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Merge AuxPoW support from Namecore Changes are as below: Wrap CBlockHeader::nVersion into a new class (CBlockVersion). This allows to take care of interpreting the field into a base version, auxpow flag and the chain ID. Update for new 'generate' RPC call. Add 'auxpow' to block JSON. Accept auxpow as PoW verification. Add unit tests for auxpow verification. Add check for memory-layout of CBlockVersion. Weaken auxpow chain ID checks for the testnet. Allow Params() to overrule when to check the auxpow chain ID and for legacy blocks. Use this to disable the checks on testnet. Introduce CPureBlockHeader. Split the block header part that is used by auxpow and the "real" block header (that uses auxpow) to resolve the cyclic dependency between the two. Differentiate between uint256 and arith_uint256. This change was done upstream, modify the auxpow code. Add missing lock in auxpow_tests. Fix REST header check for auxpow headers. Those can be longer, thus take that into account. Also perform the check actually on an auxpow header. Correctly set the coinbase for getauxblock results. Call IncrementExtraNonce in getauxblock so that the coinbase is actually initialised with the stuff it should be. (BIP30 block height and COINBASE_FLAGS.) Implement getauxblock plus regression test. Turn auxpow test into FIXTURE test. This allows using of the Params() calls. Move CMerkleTx code to auxpow.cpp. Otherwise we get linker errors when building without wallet. Fix rebase with BIP66. Update the code to handle BIP66's nVersion=3. Enforce that auxpow parent blocks have no auxpow block version. This is for compatibility with namecoind. See also Move auxpow-related parameters to Consensus::Params.
2018-10-17 00:38:56 +02:00
// Copyright (c) 2018 Daniel Kraft
// Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
// file COPYING or
#include <rpc/auxpow_miner.h>
#include <arith_uint256.h>
#include <auxpow.h>
#include <chainparams.h>
#include <net.h>
#include <rpc/protocol.h>
#include <utilstrencodings.h>
#include <utiltime.h>
#include <validation.h>
#include <cassert>
void auxMiningCheck()
if (!g_connman)
"Error: Peer-to-peer functionality missing or"
" disabled");
if (g_connman->GetNodeCount (CConnman::CONNECTIONS_ALL) == 0
&& !Params ().MineBlocksOnDemand ())
"Dogecoin is not connected!");
if (IsInitialBlockDownload () && !Params ().MineBlocksOnDemand ())
"Dogecoin is downloading blocks...");
/* This should never fail, since the chain is already
past the point of merge-mining start. Check nevertheless. */
LOCK (cs_main);
const auto auxpowStart = Params ().GetConsensus ().nAuxpowStartHeight;
if (chainActive.Height () + 1 < auxpowStart)
throw std::runtime_error ("mining auxblock method is not yet available");
} // anonymous namespace
const CBlock*
AuxpowMiner::getCurrentBlock (const CScript& scriptPubKey, uint256& target)
AssertLockHeld (cs);
LOCK (cs_main);
if (pindexPrev != chainActive.Tip ()
|| (mempool.GetTransactionsUpdated () != txUpdatedLast
&& GetTime () - startTime > 60))
if (pindexPrev != chainActive.Tip ())
/* Clear old blocks since they're obsolete now. */
blocks.clear ();
templates.clear ();
pblockCur = nullptr;
/* Create new block with nonce = 0 and extraNonce = 1. */
std::unique_ptr<CBlockTemplate> newBlock
= BlockAssembler (Params ()).CreateNewBlock (scriptPubKey);
if (newBlock == nullptr)
throw JSONRPCError (RPC_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "out of memory");
/* Update state only when CreateNewBlock succeeded. */
txUpdatedLast = mempool.GetTransactionsUpdated ();
pindexPrev = chainActive.Tip ();
startTime = GetTime ();
/* Finalise it by setting the version and building the merkle root. */
IncrementExtraNonce (&newBlock->block, pindexPrev, extraNonce);
newBlock->block.SetAuxpowFlag (true);
/* Save in our map of constructed blocks. */
pblockCur = &newBlock->block;
blocks[pblockCur->GetHash ()] = pblockCur;
templates.push_back (std::move (newBlock));
/* At this point, pblockCur is always initialised: If we make it here
without creating a new block above, it means that, in particular,
pindexPrev == chainActive.Tip(). But for that to happen, we must
already have created a pblockCur in a previous call, as pindexPrev is
initialised only when pblockCur is. */
assert (pblockCur);
arith_uint256 arithTarget;
bool fNegative, fOverflow;
arithTarget.SetCompact (pblockCur->nBits, &fNegative, &fOverflow);
if (fNegative || fOverflow || arithTarget == 0)
throw std::runtime_error ("invalid difficulty bits in block");
target = ArithToUint256 (arithTarget);
return pblockCur;
const CBlock*
AuxpowMiner::lookupSavedBlock (const std::string& hashHex) const
AssertLockHeld (cs);
uint256 hash;
hash.SetHex (hashHex);
const auto iter = blocks.find (hash);
if (iter == blocks.end ())
throw JSONRPCError (RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "block hash unknown");
return iter->second;
AuxpowMiner::createAuxBlock (const CScript& scriptPubKey)
auxMiningCheck ();
LOCK (cs);
uint256 target;
const CBlock* pblock = getCurrentBlock (scriptPubKey, target);
UniValue result(UniValue::VOBJ);
result.pushKV ("hash", pblock->GetHash ().GetHex ());
result.pushKV ("chainid", pblock->GetChainId ());
result.pushKV ("previousblockhash", pblock->hashPrevBlock.GetHex ());
result.pushKV ("coinbasevalue",
static_cast<int64_t> (pblock->vtx[0]->vout[0].nValue));
result.pushKV ("bits", strprintf ("%08x", pblock->nBits));
result.pushKV ("height", static_cast<int64_t> (pindexPrev->nHeight + 1));
result.pushKV ("target", HexStr (BEGIN (target), END (target)));
return result;
AuxpowMiner::submitAuxBlock (const std::string& hashHex,
const std::string& auxpowHex) const
auxMiningCheck ();
std::shared_ptr<CBlock> shared_block;
LOCK (cs);
const CBlock* pblock = lookupSavedBlock (hashHex);
shared_block = std::make_shared<CBlock> (*pblock);
const std::vector<unsigned char> vchAuxPow = ParseHex (auxpowHex);
std::unique_ptr<CAuxPow> pow(new CAuxPow ());
ss >> *pow;
shared_block->SetAuxpow (std::move (pow));
assert (shared_block->GetHash ().GetHex () == hashHex);
return ProcessNewBlock (Params (), shared_block, true, nullptr);