# Lambda discard parameters ## Summary Allow discards (`_`) to be used as parameters of lambdas and anonymous methods. For example: - lambdas: `(_, _) => 0`, `(int _, int _) => 0` - anonymous methods: `delegate(int _, int _) { return 0; }` ## Motivation Unused parameters do not need to be named. The intent of discards is clear, i.e. they are unused/discarded. ## Detailed design [Method parameters](https://github.com/dotnet/csharplang/blob/master/spec/classes.md#method-parameters) In the parameter list of a lambda or anonymous method with more than one parameter named `_`, such parameters are discard parameters. Note: if a single parameter is named `_` then it is a regular parameter for backwards compatibility reasons. Discard parameters do not introduce any names to any scopes. Note this implies they do not cause any `_` (underscore) names to be hidden. [Simple names](../../spec/expressions.md#simple-names) If `K` is zero and the *simple_name* appears within a *block* and if the *block*'s (or an enclosing *block*'s) local variable declaration space ([Declarations](../../spec/basic-concepts.md#declarations)) contains a local variable, parameter (with the exception of discard parameters) or constant with name `I`, then the *simple_name* refers to that local variable, parameter or constant and is classified as a variable or value. [Scopes](../../spec/basic-concepts.md#scopes) With the exception of discard parameters, the scope of a parameter declared in a *lambda_expression* ([Anonymous function expressions](../../spec/expressions.md#anonymous-function-expressions)) is the *anonymous_function_body* of that *lambda_expression* With the exception of discard parameters, the scope of a parameter declared in an *anonymous_method_expression* ([Anonymous function expressions](../../spec/expressions.md#anonymous-function-expressions)) is the *block* of that *anonymous_method_expression*. ## Related spec sections - [Corresponding parameters](../../spec/expressions.md#corresponding-parameters)