qa: Test relay and mempool policies for fees and dust

Creates a new functional test that ensures relay logic regarding
fee and dust levels
This commit is contained in:
Patrick Lodder 2021-10-07 16:06:51 +02:00
parent 5f390bde2a
commit c05cd54411
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG key ID: 2D3A345B98D0DC1F
2 changed files with 202 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -164,6 +164,7 @@ testScripts = [

qa/rpc-tests/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) 2021 The Dogecoin Core developers
# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
# file COPYING or
"""P2P Policies QA test
# Tests relay and mempool acceptance policies from p2p perspective
from test_framework.mininode import *
from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework
from test_framework.util import *
class TestNode(NodeConnCB):
def __init__(self):
self.connection = None
self.ping_counter = 1
self.last_pong = msg_pong()
self.txinvs = {}
self.rejects = []
def add_connection(self, conn):
self.connection = conn
# Track transaction invs for wait_for_tx_inv
def on_inv(self, conn, message):
for i in message.inv:
if (i.type == 1):
self.txinvs[format(i.hash, '064x')] = True
# Track pongs for sync_with_ping
def on_pong(self, conn, message):
self.last_pong = message
# Track reject messages
def on_reject(self, conn, message):
# wait for verack to make sure the node accepts our connection attempt
def wait_for_verack(self):
def veracked():
return self.verack_received
return wait_until(veracked, timeout=10)
# Wait until we have received an inv of a specific tx
def wait_for_tx_inv(self, hash, timeout=30):
def have_received_tx_inv():
return self.txinvs[hash]
except KeyError as e:
return False
return wait_until(have_received_tx_inv, timeout=timeout)
# Send a ping message and wait until we get the pong message back
def sync_with_ping(self, timeout=30):
def received_pong():
return (self.last_pong.nonce == self.ping_counter)
success = wait_until(received_pong, timeout=timeout)
self.ping_counter += 1
return success
class P2PPolicyTests(BitcoinTestFramework):
def __init__(self):
self.setup_clean_chain = True
self.num_nodes = 1
self.utxo = []
# a private key and corresponding address and p2pkh output script
self.srcPrivKey = "cRhVU6TU1qHfRg3ee59yqg7ifhREKPLPPk8eccrrAEEY74bY1dCY"
self.srcAddr = "mmMP9oKFdADezYzduwJFcLNmmi8JHUKdx9"
self.srcOutScript = "76a91440015860f45d48eeeb2224dce3ad94ba91763e1e88ac"
# valid regtest address that no one has the key to
self.tgtAddr = "mkwDHkWXF8x6aFtdGVm5E9PVC7yPY8cb4r"
def create_testnode(self, node_idx=0):
node = TestNode()
conn = NodeConn('', p2p_port(node_idx), self.nodes[node_idx], node)
return node
def setup_network(self):
self.nodes = []
# a Dogecoin Core node that behaves similar to mainnet policies
self.nodes.append(start_node(0, self.options.tmpdir, ["-debug", "-acceptnonstdtxn=0"]))
# custom testnodes
self.sendNode = self.create_testnode() # to send tx from
self.recvNode = self.create_testnode() # to check relay from
# start networking and handshake the mininodes
def run_test(self):
### test constants ###
koinu = Decimal("0.00000001") # 1 Koinu expressed in DOGE
ten = Decimal("10.0") # uniform 10 DOGE seed moneys
### parameters from fee policy ###
relay_fee = Decimal("0.001") # DEFAULT_MIN_RELAY_TX_FEE
soft_dust_limit = Decimal("0.01") # DEFAULT_DUST_LIMIT
relay_fee_per_byte = relay_fee / 1000
# create a bunch of UTXO with seed money from the Dogecoin Core wallet
for i in range(10):
inputs = [self.nodes[0].listunspent()[0]]
outputs = { self.srcAddr : ten }
tx = self.nodes[0].createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs)
signed = self.nodes[0].signrawtransaction(tx)
txid = self.nodes[0].sendrawtransaction(signed['hex'], True)
# test legacy output of 1 DOGE output and 1 DOGE fee
output = { self.tgtAddr : 1, self.srcAddr: 8 }
self.run_relay_test(output, None)
# test exact relay fee rate
output = { self.tgtAddr: ten - relay_fee_per_byte * 192}
tx = self.run_relay_test(output, None)
# test too low relay fee rate
output = { self.tgtAddr: ten - relay_fee_per_byte * 191 + koinu }
tx = self.run_relay_test(output, 66) # 66 = too low fee
# test exact dust limit
change = ten - soft_dust_limit - relay_fee_per_byte * 226
output = { self.tgtAddr : soft_dust_limit, self.srcAddr: change}
self.run_relay_test(output, None)
# test soft dust limit with sufficient fee
amount = soft_dust_limit - koinu
change = ten - amount - relay_fee_per_byte * 226 - relay_fee
output = { self.tgtAddr : amount, self.srcAddr: change }
self.run_relay_test(output, None)
# test soft dust limit with insufficient fee
amount = soft_dust_limit - koinu
change = ten - amount - relay_fee_per_byte * 225 - relay_fee + koinu
output = { self.tgtAddr : amount, self.srcAddr: change }
self.run_relay_test(output, 66)
# test a 1 koinu output with sufficient fee
amount = koinu
change = ten - amount - relay_fee_per_byte * 226 - relay_fee
output = { self.tgtAddr : amount, self.srcAddr: change }
self.run_relay_test(output, 64) # 64 = dust
# test a 1 koinu output with insufficient fee
amount = koinu
change = ten - amount - relay_fee_per_byte * 225 - relay_fee + koinu
output = { self.tgtAddr : amount, self.srcAddr: change }
self.run_relay_test(output, 64)
# test mempool acceptance and relay outcomes
def run_relay_test(self, output, expected_reject_code):
num_rejects = len(self.sendNode.rejects)
tx = self.spend_utxo(output)
if (expected_reject_code is None):
# test that the tx got relayed
assert_equal(self.recvNode.wait_for_tx_inv(tx.hash), True)
assert_equal(len(self.sendNode.rejects), num_rejects)
# test that there was a rejection received with the correct code
assert_greater_than(len(self.sendNode.rejects), num_rejects)
assert_equal(self.sendNode.rejects[-1].code, expected_reject_code)
return tx
# spend seed money with a key not in the Dogecoin Core wallet.
def spend_utxo(self, output):
# construct the transaction using Dogecoin Core raw tx APIs
input = [{ "txid": self.utxo.pop(), "vout": 0, "scriptPubKey": self.srcOutScript }]
rawtx = self.nodes[0].createrawtransaction(input, output)
signed_tx = self.nodes[0].signrawtransaction(rawtx, input, [self.srcPrivKey])
# import the signed tx into a format the mininode client understands
# and send the tx from there rather than from Dogecoin Core, to test
# mempool acceptance as it would happen on mainnet: through relay
tx = FromHex(CTransaction(), signed_tx['hex'])
return tx
if __name__ == '__main__':