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# Dogecoin Core file system
2015-08-13 15:09:01 +02:00
- [Data directory location](#data-directory-location)
- [Data directory layout](#data-directory-layout)
- [GUI settings](#gui-settings)
- [Legacy subdirectories and files](#legacy-subdirectories-and-files)
- [Notes](#notes)
## Data directory location
The data directory is the default location where the Dogecoin Core files are stored.
1. The default data directory paths for supported platforms are:
Platform | Data directory path
Linux | `$HOME/.dogecoin/`
macOS | `$HOME/Library/Application Support/Dogecoin/`
Windows | `%APPDATA%\Dogecoin\` <sup>[\[1\]](#note1)</sup>
2. A custom data directory path can be specified with the `-datadir` option.
3. All content of the data directory, except for the `dogecoin.conf` file, is chain-specific. This means the actual data directory paths for non-mainnet cases differ:
Chain | Data directory path
(default) | *path_to_datadir*`/`
`-testnet` | *path_to_datadir*`/testnet3/`
`-regtest` | *path_to_datadir*`/regtest/`
## Data directory layout
Subdirectory | File(s) | Description
`blocks/` | | Blocks directory
`blocks/index/` | LevelDB database | Block and transaction indices
`blocks/` | `blkNNNNN.dat` | Actual blocks (in network format, dumped in raw on disk, 128 MiB per file)
`blocks/` | `revNNNNN.dat` | Block undo data (custom format)
`chainstate/` | LevelDB database | Blockchain state, a.k.a UTXO database
`./` | `anchors.dat` | Anchor IP address database, created on shutdown and deleted at startup. Anchors are last known outgoing block-relay-only peers that are tried to re-connect to on startup
`./` | `banlist.dat` | Stores the IPs/subnets of banned nodes
`./` | `dogecoin.conf` | User-defined configuration settings for `dogecoind` or `dogecoin-qt`; can be specified by `-conf` option
`./` | `` | Stores the process ID (PID) of `dogecoind` or `dogecoin-qt` while running; can be specified by `-pid` option
`./` | `debug.log` | Contains debug information and general logging generated by `dogecoind` or `dogecoin-qt`
`./` | `fee_estimates.dat` | Stores statistics used to estimate smart transaction fees and priorities required for confirmation
`./` | `mempool.dat` | Dump of the mempool's transactions
`./` | `onion_private_key` | Cached Tor onion service private key for `-listenonion` option
`./` | `peers.dat` | Peer IP address database
`./` | `.cookie` | Session RPC authentication cookie; if used, created at start and deleted on shutdown; can be specified by `-rpccookiefile` option
`./` | `.lock` | Data directory lock file
`./` | `db.log` | BDB error file
`./` | `wallet.dat` | Personal wallet (a BDB database) with keys and transactions
`./` | `.walletlock` | BDB wallet lock file
## GUI settings
`dogecoin-qt` uses the [`QSettings`]( class; this implies platform-specific [locations where application settings are stored](
## Legacy subdirectories and files
These subdirectories and files are no longer used by Dogecoin Core:
Path | Description
`blktree/` | Blockchain index; replaced by `blocks/index/` in 1.10.0
`coins/` | Unspent transaction output database; replaced by `chainstate/` in 1.10.0
`blkindex.dat` | Blockchain index BDB database; replaced by {`chainstate/`, `blocks/index/`, `blocks/revNNNNN.dat`} in 1.10.0
`blk000?.dat` | Block data (custom format, 2 GiB per file); replaced by `blocks/blkNNNNN.dat` in 1.10.0
`addr.dat` | Peer IP address BDB database; replaced by `peers.dat` in 1.7.0
## Notes
<a name="note1">1</a>. The `/` (slash, U+002F) is used as the platform-independent path component separator in this document.