2021-08-09 16:51:26 +02:00

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package armory.renderpath;
import kha.FastFloat;
import kha.arrays.Float32Array;
import kha.graphics4.TextureFormat;
import kha.graphics4.Usage;
import iron.math.Vec2;
import iron.math.Vec3;
import armory.math.Helper;
Utility class to control the Nishita sky model.
class Nishita {
public static var data: NishitaData = null;
Recomputes the nishita lookup table after the density settings changed.
Do not call this method on every frame (it's slow)!
public static function recompute(world: WorldData) {
if (world == null || world.raw.nishita_density == null) return;
if (data == null) data = new NishitaData();
var density = world.raw.nishita_density;
data.computeLUT(new Vec3(density[0], density[1], density[2]));
/** Sets the sky's density parameters and calls `recompute()` afterwards. **/
public static function setDensity(world: WorldData, densityAir: FastFloat, densityDust: FastFloat, densityOzone: FastFloat) {
if (world == null) return;
if (world.raw.nishita_density == null) world.raw.nishita_density = new Float32Array(3);
var density = world.raw.nishita_density;
density[0] = Helper.clamp(densityAir, 0, 10);
density[1] = Helper.clamp(densityDust, 0, 10);
density[2] = Helper.clamp(densityOzone, 0, 10);
This class holds the precalculated result of the inner scattering integral
of the Nishita sky model. The outer integral is calculated in
@see `armory.renderpath.Nishita`
class NishitaData {
public var lut: kha.Image;
The amount of individual sample heights stored in the LUT (and the width
of the LUT image).
public static var lutHeightSteps = 128;
The amount of individual sun angle steps stored in the LUT (and the
height of the LUT image).
public static var lutAngleSteps = 128;
Amount of steps for calculating the inner scattering integral. Heigher
values are more precise but take longer to compute.
public static var jSteps = 8;
/** Radius of the atmosphere in meters. **/
public static var radiusAtmo = 6420000;
Radius of the planet in meters. The default value is the earth radius as
defined in Cycles.
public static var radiusPlanet = 6360000;
/** Rayleigh scattering coefficient. **/
public static var rayleighCoeff = new Vec3(5.5e-6, 13.0e-6, 22.4e-6);
/** Rayleigh scattering scale parameter. **/
public static var rayleighScale = 8e3;
/** Mie scattering coefficient. **/
public static var mieCoeff = 2e-5;
/** Mie scattering scale parameter. **/
public static var mieScale = 1.2e3;
/** Ozone scattering coefficient. **/
// The ozone absorption coefficients are taken from Cycles code.
// Because Cycles calculates 21 wavelengths, we use the coefficients
// which are closest to the RGB wavelengths (645nm, 510nm, 440nm).
// Precalculating values by simulating Blender's spec_to_xyz() function
// to include all 21 wavelengths gave unrealistic results.
public static var ozoneCoeff = new Vec3(1.59051840791988e-6, 0.00000096707041180970, 0.00000007309568762914);
public function new() {}
/** Approximates the density of ozone for a given sample height. **/
function getOzoneDensity(height: FastFloat): FastFloat {
// Values are taken from Cycles code
if (height < 10000.0 || height >= 40000.0) {
return 0.0;
if (height < 25000.0) {
return (height - 10000.0) / 15000.0;
return -((height - 40000.0) / 15000.0);
Ray-sphere intersection test that assumes the sphere is centered at the
origin. There is no intersection when result.x > result.y. Otherwise
this function returns the distances to the two intersection points,
which might be equal.
function raySphereIntersection(rayOrigin: Vec3, rayDirection: Vec3, sphereRadius: Int): Vec2 {
// Algorithm is described here:
var a =;
var b = 2.0 *;
var c = - (sphereRadius * sphereRadius);
var d = (b * b) - 4.0 * a * c;
// Ray does not intersect the sphere
if (d < 0.0) return new Vec2(1e5, -1e5);
return new Vec2(
(-b - Math.sqrt(d)) / (2.0 * a),
(-b + Math.sqrt(d)) / (2.0 * a)
Computes the LUT texture for the given density values.
@param density 3D vector of air density, dust density, ozone density
public function computeLUT(density: Vec3) {
var imageData = new * lutAngleSteps * 4);
for (x in 0...lutHeightSteps) {
var height = (x / (lutHeightSteps - 1));
// Use quadratic height for better horizon precision
height *= height;
height *= radiusAtmo; // Denormalize
for (y in 0...lutAngleSteps) {
var sunTheta = y / (lutAngleSteps - 1) * 2 - 1;
// Improve horizon precision
// See (5.3)
sunTheta = Helper.sign(sunTheta) * sunTheta * sunTheta;
sunTheta = sunTheta * Math.PI / 2 + Math.PI / 2; // Denormalize
var jODepth = sampleSecondaryRay(height, sunTheta, density);
var pixelIndex = (x + y * lutHeightSteps) * 4;
imageData[pixelIndex + 0] = jODepth.x;
imageData[pixelIndex + 1] = jODepth.y;
imageData[pixelIndex + 2] = jODepth.z;
imageData[pixelIndex + 3] = 1.0; // Unused
lut = kha.Image.fromBytes(imageData.view.buffer, lutHeightSteps, lutAngleSteps, TextureFormat.RGBA128, Usage.StaticUsage);
Calculates the integral for the secondary ray.
public function sampleSecondaryRay(height: FastFloat, sunTheta: FastFloat, density: Vec3): Vec3 {
// Reconstruct values from the shader
var iPos = new Vec3(0, 0, height + radiusPlanet);
var pSun = new Vec3(0.0, Math.sin(sunTheta), Math.cos(sunTheta)).normalize();
var jTime: FastFloat = 0.0;
var jStepSize: FastFloat = raySphereIntersection(iPos, pSun, radiusAtmo).y / jSteps;
// Optical depth accumulators for the secondary ray (Rayleigh, Mie, ozone)
var jODepth = new Vec3();
for (i in 0...jSteps) {
// Calculate the secondary ray sample position and height
var jPos = iPos.clone().add(pSun.clone().mult(jTime + jStepSize * 0.5));
var jHeight = jPos.length() - radiusPlanet;
// Accumulate optical depth
var optDepthRayleigh = Math.exp(-jHeight / rayleighScale) * density.x;
var optDepthMie = Math.exp(-jHeight / mieScale) * density.y;
var optDepthOzone = getOzoneDensity(jHeight) * density.z;
jODepth.addf(optDepthRayleigh, optDepthMie, optDepthOzone);
jTime += jStepSize;
// Precalculate a part of the secondary attenuation.
// For one variable (e.g. x) in the vector, the formula is as follows:
// attn.x = exp(-(coeffX * (firstOpticalDepth.x + secondOpticalDepth.x)))
// We can split that up via:
// attn.x = exp(-(coeffX * firstOpticalDepth.x + coeffX * secondOpticalDepth.x))
// = exp(-(coeffX * firstOpticalDepth.x)) * exp(-(coeffX * secondOpticalDepth.x))
// The first factor of the resulting multiplication is calculated in the
// shader, but we can already precalculate the second one. As a side
// effect this keeps the range of the LUT values small because we don't
// store the optical depth but the attenuation.
var jAttenuation = new Vec3();
var mie = mieCoeff * jODepth.y;
jAttenuation.addf(mie, mie, mie);
return jAttenuation;