, origin, mix(normal, -o1, angleMix), aperture, MAX_DISTANCE, offset);
col += traceCone(voxels, origin, mix(normal, o2, angleMix), aperture, MAX_DISTANCE, offset);
col += traceCone(voxels, origin, mix(normal, -o2, angleMix), aperture, MAX_DISTANCE, offset);
// 4 corners
col += traceCone(voxels, origin, mix(normal, c1, angleMix), aperture, MAX_DISTANCE, offset);
col += traceCone(voxels, origin, mix(normal, -c1, angleMix), aperture, MAX_DISTANCE, offset);
col += traceCone(voxels, origin, mix(normal, c2, angleMix), aperture, MAX_DISTANCE, offset);
col += traceCone(voxels, origin, mix(normal, -c2, angleMix), aperture, MAX_DISTANCE, offset);
return col / (9.0 * blendFac);
return vec4(0.0);
float traceShadow(sampler3D voxels, const vec3 origin, const vec3 dir, const float aperture, const float targetDistance) {
const float offset = 2 * VOXEL_SIZE * voxelgiOffsetShadow;
return traceCone(voxels, origin, dir, aperture, targetDistance, offset).a;
vec3 traceSpecular(sampler3D voxels, const vec3 pos, const vec3 normal, const vec3 viewDir, const float roughness) {
float rough = max(roughness, 0.15);
float specularAperture = clamp(tan((3.14159265 / 2) * rough * 0.75), 0.0174533, 3.14159265);
vec3 specularDir = normalize(reflect(-viewDir, normal));
// Clamp to 1 grad and pi, exponent is angle of cone in radians
const float offset = 3 * VOXEL_SIZE * voxelgiOffsetSpec;
return traceCone(voxels, pos, specularDir, specularAperture, MAX_DISTANCE, offset).xyz;
vec3 traceRefraction(sampler3D voxels, const vec3 pos, const vec3 normal, const vec3 viewDir, const float roughness) {
const float ior = 1.440;
const float transmittance = 1.0;
vec3 refraction = refract(viewDir, normal, 1.0 / ior);
float rough = max(roughness, 0.03);
float specularAperture = clamp(tan((3.14159265 / 2) * rough), 0.0174533, 3.14159265);
const float offset = 1.5 * VOXEL_SIZE * voxelgiOffsetRefract;
return transmittance * traceCone(voxels, pos, refraction, specularAperture, MAX_DISTANCE, offset).xyz;
float traceConeAO(sampler3D voxels, const vec3 origin, vec3 dir, const float aperture, const float maxDist, const float offset) {
dir = normalize(dir);
float sampleCol = 0.0;
float dist = offset;
float diam = dist * aperture;
vec3 samplePos;
while (sampleCol < 1.0 && dist < maxDist) {
samplePos = dir * dist + origin;
float mip = max(log2(diam * voxelgiResolution.x), 0);
float mipSample = textureLod(voxels, samplePos * 0.5 + vec3(0.5), mip).r;
sampleCol += (1 - sampleCol) * mipSample;
dist += max(diam / 2, VOXEL_SIZE);
diam = dist * aperture;
return sampleCol;
float traceAO(const vec3 origin, const vec3 normal, sampler3D voxels) {
const float TAN_22_5 = 0.55785173935;
const float angleMix = 0.5f;
const float aperture = TAN_22_5;
vec3 o1 = normalize(tangent(normal));
vec3 o2 = normalize(cross(o1, normal));
vec3 c1 = 0.5f * (o1 + o2);
vec3 c2 = 0.5f * (o1 - o2);
const float offset = 1.5 * VOXEL_SIZE * voxelgiOffsetDiff;
#ifdef _VoxelCones1
return traceConeAO(voxels, origin, normal, aperture, MAX_DISTANCE, offset);
#ifdef _VoxelCones3
float col = traceConeAO(voxels, origin, normal, aperture, MAX_DISTANCE, offset);
col += traceConeAO(voxels, origin, mix(normal, o1, angleMix), aperture, MAX_DISTANCE, offset);
col += traceConeAO(voxels, origin, mix(normal, -c2, angleMix), aperture, MAX_DISTANCE, offset);
return col / (3.0 * blendFac);
#ifdef _VoxelCones5
float col = traceConeAO(voxels, origin, normal, aperture, MAX_DISTANCE, offset);
col += traceConeAO(voxels, origin, mix(normal, o1, angleMix), aperture, MAX_DISTANCE, offset);
col += traceConeAO(voxels, origin, mix(normal, o2, angleMix), aperture, MAX_DISTANCE, offset);
col += traceConeAO(voxels, origin, mix(normal, -c1, angleMix), aperture, MAX_DISTANCE, offset);
col += traceConeAO(voxels, origin, mix(normal, -c2, angleMix), aperture, MAX_DISTANCE, offset);
return col / (5.0 * blendFac);
#ifdef _VoxelCones9
float col = traceConeAO(voxels, origin, normal, aperture, MAX_DISTANCE, offset);
col += traceConeAO(voxels, origin, mix(normal, o1, angleMix), aperture, MAX_DISTANCE, offset);
col += traceConeAO(voxels, origin, mix(normal, o2, angleMix), aperture, MAX_DISTANCE, offset);
col += traceConeAO(voxels, origin, mix(normal, -c1, angleMix), aperture, MAX_DISTANCE, offset);
col += traceConeAO(voxels, origin, mix(normal, -c2, angleMix), aperture, MAX_DISTANCE, offset);
col += traceConeAO(voxels, origin, mix(normal, -o1, angleMix), aperture, MAX_DISTANCE, offset);
col += traceConeAO(voxels, origin, mix(normal, -o2, angleMix), aperture, MAX_DISTANCE, offset);
col += traceConeAO(voxels, origin, mix(normal, c1, angleMix), aperture, MAX_DISTANCE, offset);
col += traceConeAO(voxels, origin, mix(normal, c2, angleMix), aperture, MAX_DISTANCE, offset);
return col / (9.0 * blendFac);
return 0.0;