WINDOWS BUILD NOTES =================== Compilers Supported ------------------- Compilation under Windows is supported using MinGW ( Dependencies ------------ To build Dogecoin for Windows, there are number of libraries you need to download separately and build. Note that, for those used to a Linux/UNIX background, the search paths for include files is not the conventional UNIX directories, see for more details. Library files can be placed in the more conventional /usr/local/lib directory, but see in case of difficulties. In both cases, include and library files will need to be placed in the relevant directories for the build process to succeed. name default path download -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OpenSSL \openssl-1.0.1c-mgw Berkeley DB \db-5.1.29.NC-mgw Boost \boost-1.55.0-mgw miniupnpc \miniupnpc-1.6-mgw qt protobuf libpng libqrencode Their licenses: OpenSSL Old BSD license with the problematic advertising requirement Berkeley DB New BSD license with additional requirement that linked software must be free open source Boost MIT-like license miniupnpc New (3-clause) BSD license qt protobuf libpng libqrencode Versions used in this release: OpenSSL 1.0.1c Berkeley DB 5.1.29.NC Boost 1.55.0 miniupnpc 1.6 qt 4.8.3 protobuf 2.5.0 libpng 1.6.9 libqrencode 3.2.0 OpenSSL ------- MSYS shell: un-tar sources with MSYS 'tar xfz' to avoid issue with symlinks (OpenSSL ticket 2377) change 'MAKE' env. variable from 'C:\MinGW32\bin\mingw32-make.exe' to '/c/MinGW32/bin/mingw32-make.exe' cd /c/openssl-1.0.1c-mgw ./config make Berkeley DB ----------- MSYS shell: cd /c/db-5.1.29.NC-mgw/build_unix sh ../dist/configure --enable-mingw --enable-cxx make Include and library files files should then be placed into MinGW search paths, for example: Include: C:\MinGW\lib\gcc\mingw32\4.8.1\include\c++ Library: C:\MinGW\lib Boost ----- MSYS shell: cd boost_1_55_0/tools/build/v2/engine ./ mingw cp bin.ntx86/bjam.exe ../../../../ cd ../../../../ bjam --toolset=gcc In case of problems, may be useful MiniUPnPc --------- UPnP support is optional, make with `USE_UPNP=` to disable it. MSYS shell: cd /c/miniupnpc-1.6-mgw make -f Makefile.mingw mkdir miniupnpc cp *.h miniupnpc/ Dogecoin ------- MSYS shell: dogecoin ./ BOOST_ROOT=../boost_1_55_0 ./configure --disable-tests mingw32-make strip dogecoind.exe