
56 lines
1.9 KiB

from enum import Enum
from typing import Dict, Tuple, Union
import bpy
from arm.material.shader import Shader, vec3str, floatstr
class ParserContext(Enum):
"""Describes which kind of node tree is parsed."""
# Texture node trees are not supported yet
class ParserState:
"""Dataclass to keep track of the current state while parsing a
shader tree. The parser context defines which kind of tree on which
Blender data (object or world) is parsed."""
def __init__(self, context: ParserContext, context_data: Union[bpy.types.Object, bpy.types.World]):
self.context = context
self.context_data = context_data
# Active shader - frag for surface / tese for displacement
self.curshader: Shader = None
# Cache for computing nodes only once
self.parsed_nodes: Dict[str, bpy.types.Node] = {}
# What to parse from the node tree
self.parse_surface = True
self.parse_opacity = True
self.parse_displacement = True
# TODO: document those attributes
self.sample_bump = False
self.sample_bump_res = ''
# TODO: document those attributes
self.particle_info: Dict[str, bool] = {}
# Shader output values
self.out_basecol: vec3str = 'vec3(0.8)'
self.out_roughness: floatstr = '0.0'
self.out_metallic: floatstr = '0.0'
self.out_occlusion: floatstr = '1.0'
self.out_specular: floatstr = '1.0'
self.out_opacity: floatstr = '1.0'
self.out_emission: floatstr = '0.0'
def get_outs(self) -> Tuple[vec3str, floatstr, floatstr, floatstr, floatstr, floatstr, floatstr]:
"""Return the shader output values as a tuple."""
return (self.out_basecol, self.out_roughness, self.out_metallic, self.out_occlusion, self.out_specular,
self.out_opacity, self.out_emission)