
29 lines
888 B

from arm.logicnode.arm_nodes import *
class PickObjectNode(ArmLogicTreeNode):
"""Picks the rigid body in the given location using the screen
coordinates (2D).
@seeNode Mask
@input Screen Coords: the location at which to pick, in screen
@input Mask: a bit mask value to specify which
objects are considered
@output RB: the object that was hit
@output Hit: the hit position in world coordinates
bl_idname = 'LNPickObjectNode'
bl_label = 'Pick RB'
arm_section = 'ray'
arm_version = 1
def init(self, context):
super(PickObjectNode, self).init(context)
self.add_input('NodeSocketVector', 'Screen Coords')
self.add_input('NodeSocketInt', 'Mask', default_value=1)
self.add_output('ArmNodeSocketObject', 'RB')
self.add_output('NodeSocketVector', 'Hit')