E1e5en d084a8297e Windows Settings – Publish and action after
Windows Settings:
Visual Studio Version - select the studio version for which the project will be exported. Options: 2010, 2012, 2013, 2015, 2017, 2019. Default: 2019.
Update - checks the installed versions of Visual Studio on the PC and adds (installed) to the version in the list if available (for information). Example:
Action After Publishing - select an action after a successful publication. Options:
Nothing - do nothing. Default value;
Open In Visual Studio - open the project in the corresponding studio version;
Compile - compilation of the project;
Compile and Run - compile and run the project. Then the executable file will be copied to the windows-hl folder (where the resources are located).
Mode - compilation mode. Options: Debug, Release. Default: Debug.
Architecture - the architecture for which the application will be built. Options: x86, x64. Default: version of the user’s PC architecture.
Compile Log Parameter - setting the output of messages during compilation:
Summary - show the error and warning summary at the end. Default value;
No Summary - don \ 't show the error and warning summary at the end;
Warnings and Errors Only - show only warnings and errors;
Warnings Only - show only warnings;
Errors Only - show only errors.
More details can be found here - MSBuild command-line reference (I took only part of the settings).
Count CPU - specifies the maximum number of concurrent processes to use when building. More details can be found here - MSBuild command-line reference. The default is 1. Maximum value: the number of CPUs in the system (function multiprocessing.cpu_count()).
Open Build Directory - open the folder with the application after a successful build. If the Compile and Run option is selected, then the executable file will be copied to the windows-hl folder (where the resources are located) and this folder will open. Otherwise, the folder where the given Visual Studio file is going will open.
The user will also receive a message if the studio version selected for export and for opening in the studio or compilation is not on the PC. And a list of installed ones will be issued. Example:

Visual Studio 2017 (version 15) not found.
The following are installed on the PC:
- Visual Studio Community 2019 (version 16.8.30711.63)
To obtain information about the installed versions of Visual Studio, use the vswhere.exe utility (open source) included in Kha (located in the …\ArmorySDK\Kha\Kinc\Tools\kincmake\Data\windows).
2020-11-24 20:41:50 +03:00
arm Windows Settings – Publish and action after 2020-11-24 20:41:50 +03:00
data Cleanup 2018-11-19 14:28:04 +01:00 Begin refactoring 2015-10-30 13:23:09 +01:00 Add ShaderData node 2020-08-19 17:20:41 +02:00