Moritz Brückner f64419dd06 Merge branch 'master' into blender2.9
# Conflicts:
#	blender/arm/material/
#	blender/arm/
#	blender/arm/
2021-04-03 14:12:54 +02:00

402 lines
11 KiB

package armory.trait.physics.bullet;
#if arm_bullet
import iron.Trait;
import iron.system.Time;
import iron.math.Vec4;
import iron.math.RayCaster;
class Hit {
public var rb: RigidBody;
public var pos: Vec4;
public var normal: Vec4;
public function new(rb: RigidBody, pos: Vec4, normal: Vec4){
this.rb = rb;
this.pos = pos;
this.normal = normal;
class ContactPair {
public var a: Int;
public var b: Int;
public var posA: Vec4;
public var posB: Vec4;
public var normOnB: Vec4;
public var impulse: Float;
public var distance: Float;
public function new(a: Int, b: Int) {
this.a = a;
this.b = b;
class PhysicsWorld extends Trait {
public static var active: PhysicsWorld = null;
static var sceneRemoved = false;
#if arm_physics_soft
public var world: bullet.Bt.SoftRigidDynamicsWorld;
public var world: bullet.Bt.DiscreteDynamicsWorld;
var dispatcher: bullet.Bt.CollisionDispatcher;
var gimpactRegistered = false;
var contacts: Array<ContactPair>;
var preUpdates: Array<Void->Void> = null;
public var rbMap: Map<Int, RigidBody>;
public var conMap: Map<Int, PhysicsConstraint>;
public var timeScale = 1.0;
var maxSteps = 1;
public var solverIterations = 10;
public var hitPointWorld = new Vec4();
public var hitNormalWorld = new Vec4();
var pairCache: Bool = false;
static var nullvec = true;
static var vec1: bullet.Bt.Vector3 = null;
static var vec2: bullet.Bt.Vector3 = null;
#if arm_debug
public static var physTime = 0.0;
public function new(timeScale = 1.0, maxSteps = 10, solverIterations = 10) {
if (nullvec) {
nullvec = false;
vec1 = new bullet.Bt.Vector3(0, 0, 0);
vec2 = new bullet.Bt.Vector3(0, 0, 0);
// Scene spawn
if (active != null && !sceneRemoved) return;
sceneRemoved = false;
this.timeScale = timeScale;
this.maxSteps = maxSteps;
this.solverIterations = solverIterations;
// First scene
if (active == null) {
else { // Scene switch
world =;
dispatcher = active.dispatcher;
gimpactRegistered = active.gimpactRegistered;
contacts = [];
rbMap = new Map();
conMap = new Map();
active = this;
// Ensure physics are updated first in the lateUpdate list
_lateUpdate = [lateUpdate];
@:privateAccess iron.App.traitLateUpdates.insert(0, lateUpdate); {
sceneRemoved = true;
public function reset() {
for (rb in active.rbMap) removeRigidBody(rb);
function createPhysics() {
var broadphase = new bullet.Bt.DbvtBroadphase();
#if arm_physics_soft
var collisionConfiguration = new bullet.Bt.SoftBodyRigidBodyCollisionConfiguration();
var collisionConfiguration = new bullet.Bt.DefaultCollisionConfiguration();
dispatcher = new bullet.Bt.CollisionDispatcher(collisionConfiguration);
var solver = new bullet.Bt.SequentialImpulseConstraintSolver();
var g =;
var gravity = g == null ? new Vec4(0, 0, -9.81) : new Vec4(g[0], g[1], g[2]);
#if arm_physics_soft
var softSolver = new bullet.Bt.DefaultSoftBodySolver();
world = new bullet.Bt.SoftRigidDynamicsWorld(dispatcher, broadphase, solver, collisionConfiguration, softSolver);
#if js
world.getWorldInfo().m_gravity = vec1;
world = new bullet.Bt.DiscreteDynamicsWorld(dispatcher, broadphase, solver, collisionConfiguration);
public function setGravity(v: Vec4) {
vec1.setValue(v.x, v.y, v.z);
public function getGravity(): Vec4{
var g = world.getGravity();
return (new Vec4(g.x(), g.y(), g.z()));
public function addRigidBody(body: RigidBody) {
#if js
world.addRigidBodyToGroup(body.body,, body.mask);
world.addRigidBody(body.body,, body.mask);
rbMap.set(, body);
public function addPhysicsConstraint(constraint: PhysicsConstraint) {
world.addConstraint(constraint.con, constraint.disableCollisions);
conMap.set(, constraint);
public function removeRigidBody(body: RigidBody) {
if (body.destroyed) return;
body.destroyed = true;
if (world != null) world.removeRigidBody(body.body);
public function removePhysicsConstraint(constraint: PhysicsConstraint) {
if(world != null) world.removeConstraint(constraint.con);
// public function addKinematicCharacterController(controller:KinematicCharacterController) {
// if (!pairCache){ // Only create PairCache if needed
// world.getPairCache().setInternalGhostPairCallback(BtGhostPairCallbackPointer.create());
// pairCache = true;
// }
// world.addAction(controller.character);
// world.addCollisionObjectToGroup(controller.body,,;
// }
// public function removeKinematicCharacterController(controller:KinematicCharacterController) {
// if (world != null) {
// world.removeCollisionObject(controller.body);
// world.removeAction(controller.character);
// }
// #if js
// bullet.Bt.Ammo.destroy(controller.body);
// #else
// var cbody = controller.body;
// untyped __cpp__("delete cbody");
// #end
// }
Used to get intersecting rigid bodies with the passed in RigidBody as reference. Often used when checking for object collisions.
@param body The passed in RigidBody to be checked for intersecting rigid bodies.
@return Array<RigidBody> or null.
public function getContacts(body: RigidBody): Array<RigidBody> {
if (contacts.length == 0) return null;
var res: Array<RigidBody> = [];
for (i in 0...contacts.length) {
var c = contacts[i];
var rb = null;
#if js
if (c.a == untyped body.body.userIndex) rb = rbMap.get(c.b);
else if (c.b == untyped body.body.userIndex) rb = rbMap.get(c.a);
var ob: bullet.Bt.CollisionObject = body.body;
if (c.a == ob.getUserIndex()) rb = rbMap.get(c.b);
else if (c.b == ob.getUserIndex()) rb = rbMap.get(c.a);
if (rb != null && res.indexOf(rb) == -1) res.push(rb);
return res;
public function getContactPairs(body: RigidBody): Array<ContactPair> {
if (contacts.length == 0) return null;
var res: Array<ContactPair> = [];
for (i in 0...contacts.length) {
var c = contacts[i];
#if js
if (c.a == untyped body.body.userIndex) res.push(c);
else if (c.b == untyped body.body.userIndex) res.push(c);
var ob: bullet.Bt.CollisionObject = body.body;
if (c.a == ob.getUserIndex()) res.push(c);
else if (c.b == ob.getUserIndex()) res.push(c);
return res;
public function findBody(id: Int): RigidBody{
var rb = rbMap.get(id);
return rb;
function lateUpdate() {
var t = * timeScale;
if (t == 0.0) return; // Simulation paused
#if arm_debug
var startTime = kha.Scheduler.realTime();
if (preUpdates != null) for (f in preUpdates) f();
//Bullet physics fixed timescale
var fixedTime = 1.0 / 60;
//This condition must be satisfied to not loose time
var currMaxSteps = t < (fixedTime * maxSteps) ? maxSteps : 1;
world.stepSimulation(t, currMaxSteps, fixedTime);
for (rb in rbMap) @:privateAccess rb.physicsUpdate();
#if arm_debug
physTime = kha.Scheduler.realTime() - startTime;
function updateContacts() {
var disp: bullet.Bt.Dispatcher = dispatcher;
var numManifolds = disp.getNumManifolds();
for (i in 0...numManifolds) {
var contactManifold = disp.getManifoldByIndexInternal(i);
#if js
var body0 = untyped bullet.Bt.Ammo.btRigidBody.prototype.upcast(contactManifold.getBody0());
var body1 = untyped bullet.Bt.Ammo.btRigidBody.prototype.upcast(contactManifold.getBody1());
var body0: bullet.Bt.CollisionObject = contactManifold.getBody0();
var body1: bullet.Bt.CollisionObject = contactManifold.getBody1();
var numContacts = contactManifold.getNumContacts();
var pt: bullet.Bt.ManifoldPoint = null;
var posA: bullet.Bt.Vector3 = null;
var posB: bullet.Bt.Vector3 = null;
var nor: bullet.Bt.Vector3 = null;
var cp: ContactPair = null;
for (j in 0...numContacts) {
pt = contactManifold.getContactPoint(j);
#if js
posA = pt.get_m_positionWorldOnA();
posB = pt.get_m_positionWorldOnB();
nor = pt.get_m_normalWorldOnB();
cp = new ContactPair(untyped body0.userIndex, untyped body1.userIndex);
posA = pt.m_positionWorldOnA;
posB = pt.m_positionWorldOnB;
nor = pt.m_normalWorldOnB;
cp = new ContactPair(body0.getUserIndex(), body1.getUserIndex());
cp.posA = new Vec4(posA.x(), posA.y(), posA.z());
cp.posB = new Vec4(posB.x(), posB.y(), posB.z());
cp.normOnB = new Vec4(nor.x(), nor.y(), nor.z());
cp.impulse = pt.getAppliedImpulse();
cp.distance = pt.getDistance();
public function pickClosest(inputX: Float, inputY: Float, group: Int = 0x00000001, mask = 0xFFFFFFFF): RigidBody {
var camera =;
var start = new Vec4();
var end = new Vec4();
RayCaster.getDirection(start, end, inputX, inputY, camera);
var hit = rayCast(, end, group, mask);
var rb = (hit != null) ? hit.rb : null;
return rb;
public function rayCast(from: Vec4, to: Vec4, group: Int = 0x00000001, mask = 0xFFFFFFFF): Hit {
var rayFrom = vec1;
var rayTo = vec2;
rayFrom.setValue(from.x, from.y, from.z);
rayTo.setValue(to.x, to.y, to.z);
var rayCallback = new bullet.Bt.ClosestRayResultCallback(rayFrom, rayTo);
#if js
#elseif (cpp || hl)
rayCallback.m_collisionFilterGroup = group;
rayCallback.m_collisionFilterMask = mask;
var worldDyn: bullet.Bt.DynamicsWorld = world;
var worldCol: bullet.Bt.CollisionWorld = worldDyn;
worldCol.rayTest(rayFrom, rayTo, rayCallback);
var rb: RigidBody = null;
var hitInfo: Hit = null;
var rc: bullet.Bt.RayResultCallback = rayCallback;
if (rc.hasHit()) {
#if js
var co = rayCallback.get_m_collisionObject();
var body = untyped bullet.Bt.Ammo.btRigidBody.prototype.upcast(co);
var hit = rayCallback.get_m_hitPointWorld();
hitPointWorld.set(hit.x(), hit.y(), hit.z());
var norm = rayCallback.get_m_hitNormalWorld();
hitNormalWorld.set(norm.x(), norm.y(), norm.z());
rb = rbMap.get(untyped body.userIndex);
hitInfo = new Hit(rb, hitPointWorld, hitNormalWorld);
#elseif (cpp || hl)
var hit = rayCallback.m_hitPointWorld;
hitPointWorld.set(hit.x(), hit.y(), hit.z());
var norm = rayCallback.m_hitNormalWorld;
hitNormalWorld.set(norm.x(), norm.y(), norm.z());
rb = rbMap.get(rayCallback.m_collisionObject.getUserIndex());
hitInfo = new Hit(rb, hitPointWorld, hitNormalWorld);
#if js
return hitInfo;
public function notifyOnPreUpdate(f: Void->Void) {
if (preUpdates == null) preUpdates = [];
public function removePreUpdate(f: Void->Void) {