# improved common type * [x] Proposed * [ ] Prototype: None * [ ] Implementation: None * [ ] Specification: See below ## Summary [summary]: #summary There are two circumstances in which the current common-type algorithm results are counter-intuitive, and result in the programmer adding what feels like a redundant cast to the code. With this change, an expression such as `condition ? 1 : null` would result in a value of type `int?`, and an expression of the form `condition ? new Dog() : new Cat()` would result in a value of their common base type `Animal`. ## Motivation [motivation]: #motivation This is a common cause of what feels to the programmer like needless boilerplate code. ## Detailed design [design]: #detailed-design We modify the specification for [finding the best common type of a set of expressions](https://github.com/dotnet/csharplang/blob/master/spec/expressions.md#finding-the-best-common-type-of-a-set-of-expressions) to affect the following two circumstances: - If one expression is of a non-nullable value type `T` and the other is a null literal, the result is of type `T?`. - If the two operands are class types and have a common base type other than `object`, the most specific such type is the result. This is expected to affect the following aspects of the language: - the [ternary expression](https://github.com/dotnet/csharplang/blob/master/spec/expressions.md#conditional-operator) - implicitly types [array creation expression](https://github.com/dotnet/csharplang/blob/master/spec/expressions.md#array-creation-expressions) - inferring the [return type of a lambda](https://github.com/dotnet/csharplang/blob/master/spec/expressions.md#inferred-return-type) for type inference ## Drawbacks [drawbacks]: #drawbacks There may be some incompatibilities introduced by this proposal. ## Alternatives [alternatives]: #alternatives None. ## Unresolved questions [unresolved]: #unresolved-questions - [ ] What is the severity of incompatibility introduced by this proposal, and how can it be moderated? - [ ] Should we handle reference types other than class types? ## Design meetings None.