This issue tracker is only for technical issues related to Dogecoin Core. For general questions about Dogecoin please use one of the various communities, e.g. Reddit, IRC, Discord, etc. ### Describe the issue ### Can you reliably reproduce the issue? #### If so, please list the steps to reproduce below: 1. 2. 3. ### Expected behaviour Tell us what should happen ### Actual behaviour Tell us what happens instead ### Screenshots. If the issue is related to the GUI, screenshots can be added to this issue via drag & drop. ### What version of Dogecoin Core are you using? List the version number/commit ID, and if it is an official binary, self compiled or a distribution package such as PPA. ### Machine specs: - OS: - CPU: - RAM: - Disk size: - Disk Type (HD/SDD): ### Any extra information that might be useful in the debugging process. This is normally the contents of a `debug.log` or `config.log` file. Raw text or a link to a pastebin type site are preferred.