2017-07-05 23:26:13 +02:00

317 lines
8 KiB

#version 450
#ifdef GL_ES
precision mediump float;
#include "../compiled.glsl"
#include "../std/brdf.glsl"
#include "../std/math.glsl"
// #ifdef _VoxelGI
// #include "../std/conetrace.glsl"
// #endif
#ifdef _PolyLight
#include "../std/ltc.glsl"
#ifndef _NoShadows
#ifdef _PCSS
#include "../std/shadows_pcss.glsl"
#include "../std/shadows.glsl"
#ifdef _DFRS
#include "../std/sdf.glsl"
#ifdef _SSS
#include "../std/sss.glsl"
#ifdef _SSRS
#include "../std/ssrs.glsl"
#include "../std/gbuffer.glsl"
// #ifdef _VoxelGI
//-!uniform sampler3D voxels;
// #endif
uniform sampler2D gbufferD;
uniform sampler2D gbuffer0;
uniform sampler2D gbuffer1;
// TODO: separate shaders
#ifndef _NoShadows
//!uniform sampler2D shadowMap;
//!uniform samplerCube shadowMapCube;
#ifdef _PCSS
//!uniform sampler2D snoise;
//!uniform float lampSizeUV;
#ifdef _DFRS
//!uniform sampler2D sdftex;
uniform mat4 invVP;
uniform mat4 LWVP;
uniform vec3 lightColor;
uniform vec3 lightDir;
uniform vec3 lightPos;
uniform vec2 lightPlane;
uniform int lightType;
uniform int lightShadow;
uniform float shadowsBias;
uniform vec2 spotlightData;
#ifdef _PolyLight
uniform vec3 lampArea0;
uniform vec3 lampArea1;
uniform vec3 lampArea2;
uniform vec3 lampArea3;
uniform sampler2D sltcMat;
uniform sampler2D sltcMag;
uniform vec3 eye;
#ifdef _SSRS
//!uniform mat4 VP;
#ifdef _LampColTex
uniform sampler2D texlampcolor;
in vec4 wvpposition;
out vec4 fragColor;
#ifndef _NoShadows
float shadowTest(const vec3 lPos) {
#ifdef _Clampstc
// Filtering out of bounds, remove
// const vec2 border = vec2(1.0 / shadowmapSize[0], 1.0 / shadowmapSize[1]) * 2.0;
// lPos.xy = clamp(lPos.xy, border[0], 1.0 - border[1]);
if (lPos.x < 0.0) return 1.0;
if (lPos.y < 0.0) return 1.0;
if (lPos.x > 1.0) return 1.0;
if (lPos.y > 1.0) return 1.0;
#ifdef _PCSS
return PCSS(lPos.xy, lPos.z - shadowsBias);
return PCF(lPos.xy, lPos.z - shadowsBias);
float shadowTestCube(const vec3 lp, const vec3 l) {
return PCFCube(lp, -l, shadowsBias, lightPlane);
void main() {
vec2 texCoord = wvpposition.xy / wvpposition.w;
texCoord = texCoord * 0.5 + 0.5;
#ifdef _InvY
texCoord.y = 1.0 - texCoord.y;
vec4 g0 = texture(gbuffer0, texCoord); // Normal.xy, metallic/roughness, occlusion
vec4 g1 = texture(gbuffer1, texCoord); // Basecolor.rgb,
// #ifdef _InvY // D3D
// float depth = texture(gbufferD, texCoord).r * 2.0 - 1.0; // 0 - 1 => -1 - 1
// #else
// TODO: store_depth
float depth = (1.0 - g0.a) * 2.0 - 1.0;
// #endif
vec3 n;
n.z = 1.0 - abs(g0.x) - abs(g0.y);
n.xy = n.z >= 0.0 ? g0.xy : octahedronWrap(g0.xy);
n = normalize(n);
vec3 p = getPos2(invVP, depth, texCoord);
vec2 metrough = unpackFloat(g0.b);
vec3 v = normalize(eye - p);
float dotNV = dot(n, v);
vec3 albedo = surfaceAlbedo(g1.rgb, metrough.x); // g1.rgb - basecolor
vec3 f0 = surfaceF0(g1.rgb, metrough.x);
vec3 lp = lightPos - p;
vec3 l = normalize(lp);
float visibility = 1.0;
#ifndef _NoShadows
// TODO: merge..
if (lightShadow == 1) {
vec4 lampPos = LWVP * vec4(p, 1.0);
if (lampPos.w > 0.0) visibility = shadowTest( / lampPos.w);
else if (lightShadow == 2) { // Cube
visibility = shadowTestCube(lp, l);
#ifdef _DFRS
const float distmax = 40.0;
const float eps = 0.02;
const int maxSteps = 30;
float dist = 0.1;
// float test = mapsdf2(p);
// if (test < 0.1) {
// fragColor = vec4(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
// return;
// }
float lastd = distmax;
for (int i = 0; i < maxSteps; i++) {
vec3 rd = l * dist;
float d = sdBox(p + rd, vec3(1.0));
// Going out of volume box
// if (d > 0.0 && lastd < d) {
// break;
// }
// lastd = d;
if (d <= 0.0) { // In volume
d = mapsdf(p, rd);
if (d < eps) {
visibility = 0.0;
else { // To volume
// d += mapsdf(p, rd);
vec3 sampleBorder = clamp(p + rd, vec3(-1.0), vec3(1.0));
float phi = mapsdf2(sampleBorder, rd);
float dd = 0.1;
float grad_x = mapsdf2(sampleBorder + vec3(dd, 0, 0), rd) - phi;
float grad_y = mapsdf2(sampleBorder + vec3(0, dd, 0), rd) - phi;
vec3 grad = vec3(grad_x, grad_y, 1.0);
vec3 endpoint = sampleBorder - normalize(grad) * phi;
d = distance(endpoint, p + rd);
// float dd = 0.1;
// vec3 p0 = clamp(p, vec3(-1.0), vec3(1.0));
// vec3 p1 = clamp(p, vec3(-0.99), vec3(0.99));
// float r0 = mapsdf2(p0, rd);
// float r1 = mapsdf2(p1, rd);
// float h0 = 0.5 + (r0 * r0 - r1 * r1) / (2.0 * dd * dd);
// float ri = sqrt(abs(r0 * r0 - h0 * h0 * dd * dd));
// vec3 p2 = p0 + (p1 - p0) * h0;
// vec3 p3 = p2 + vec3(p1.z - p0.z, p1.y - p0.y, p1.x - p0.x) * ri;
// d = length((p + rd) - p3);
const float k = 2.0;
visibility = min(visibility, (k * d / dist));
dist += d;
if (dist > distmax) {
// Per-light
#ifndef _NoLampFalloff
visibility *= attenuate(distance(p, lightPos));
if (lightType == 2) { // Spot
float spotEffect = dot(lightDir, l);
// x - cutoff, y - cutoff - exponent
if (spotEffect < spotlightData.x) {
visibility *= smoothstep(spotlightData.y, spotlightData.x, spotEffect);
vec3 h = normalize(v + l);
float dotNH = dot(n, h);
float dotVH = dot(v, h);
float dotNL = dot(n, l);
// float dotLV = dot(l, v);
// float dotLH = dot(l, h);
#ifdef _PolyLight
if (lightType == 3) { // Area
float theta = acos(dotNV);
vec2 tuv = vec2(metrough.y, theta / (0.5 * PI));
tuv = tuv * LUT_SCALE + LUT_BIAS;
vec4 t = texture(sltcMat, tuv);
mat3 invM = mat3(
vec3(1.0, 0.0, t.y),
vec3(0.0, t.z, 0.0),
vec3(t.w, 0.0, t.x));
float ltcspec = ltcEvaluate(n, v, dotNV, p, invM, lampArea0, lampArea1, lampArea2, lampArea3);
ltcspec *= texture(sltcMag, tuv).a;
float ltcdiff = ltcEvaluate(n, v, dotNV, p, mat3(1.0), lampArea0, lampArea1, lampArea2, lampArea3);
#ifdef _Cycles
float facdif = min((1.0 - metrough.x) * 3.0, 1.0);
float facspec = min(metrough.x * 3.0, 1.0);
fragColor.rgb = albedo * ltcdiff * facdif + ltcspec * facspec;
fragColor.rgb = albedo * ltcdiff + ltcspec;
else {
#ifdef _Cycles
// Diff/glossy
float facdif = min((1.0 - metrough.x) * 3.0, 1.0);
float facspec = min(metrough.x * 3.0, 1.0);
float rough = pow(metrough.y, 0.5);
fragColor.rgb = orenNayarDiffuseBRDF(albedo, rough, dotNV, dotNL, dotVH) * max(1.0 - metrough.y, 0.88) * facdif + specularBRDF(f0, rough, dotNL, dotNH, dotNV, dotVH) * 3.5 * facspec;
// Metallic
// fragColor.rgb = orenNayarDiffuseBRDF(albedo, metrough.y, dotNV, dotNL, dotVH) + specularBRDF(f0, metrough.y, dotNL, dotNH, dotNV, dotVH);
fragColor.rgb = lambertDiffuseBRDF(albedo, dotNL) + specularBRDF(f0, metrough.y, dotNL, dotNH, dotNV, dotVH);
#ifdef _PolyLight
// Aniso spec
// #ifdef _Aniso
// float shinyParallel = metrough.y;
// float shinyPerpendicular = 0.08;
// vec3 fiberDirection = vec3(0.0, 1.0, 8.0);
// fragColor.rgb = diffuseBRDF(albedo, metrough.y, dotNV, dotNL, dotVH, dotLV) + wardSpecular(n, h, dotNL, dotNV, dotNH, fiberDirection, shinyParallel, shinyPerpendicular);
// #endif
fragColor.rgb *= lightColor;
#ifdef _LampColTex
// fragColor.rgb *= texture(texlampcolor, envMapEquirect(l)).rgb;
fragColor.rgb *= pow(texture(texlampcolor, l.xy).rgb, vec3(2.2));
#ifdef _SSS
if (floor(g1.a) == 2) {
if (lightShadow == 1) fragColor.rgb += fragColor.rgb * SSSSTransmittance(1.0, 0.005, p, n, l, shadowMap, LWVP);
else fragColor.rgb += fragColor.rgb * SSSSTransmittanceCube(1.0, 0.005, p, n, l, shadowMapCube, LWVP);
#ifdef _SSRS
float tvis = traceShadow(-l, p, gbuffer0, invVP, eye);
// vec2 coords = getProjectedCoord(hitCoord);
// vec2 deltaCoords = abs(vec2(0.5, 0.5) - coords.xy);
// float screenEdgeFactor = clamp(1.0 - (deltaCoords.x + deltaCoords.y), 0.0, 1.0);
// tvis *= screenEdgeFactor;
visibility *= tvis;
// #ifdef _VoxelGI
// if (dotNL > 0.0) visibility *= traceShadowCone(p / voxelgiResolution.x, l, distance(p, lightPos) / voxelgiResolution.x, n);
// #endif
fragColor.rgb *= visibility;