Updating readonly reference proposal to match the final form of features.

Incorporate decisions, changes and motivation from various sources, documents and discussions.
The goal is to have all the relevant information in one place and describe the expected behavior of the actual implementation.
This commit is contained in:
vsadov 2017-12-01 13:57:24 -08:00
parent 479f29fc61
commit 6f99ef0d4f

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@ -8,9 +8,15 @@
## Summary ## Summary
[summary]: #summary [summary]: #summary
The "readonly references" feature is actually a group of features that leverage the efficiency of passing variables by reference, but without exposing the data to modifications. The "readonly references" feature is actually a group of features that leverage the efficiency of passing variables by reference, but without exposing the data to modifications:
- `in` parameters
- `ref readonly` returns
- `readonly` structs
- `ref`/`in` extension methods
- `ref readonly` locals
- `ref` ternary expressions
# Readonly ref parameters. (aka `in` parameters) # Passing arguments as readonly references.
There is an existing proposal that touches this topic https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/115 as a special case of readonly parameters without going into many details. There is an existing proposal that touches this topic https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/115 as a special case of readonly parameters without going into many details.
Here I just want to acknowledge that the idea by itself is not very new. Here I just want to acknowledge that the idea by itself is not very new.
@ -22,13 +28,25 @@ C# lacks an efficient way of expressing a desire to pass struct variables into m
The examples are numerous - vector/matrix math operators in graphics libraries like [XNA](https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb194944.aspx) are known to have ref operands purely because of performance considerations. There is code in Roslyn compiler itself that uses structs to avoid allocations and then passes them by reference to avoid copying costs. The examples are numerous - vector/matrix math operators in graphics libraries like [XNA](https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb194944.aspx) are known to have ref operands purely because of performance considerations. There is code in Roslyn compiler itself that uses structs to avoid allocations and then passes them by reference to avoid copying costs.
## Solution ## Solution (`in` parameters).
`ref readonly` parameters. Similarly to the `out` parameters, `in` parameters are passed as managed references with additional guarantee from the callee.
Similarly to the `out` parameters, `ref readonly` parameters are passed as managed references with additional guarantee from the callee. The guarantee in this case is that callee will not make any assignments through the parameter nor it will create a writeable reference aliases to the data referenced by the parameter. Unlike `out` parameters that _must_ be assigned by the callee before any other use, `in` parameters cannot be assigned at all.
`in` parameters allow for effectiveness of indirect argument passing without exposing arguments to mutations by the calee.
## Declaring `in` parameters
The proposed syntax is to use existing `in` keyword at declaration site.
For all purposes the `in` parameter is treated as a `readonly` variable. Most of the restrictions on the use of `in` parameter inside the method are the same as with `readonly` fields.
> Indeed an `in` parameter may represent a `readonly` field. Similarity of restrictions is not a coincidence.
For example fields of an `in` parameter which has a struct type are all recursively classified as `readonly` variables .
```C# ```C#
static Vector3 Add (ref readonly Vector3 v1, ref readonly Vector3 v2) static Vector3 Add (in Vector3 v1, in Vector3 v2)
{ {
// not OK!! // not OK!!
v1 = default(Vector3); v1 = default(Vector3);
@ -40,105 +58,160 @@ static Vector3 Add (ref readonly Vector3 v1, ref readonly Vector3 v2)
foo(ref v1.X); foo(ref v1.X);
// OK // OK
return new Vector3(v1.X +v2.X, v1.Y + v2.Y, v1.Z + v2.Z); return new Vector3(v1.X + v2.X, v1.Y + v2.Y, v1.Z + v2.Z);
} }
``` ```
## Syntax `in` cannot be combined with other parameter passing modifiers such as `out`, `ref`, `params`.
One of proposed syntaxes is to use existing `in` keyword as a shorter form of `ref readonly`. It could be that both syntaxes are allowed or that we pick just one of them.
While syntax is TBD, I will use `in` as it is significantly shorter than `ref readonly`.
static Vector3 Add (in Vector3 v1, in Vector3 v2)
// OK
return new Vector3(v1.X +v2.X, v1.Y + v2.Y, v1.Z + v2.Z);
## Use of `in` in signatures. ## Use of `in` in signatures.
`in` will be allowed everywhere where `out` is allowed - methods, delegates, lambdas... - `in` parameters and returns are allowed anywhere where ordinary byval parameters are allowed. This includes indexers, operators (including conversions), delegates, lambdas, local functions.
(What about indexers, operators? - TBD)
`in` would not be allowed in combination with `out` or with anything that `out` does not combine with. > ```C#
For the purpose of OHI (Overloading, Hiding, Implementing), `in` will behave similarly to an `out` parameter. All the same rules apply, in particular it is not permitted to overload on `ref/out/in` differences. > (in int x) => x // lambda expression
> TValue this[in TKey index]; // indexer
> public static Vector3 operator +(in Vector3 x, in Vector3 y) => ... // operator
> ```
For the purpose of binding and overload resolution `in` behaves similarly to `out` as well. `in` is basically just a new element of `RefKind` enum, in addition to current `{None, Ref, Out}`. - `in` would not be allowed in combination with `out` or with anything that `out` does not combine with.
For the purpose of generic variance, `in` is nonvariant. - it is not permitted to overload on `ref`/`out`/`in` differences.
## Use of `in` at call sites. - it is permitted to overload on ordinary byval and `in` differences.
Unlike `out` parameters, `in` does not need to be matched with an LValue(*) argument. At the call-site `in` parameters are no different from regular by-value parameters. - For the purpose of OHI (Overloading, Hiding, Implementing), `in` will behave similarly to an `out` parameter.
All the same rules apply.
For example the overriding method will have to match `in` parameters with `in`parameters of an identity-convertible type.
Example: - For the purpose of delegate/lambda/method group conversions, `in` will behave similarly to an `out` parameter.
Notice that there are no `in` modifiers at the call. Lambdas and applicable method group conversion candidates will have to match `in` parameters of the target delegate with `in` parameters of an identity-convertible type.
Also note that passing an RValue(*) is acceptable.
- For the purpose of generic variance, `in` is nonvariant.
> NOTE: There are no warnings on `in` parameters that are reference types and primitives.
It may be pointless in general, but in some cases user must/want to pass primitives as `in`. Examples - overriding a generic method like `Method(in T param)` when `T` was substituted to be `int`, or when having methods like `Volatile.Read(in int location)`
> It is conceivable to have an analyzer that warns in cases of inefficient use of `in` parameters, but the rules for such analysis would be too fuzzy to be a part of a language specification.
## Use of `in` at call sites. (`in` arguments)
There are two ways to pass arguments to `in` parameters.
### `in` arguments can match `in` parameters:
An argument passed to `in` parameter may have `in` modifier at the call site.
```C# ```C#
static Vector3 ShiftRightTwice(in Vector3 v1) int x = 1;
void M1<T>(in T x)
{ {
// + UnitX twice . . .
return Add(Add(v1, Vector3.UnitX), Vector3.UnitX);
} }
static Vector3 Add (in Vector3 v1, in Vector3 v2) var x = M1(in x); // in argument to a method
class D
{ {
// OK public string this[in Guid index];
return new Vector3(v1.X +v2.X, v1.Y + v2.Y, v1.Z + v2.Z); }
D dictionary = . . . ;
var y = dictionary[in Guid.Empty]; // in argument to an indexer
- `in` argument must be a _readable_ LValue(*).
Example: `M1(in 42)` is invalid
> (*) The notion of [LValue/RValue](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Value_(computer_science)#lrvalue) vary between languages.
Here, by LValue I mean an expression that represent a location that can be referred to directly.
And RValue means an expression that yields a temporary result which does not persist on its own.
- In particular it is valid to pass `readonly` fields, `in` parameters or other formally `readonly` variables as `in` arguments.
Example: `dictionary[in Guid.Empty]` is legal. `Guid.Empty` is a static readonly field.
- `in` argument must be _identity-convertible_ to the type of the parameter.
Example: `M1<object>(in Guid.Empty)` is invalid. `Guid.Empty` is not _identity-convertible_ to `object`
The motivation for the above is that `in` arguments guarantee _aliasing_ of the argument variable. The callee always receives a direct reference to the same location as represented by the argument.
- in rare situations when `in` arguments must be stack-spilled due to mixed use with `await`, the behavior is the same as with `out` and `ref` arguments - if the variable cannot be spilled in referentially-transparent manner, an error is reported.
1) `M1(in staticField, await SomethingAsync())` valid.
`staticField` is a static field which can be accessed more than once without observable sideeffects. Therefore both the order of sideeffects and aliasing requirements can be provided.
2) `M1(in RefReturningMethod(), await SomethingAsync())` will produce an error.
`RefReturningMethod()` is a `ref` returning method. Accessing method may have observable sideeffects, therefore it must be evaluated before `await`. However the result of the invocation is a reference that cannot be preserved across `await` suspension point which make the direct reference requirement impossible.
> NOTE: the stack spilling errors are considered to be implementation-specific limitations. Therefore they do not have effect on overload resolution or lambda inference.
### ordinary byval arguments can match `in` parameters:
Ordinary byval arguments can match `in` parameters. In such case the arguments have the same relaxed constraints as ordinary byval arguments would have.
The motivation for this is that `in` parameters in APIs may result in inconveniences for the user when arguments cannot be passed as a direct reference - ex: literals, computed or `await`-ed results or arguments that happen to have more specific types.
All these cases have a trivial solution of storing the argument value in a temporary local or appropriate type and passing that local as an `in` argument.
To reduce the need for such boilerplate code compiler can perform the same transformation, if needed, when `in` modifier is not present at the call site.
In addition, in some cases, such as invocation of operators, or `in` extensions methods, there is no syntactical way to specify `in` at all. That alone requires specifying the behavior of an ordinary byval arguments when they match `in` parameters.
In particular:
- it is valid to pass RValues.
A reference to a temporary is passed in such case.
Print("hello"); // not an error.
void Print<T>(in T x)
. . .
} }
``` ```
In cases of variables without a home a temporary variable will be used for a short term capturing of the value. - in a case of ordinary parameters, implicit conversions are allowed.
A reference to a temporary holding converted value is passed in such case.
Print<int>(Short.MaxValue) // not an error.
`in` parameters are not writeable and rules similar to readonly fields apply. - I.E. fields of a readonly ref parameter of a struct type are recursively not writeable as well. - in a case of a receiver of an `in` extension method, implicit _this-argument-conversions_ are allowed.
It is permitted to use `in` parameters for passing further or recursively as `in` parameters, or for other `ref readonly` purposes as discussed further. - cases of argument spilling due to `async` are allowed.
If order of sideeffects requires creating an argument copy, then a copy is created.
M1(RefReturningMethod(), await SomethingAsync()) // not an error.
Since the result of a sideeffecting invocation is a reference that cannot be preserved across `await` suspension, a temporary containing the actual value will be preserved instead.
(*) The notion of [LValue/RValue](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Value_(computer_science)#lrvalue) vary between languages. ### omitted optional arguments
Here, by LValue I mean an expression that can be assigned to or passed by reference.
And RValue means an expression that yields a temporary result which does not persist on its own.
It is permitted for an `in` parameter to specify default value. That make the corresponding argument optional.
## Passing `readonly` fields as `in` parameters. Omitting optional argument results in passing the default value via a temporary.
When passing `readonly` fields (outside of a ctor) we have two choices - pass through a local copy or pass a direct reference. For the purpose of just `in` parameters the difference is semantically unobservable. However the direct reference is more efficient. We will work with CLR to allow the latter.
NOTE: adding `ref readonly` _returns_ as a feature makes copying of `ref readonlys` at the call sites observable, thus further cementing the requirement that `readonly` fields are _not_ passed by copy.
## `in` parameters and capturing of stack variables.
For the purpose of lambda/async capturing `in` will behave the same as `out` - i.e. no capturing allowed.
We can, alternatively, allow capturing of copied temps (by ref or by value), but that would break the aliasing behavior of `in` and would result in subtle changes in behavior based on whether variables are captured or not, which by itself is not a stable guarantee and may depend on various factors including debug vs. release. Besides, copying would defeat the purpose of the feature that is to reduce copying. As such it is advisable to not allow capturing of `in` parameters.
Example of observable aliasing/copying if capture via copying would be allowed:
```C# ```C#
static Vector3 v; Print("hello"); // not an error, same as
Print("hello", c: Color.Black);
static void Main() void Print(string s, in Color c = Color.Black)
{ {
Test(v); . . .
static void Test(in Vector3 v1)
v = Vector3.UnitX;
Debug.Assert(v1 == Vector3.UnitX);
// uncomment this to see behavior of code above change
// Func<Vector3> f = () => v1;
} }
``` ```
## Aliasing behavior in general ## Aliasing behavior in general
Just like `out` variables, `in` variables are aliases. Just like `ref` and `out` variables, `in` variables are references/aliases to existing locations.
While callee is not allowed to write into them, there should not be an assumption that they cannot change (deterministically or not) between reads. As such creating a copy of an `in` parameter can be observable.
While callee is not allowed to write into them, reading an `in` parameter can observe different values as a sideeffect of other evaluations.
Example: Example:
@ -164,125 +237,119 @@ static void ChangeV()
} }
``` ```
## Conversions at the call site. ## `in` parameters and capturing of local variables.
Aliasing indirectly affects what conversions are allowed at the call-site. For the purpose of lambda/async capturing `in` will behave the same as `out`
While explicit and identity conversions are ok, it is not clear whether implicit conversions are ok since they only can be allowed via implicit copying.
For starters, let's assume implicit conversions are _not_ ok, but may consider alternatives.
Not allowing implicit conversions would at least be consistent with `out` parameters, although less intuitive since `in` is not spelled out at the call site. It would also be simpler in terms of impact on overload resolution and betterness analysis. - `in` parameters cannot be captured in a closure
- `in` parameters are not allowed in iterator methods
- `in` parameters are not allowed in async methods
## Invoking instance struct methods on `in` parameters. ## Temporary variables.
Since all regular instance methods of a struct can potentially mutate the instance or ref-expose `this`, an intermediate copy must be created, as already a case when receiver is a readonly field. Some uses of `in` parameter passing may require indirect use of a temporary local variable.
- `in` arguments are always passed as direct aliases when call-site uses `in`. Temporary is never used in such case.
- `in` arguments are not required to be direct aliases when call-site does not use `in`. When argument is not an LValue, a temporary may be used.
- `in` parameter may have default value. When corresponding argument is omitted at the call site, the default value are passed via a temporary.
- `in` arguments may have implicit conversions, including those that do not preserve identity. A temporary is used in those cases.
- receivers of ordinary struct calls may not be writeable LValues (**existing case!**). A temporary is used in those cases.
However, since there is no backward compatibility considerations and there are workarounds, compiler should give a warning to ensure the implicit copying is noted by the user. The life time of the argument temporaries matches at least the closest encompassing scope of the call-site.
The formal life time of temporary variables is semantically significant in scenarios involving escape analysis of variables returned by reference.
## Metadata representation. ## Metadata representation.
We're using a combination of attributes and modifiers on signatures: When `System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IsReadOnlyAttribute` is applied to a byref parameter, it means that the the parameter is an `in` parameter.
1) `IsReadOnlyAttribute` is added to the framework, to be used on parameters and return types, to indicate that they are `ref readonly`. For older frameworks, the compiler will generate an embedded (hidden) attribute with the same name into the module being built, and we will have a mechanism for disallowing using this attribute in source code. In addition, if the method is *abstract* or *virtual*, then the signature of such parameters (and only such parameters) must have `modreq[System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IsReadOnlyAttribute]`.
2) We will use a `modreq` with the framework type `IsConst`, to prevent other compilers and older versions of the C# compiler to read such signatures. This might not be needed on some cases like parameters of non-virtual methods, as downlevel use is safe. For tools and other compilers reading these metadata, they should always rely on the attribute, as it is mandatory.
# Readonly ref returns **Motivation**: this is done to ensure that in a case of method overriding/implementing the `in` parameters match.
"Readonly ref returns" is an augmentation of ref returns that allows returning references to variables without exposing them to modification. Same requirements apply to `Invoke` methods in delegates.
# Readonly ref locals **Motivation**: this is to ensure that existing compilers cannot simply ignore `readonly` when creating or assigning delegates.
Locals are not supported for now. No plans to support them in this proposal. # Returning by readonly reference.
## Motivation ## Motivation
The motivation for this sub-feature is roughly symmetrical to the reasons for the `in` parameters - avoiding copying, but on the returning side. A method or an indexer of a nontrivial struct type has currently two options -return by reference and be exposed to possible mutations or copy the value. The motivation for this sub-feature is roughly symmetrical to the reasons for the `in` parameters - avoiding copying, but on the returning side. A method or an indexer has currently two options: 1) return by reference and be exposed to possible mutations or 2) return by value which results in copying.
## Solution ## Solution (`ref readonly` returns)
`ref readonly` _returns_. (a more concise modifier like `in` so far has been elusive for this case). (a more concise single modifier like `in` has been elusive for this case).
The feature will allow a member to return variables by reference without exposing them to mutations.
## Declaring `ref readonly` returning members
`ref readonly` will be used to modify member signatures to indicate the return is passed as a readonly reference.
For all purposes a `ref readonly` member is treated as a `readonly` variable - similar to `readonly` fields and `in` parameters.
For example fields of `ref readonly` member which has a struct type are all recursively classified as `readonly` variables. - It is permitted to pass them as `in` arguments, but not as `ref` or `out` arguments.
ref readonly Guid Method1()
Method2(in Method1()); // valid. Can pass as `in` argument.
Method3(ref Method1()); // not valid. Cannot pass as `ref` argument
## Use of `ref readonly` returns in signatures.
- `ref readonly` will be allowed in the same places were `ref` returns are allowed.
This includes indexers, delegates, lambdas, local functions.
- it is not permitted to overload on `ref`/`ref readonly` / differences.
- it is permitted to overload on ordinary byval and `ref readonly` return differences.
- For the purpose of OHI (Overloading, Hiding, Implementing), `ref readonly` is similar but distinct from `ref`.
For example the a method that overrides `ref readonly` one, must itself be `ref readonly` and have identity-convertible type.
- For the purpose of delegate/lambda/method group conversions, `ref readonly` is similar but distinct from `ref`.
Lambdas and applicable method group conversion candidates will have to match `ref readonly` return of the target delegate with `ref readonly` return of the type that is identity-convertible.
- For the purpose of generic variance, `in` is nonvariant.
> NOTE: There are no warnings on `in` parameters that are reference types and primitives.
It may be pointless in general, but in some cases user must/want to pass primitives as `in`. Examples - overriding a generic method like `ref readonly T Method()` when `T` was substituted to be `int`.
>It is conceivable to have an analyzer that warns in cases of inefficient use of `ref readonly` parameters, but the rules for such analysis would be too fuzzy to be a part of a language specification.
## Returning from `ref readonly` members
Inside the method body the syntax is the same as with regular ref returns. The `readonly` will be inferred from the containing method.
The motivation is that `return ref readonly <expression>` is unnecessary long and only allows for mismatches on `readonly` part that would always be errors.
The `ref` is, however, required for consistency with other scenarios where something is passed via strict aliasing vs. by value.
> Unlike the case with `in` parameters, `ref readonly` returns never return via a copy. Considering that the copy would cease to exist immediately upon returning such practice would be pointless and dangerous. Therefore `ref readonly` returns always pass direct references.
```C# ```C#
struct ImmutableArray<T> struct ImmutableArray<T>
{ {
private readonly T[] array; private readonly T[] array;
public ref readonly T RefAt(int i) public ref readonly T ItemRef(int i)
{ {
// returning a ref readonly // returning a readonly reference to an array element
return ref this.r1; return ref this.r1;
} }
} }
``` ```
`readonly` on the ref return will prevent the caller from using the result for indirect writing or for obtaining writeable references. - an argument of `return ref` must be an LValue (**existing rule**)
- an argument of `return ref` must be "safe to return" (**existing rule**)
## Syntax - in a `ref readonly` member an argument of `return ref` is _not required to be writeable_ .
For example such member can ref-return a readonly field or one of its `in` parameters.
`ref readonly` will be used to modify member signatures to indicate the return is passed as a readonly ref.
It seems unnecessary to use `readonly` in the return statement. Just `ref` would be sufficient.
We could require the whole `return ref readonly foo`, but it seems it would only add the requirement that all the returns within a given method must agree on the `readonly` part and agree with the signature of the member. Omitting `readonly` at the return site makes `readonly` implicit on all returns in a method/lambda.
We should, however, require `ref` for consistency with other scenarios where something is passed via an alias vs. by value.
## Use of `ref readonly' returns in signatures
`ref readonly` will be allowed in the same places were `ref` returns are allowed. For all the OHI purposes it will behave as another RefKind on the return. I.E. `readonly` would need to match exactly when overriding, it will not be possible to overload just on `readonly` difference, etc...
From the point of implementation it would be essentially the same RefKind as for `in` parameters applicable to returns as well.
For the purpose of variance, readonly ref will work as non-variant.
## Returning `readonly` fields as `ref readonly`s.
Unlike the requirements of `in`, where pass-by-copy is possible, while not the most efficient, returning a `readonly` field as a `ref readonly` requires that it is a true reference.
In particular, the requirements of the ref returns have indirect effect on requirements of `in`. As long as `in` parameters and `readonly` fields are both returnable, the copying would be:
1. observable and
2. would go against the goals of the feature to reduce copying.
Here is an ugly, but legal and very explicit example where copying would be observable:
class Program
private readonly Vector3 v = Vector3.UnitY;
public Program()
v = Vector3.UnitX, // can assign since we are in a ctor
v, // making a copy here would be observable
v = Vector3.UnitZ); // can assign since we are in a ctor
ref readonly Vector3 FetchRef()
// making a copy here would be observable
return ref v;
bool CompareFirstLast(
in Vector3 first,
Vector3 dummy1,
in Vector3 last,
Vector3 dummy2)
// should be the same value regardless of assignments
// since these are refs to the same variable
Debug.Assert(first == last);
Note: Since CLR does not differentiate readonly and writeable references. The distinction may not be required for general scenarios like JIT-compilation. However, some work will be needed to introduce `ref readonly` notion within the Verification infrastructure. At least if we want passing references to `readonly` fields be formally verifiable.
## Aliasing behavior.
A care must be made to preserve the aliasing behavior and not allow capturing by-value. As a result, readonly refs should be treated the same as other refs for the purpose of capturing in lambdas, async, iterators, stack spilling etc... - I.E. most scenarios would be disallowed.
It would be ok to make a copy when `ref readonly` return is a receiver of regular struct methods, which take `this` as an ordinary writeable refs. Historically we would make an invocation on a copy.
In theory we could produce a warning when making a copy of the receiver since there are no backward compat considerations here. The options for fixing the warning are limited though, so it is debatable whether a warning is desirable.
## Safe to Return rules. ## Safe to Return rules.
@ -324,74 +391,36 @@ Updated `safe to return` rules:
6. **a ref, returned from another method is safe to return if all refs/outs passed to that method as formal parameters were safe to return.** 6. **a ref, returned from another method is safe to return if all refs/outs passed to that method as formal parameters were safe to return.**
*Specifically it is irrelevant if receiver is safe to return, regardless whether receiver is a struct, class or typed as a generic type parameter.* *Specifically it is irrelevant if receiver is safe to return, regardless whether receiver is a struct, class or typed as a generic type parameter.*
7. **RValues are not safe to return by reference.** 7. **RValues are not safe to return by reference.**
*Specifically RValues are safe to pass as readonly ref / in parameters.* *Specifically RValues are safe to pass as in parameters.*
> NOTE: There are additional rules regarding returnability that come into play when ref-like types and ref-reassignments are involved.
> The rules equally apply to `ref` and `ref readonly` members and therefore are not mentioned here.
A special note must be made about the life time of the temps used as an implementation detail of passing RValue as an `in` parameter. The temp must exist as long as any reference to it can possibly exist. ## Aliasing behavior.
Considering that readonly refs cannot be persisted into regular ref locals, the duration of the encompassing expression could be sufficient. (encompassing expression is the one that is not an operand/argument/receiver to another one)
For simplicity, the extent of the temps could be widened to the nearest encompassing Block/Sequence.
As a last resort the temps could be method-wide. We currently do it already in very rare cases (see comment in `EmitAssignmentValue` and testcase `IncrementPropertyOfTypeParameterReturnValue`), but I'd rather tighten the existing case since the pattern of taking a ref off an RValue by the means of spilling into a temp will now be more common. `ref readonly` members provide the same aliasing behavior as ordinary `ref` members (except for being readonly).
Therefore for the purpose of capturing in lambdas, async, iterators, stack spilling etc... the same restrictions apply. - I.E. due to inability to capture the actual references and due to sideeffecting nature of member evaluation such scenarios would be disallowed.
# ref/in extension methods > It is permitted and required to make a copy when `ref readonly` return is a receiver of regular struct methods, which take `this` as an ordinary writeable ref. Historically we would make an invocation on a copy in such scenario.
There is actually existing proposal (https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/165) and corresponding PR (https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/pull/15650).
I just want to acknowledge that this idea is not entirely new. It is, however, relevant here since `ref readonly` elegantly removes the most contentious issue about such method - what to do with RValue receivers.
The general idea of the proposal is to allow extension methods to take the `this` parameter by reference, as long as the type is known to be a struct type (I.E. struct or a generic type with `struct` constraint). ## Metadata representation.
```C# When `System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IsReadOnlyAttribute` is applied to the return of a byref returning method, it means that the method returns a readonly reference.
public static void Extension(ref this Guid self)
// do something
The reasons for writing such extension methods are primarily: In addition, the result signature of such methods (and only those methods) must have `modreq[System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IsReadOnlyAttribute]`.
1. Avoid copying when receiver is a large struct
2. Allow mutating extension methods on structs
The reasons why we do not want to allow this on classes **Motivation**: this is to ensure that existing compilers cannot simply ignore `readonly` when invoking methods with `ref readonly` returns
1. It would be of very limited purpose
2. It would be hard to reconcile with "evaluate once" semantics of null-conditional accesses.
`obj.stringField?.RefExtension(...)` - need to make a copy of stringField for the null check, but then assignments to `this` inside RefExtension would not be reflected back to the field...
An ability to declare extension methods on structs that take the first argument by reference was a long-standing request. One of the blocking consideration was "what happens if receiver is not an LValue".
An analogy with static methods would dictate that it is disallowed, but it would not be consistent with the practice of making invocation on a copy in similar situations when instance methods are involved. In addition, many of the calls for allowing ref extension methods on structs were motivated by the performance and implicit copying would diminish the benefit.
The reason why the "implicit copying" exists is because the majority of struct methods do not actually modify the struct while not being able to indicate that. Historically the most practical solution was to just make the invocation on a copy, but this practice is known for harming performance and causing bugs.
Now, assuming availability of `in` parameters, it feels reasonable to assume that ref extension methods are introduced specifically to apply mutations to `this` and thus require that the receiver is writeable.
In addition it would also be allowed to have `in` extension methods that would not have such restriction, while naturally would not be able to mutate `this`.
// this can be called on either RValue or an LValue
public static void Reader(in this Guid self)
// do something nonmutating.
WriteLine(self == default(Guid));
// this can be called only on an LValue
public static void Mutator(ref this Guid self)
// can mutate self
self = new Guid();
# Readonly structs # Readonly structs
In short - a feature that makes all members of a struct, except constructors to have `this` parameter as a `ref readonly`. In short - a feature that makes `this` parameter of all instance members of a struct, except for constructors, an `in` parameter.
## Motivation ## Motivation
Compiler must assume that any method call on a struct instance may modify the instance. Indeed a writeable reference is passed to the method as `this` parameter that fully enables this behavior. To allow such invocations on `readonly` variables, the invocation are applied to temp copies. That could be unintuitive and sometimes forces people to abandon `readonly` for performance reasons. (Example: https://codeblog.jonskeet.uk/2014/07/16/micro-optimization-the-surprising-inefficiency-of-readonly-fields/ ) Compiler must assume that any method call on a struct instance may modify the instance. Indeed a writeable reference is passed to the method as `this` parameter and fully enables this behavior. To allow such invocations on `readonly` variables, the invocations are applied to temp copies. That could be unintuitive and sometimes forces people to abandon `readonly` for performance reasons.
Example: https://codeblog.jonskeet.uk/2014/07/16/micro-optimization-the-surprising-inefficiency-of-readonly-fields/
The problem will get worse since the implicit copying will be happening when invoking struct methods on `in` variables. - We can give warnings, but we must make defensive copies and that might force users into choosing between performance and more control over sideeffects. After adding support for `in` parameters and `ref redonly` returns the problem of defensive copying will get worse since readonly variables will become more common.
## Solution ## Solution
Allow `readonly` modifier on struct declarations which would result in `this` being an `in` parameter on all struct instance methods except for constructors. Allow `readonly` modifier on struct declarations which would result in `this` being an `in` parameter on all struct instance methods except for constructors.
@ -418,16 +447,230 @@ readonly struct Vector3
} }
``` ```
The feature is surprisingly uncontroversial. The only obvious question is whether there is a need for an option to `opt out` some of the methods as mutators. ## Restrictions on members of readonly struct
- instance fields of a readonly struct must be readonly.
**Motivation:** can only be written to externally, but not through members.
- instance autoproperties of a readonly struct must be get-only.
**Motivation:** consequence of restriction on instance fields.
- readonly struct may not declare events.
**Motivation:** consequence of restriction on instance fields.
So far it feels like per-member control over `readonly` is an unnecessary complication, which also can be added later if found to be necessary. ## Metadata representation.
Current assumptions are that "Mixed" mutable/immutable structs are not common. Besides even partially mutable struct variables would generally need to be LValues and thus would not impacted by the implicit copying.
When `System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IsReadOnlyAttribute` is applied to a value type, it means that the the type is a `readonly struct`.
In particular:
- The identity of the `IsReadOnlyAttribute` type is unimportant. In fact it can be embedded by the compiler in the containing assembly if needed.
- Applying `IsReadOnlyAttribute` to targets not listed here - to byval local slots, byval returns/parameters, reference types, etc... is reserved for the future use and in scope of this proposal results in verification errors.
# `ref`/`in` extension methods
There is actually an existing proposal (https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/165) and corresponding prototype PR (https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/pull/15650).
I just want to acknowledge that this idea is not entirely new. It is, however, relevant here since `ref readonly` elegantly removes the most contentious issue about such methods - what to do with RValue receivers.
The general idea of the proposal is to allow extension methods to take the `this` parameter by reference, as long as the type is known to be a struct type.
public static void Extension(ref this Guid self)
// do something
The reasons for writing such extension methods are primarily:
1. Avoid copying when receiver is a large struct
2. Allow mutating extension methods on structs
The reasons why we do not want to allow this on classes
1. It would be of very limited purpose.
2. It would break long standing invariant that a method call cannot turn non-`null` receiver to become `null` after invocation.
> In fact, currently a non-`null` variable cannot become `null` unless _explicitly_ assigned or passed by `ref` or `out`.
> That greatly aids readability or other forms of "can this be a null here" analysis.
3. It would be hard to reconcile with "evaluate once" semantics of null-conditional accesses.
`obj.stringField?.RefExtension(...)` - need to capture a copy of `stringField` to make the null check meaningful, but then assignments to `this` inside RefExtension would not be reflected back to the field.
An ability to declare extension methods on **structs** that take the first argument by reference was a long-standing request. One of the blocking consideration was "what happens if receiver is not an LValue?".
- There is a precedent that any extension method could also be called as a static method (sometimes it is the only way to resolve ambiguity). It would dictate that RValue receivers would be disallowed.
- On the other hand there is a practice of making invocation on a copy in similar situations when struct instance methods are involved.
The reason why the "implicit copying" exists is because the majority of struct methods do not actually modify the struct while not being able to indicate that. Therefore the most practical solution was to just make the invocation on a copy, but this practice is known for harming performance and causing bugs.
Now, with availability of `in` parameters, it is possible for an extension to signal the intent. Therefore the conundrum can be resolved by requiring `ref` extensions to be called with writeable receivers while `in` extensions would permit implicit copying if necessary.
// this can be called on either RValue or an LValue
public static void Reader(in this Guid self)
// do something nonmutating.
WriteLine(self == default(Guid));
// this can be called only on an LValue
public static void Mutator(ref this Guid self)
// can mutate self
self = new Guid();
## `in` extensions and generics
The purpose of `ref` extension methods is to mutate the receiver directly or by invoking mutating members. Therefore `ref this T` extensions are allowed as long as `T` is constrained to be a struct.
On the other hand `in` extension methods exist specifically to reduce implicit copying. However any use of an `in T` parameter will have to be done through an interface member. Since all interface members are considered mutating, any such use would require a copy. - Instead of reducing copying, the effect would be the opposite. Therefore `in this T` are not allowed when `T` is a generic type parameter regardless of constraints.
## Recap:
The following forms of `this` declaration in an extension method are now allowed:
1) `this T arg` - regular byval extension. (**existing case**)
- T can be any type, including reference types or type parameters.
Instance will be the same variable after the call.
Allows implicit conversions of _this-argument-conversion_ kind.
Can be called on RValues.
- `in this T self` - `in` extension.
T must be an actual struct type.
Instance will be the same variable after the call.
Allows implicit conversions of _this-argument-conversion_ kind.
Can be called on RValues (may be invoked on a temp if needed).
- `ref this T self` - `ref` extension.
T must be a struct type or a generic type parameter constrained to be a struct.
Instance may be written to by the invocation.
Allows only identity conversions.
Must be called on writeable LValue. (never invoked via a temp).
# Readonly ref locals
## Motivation
Once `ref readonly` members were introduced, it was clear from the use that they need to be paired with appropriate kind of local. Evaluation of a member may produce or observe sideeffects, therefore if the result must be used more than once, it needs to be stored. Ordinary `ref` locals do not help here since they cannot be assigned a `readonly` reference.
## Solution
Allow declaring `ref readonly` locals. This is a new kind of byref locals that is not writeable. As a result `ref readonly` locals can accept references to readonly variables without exposing the variables to writes.
## Declaring and using `ref readonly` locals.
The proposed syntax is to use `ref readonly` at declaration site. Similarly to ordinary `ref` locals, `ref readonly` locals must be ref-initialized at declaration. Unlike regular `ref` locals, `ref readonly` locals can refer to `readonly` LValues - `in` parameters, `readonly` fields, `ref readonly` methods.
For all purposes the `ref readonly` local is treated as a `readonly` variable. Most of the restrictions on the use are same as with `readonly` fields or `in` parameters.
For example fields of an `in` parameter which has a struct type are all recursively classified as `readonly` variables .
static readonly ref Vector3 M1() => . . .
static readonly ref Vector3 M1_Trace()
// OK
ref readonly var r1 = ref M1();
// Not valid. Need an LValue
ref readonly Vector3 r2 = ref default(Vector3);
// Not valid. r1 is readonly.
Mutate(ref r1);
// OK.
Print(in r1);
// OK.
return ref r1;
## Restrictions on use of `ref readonly` locals
Except for their `readonly` nature, `ref readonly` locals behave like ordinary `ref` locals and are subject to exactly same restrictions.
For example restrictions related to capturing in closures, declaring in `async` methods or the `safe-to-return` tracking equally applies to `ref readonly` locals.
# Ternary `ref` expressons. (aka "Conditional LValues")
## Motivation
Use of `ref` and `ref readonly` locals exposed a need to ref-initialize such locals with one or another target variable based on a condition.
A typical workaround is to introduce a method like:
ref T Choice(bool condition, ref T consequence, ref T alternative)
if (condition)
return ref consequence;
return ref alternative;
Note that `Choice` is not an exact replacement of a ternary since _all_ arguments must be evaluated at the call site, which was leading to unintuitive behavior and bugs.
The following will not work as expected:
// will crash with NRE because 'arr[0]' will be executed unconditionally
ref var r = ref Choice(arr != null, ref arr[0], ref otherArr[0]);
## Solution
Allow special kind of conditional expression that evaluates to a reference to one or another LValue argument based on a condition.
## Using `ref` ternary expression.
The proposed syntax for the `ref` flavor of a conditional expression is ` <condition> ? ref <consequence> : ref <alternative>;`
Just like with the ordinary conditional expression only `<consequence>` or `<alternative>` is evaluated based on result of the boolean condition expression.
Unlike ordinary conditional expression, `ref` conditional expression:
- requires that `<consequence>` and `<alternative>` are LValues.
- `ref` conditional expression itself is an LValue and
- `ref` conditional expression is writeable if both `<consequence>` and `<alternative>` are writeable LValues
Ref ternary is an LValue and as such it can be passed/assigned/returned by reference;
// pass by reference
foo(ref (arr != null ? ref arr[0]: ref otherArr[0]));
// return by reference
return ref (arr != null ? ref arr[0]: ref otherArr[0]);
Being an LValue, it can also be assigned to.
// assign to
(arr != null ? ref arr[0]: ref otherArr[0]) = 1;
// error. readOnlyField is readonly and thus conditional expression is readonly
(arr != null ? ref arr[0]: ref obj.readOnlyField) = 1;
Can be used as a receiver of a method call and skip copying if necessary.
// no copies
(arr != null ? ref arr[0]: ref otherArr[0]).StructMethod();
// invoked on a copy.
// The receiver is `readonly` because readOnlyField is readonly.
(arr != null ? ref arr[0]: ref obj.readOnlyField).StructMethod();
// no copies. `ReadonlyStructMethod` is a method on a `readonly` struct
// and can be invoked directly on a readonly receiver
(arr != null ? ref arr[0]: ref obj.readOnlyField).ReadonlyStructMethod();
`ref` ternary can be used in a regular (not ref) context as well.
// only an example
// a regular ternary could work here just the same
int x = (arr != null ? ref arr[0]: ref otherArr[0]);
## Drawbacks ## Drawbacks
[drawbacks]: #drawbacks [drawbacks]: #drawbacks
I can see two major arguments against: I can see two major arguments against enhanced support for references and readonly refernces:
1) The problems that are solved here are very old. Why suddenly solve them now, especially since it would not help existing code? 1) The problems that are solved here are very old. Why suddenly solve them now, especially since it would not help existing code?
@ -454,16 +697,10 @@ The main competing design is really "do nothing".
## Unresolved questions ## Unresolved questions
[unresolved]: #unresolved-questions [unresolved]: #unresolved-questions
* Actual syntax need to be vetted.
* Applicability beyond methods - indexers, operators . . .
* Diagnostics related to implicit copying of `this`
* Conversions at 'in' call sites.
* Need to agree on metadata representation.
* Changes to the Verification rules
* Spec would have to change to reflect that ref extension methods arguments are now passed without using a 'ref' keyword.
## Design meetings ## Design meetings
Link to design notes that affect this proposal, and describe in one sentence for each what changes they led to. https://github.com/dotnet/csharplang/blob/master/meetings/2017/LDM-2017-02-22.md