# Ref Local Reassignment In C# 7.3, we add support for rebinding the referent of a ref local variable or a ref parameter. We add the following to the set of `assignment_operator`s. ```antlr assignment_operator : '=' 'ref' ; ``` The `=ref` operator is called the ***ref assignment operator***. It is not a *compound assignment operator*. The left operand must be an expression that binds to a ref local variable, a ref parameter (other than `this`), or an out parameter. The right operand must be an expression that yields an lvalue designating a value of the same type as the left operand. The right operand must be definitely assigned at the point of the ref assignment. When the left operand binds to an `out` parameter, it is an error if that `out` parameter has not been definitely assigned at the beginning of the ref assignment operator. If the left operand is a writeable ref (i.e. it designates anything other than a `ref readonly` local or `in` parameter), then the right operand must be a writeable lvalue. The ref assignment operator yields an lvalue of the assigned type. It is writeable if the left operand is writeable (i.e. not `ref readonly` or `in`). The safety rules for this operator are: - For a ref reassignment `e1 = ref e2`, the *ref-safe-to-escape* of `e2` must be at least as wide a scope as the *ref-safe-to-escape* of `e1`. Where *ref-safe-to-escape* is defined in [Safety for ref-like types](../csharp-7.2/span-safety.md)