#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2016 The Bitcoin Core developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. from test_framework.mininode import * from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework from test_framework.util import * from test_framework.blocktools import create_block, create_coinbase from test_framework.siphash import siphash256 from test_framework.script import CScript, OP_TRUE ''' CompactBlocksTest -- test compact blocks (BIP 152) ''' # TestNode: A peer we use to send messages to bitcoind, and store responses. class TestNode(SingleNodeConnCB): def __init__(self): SingleNodeConnCB.__init__(self) self.last_sendcmpct = None self.last_headers = None self.last_inv = None self.last_cmpctblock = None self.block_announced = False self.last_getdata = None self.last_getblocktxn = None self.last_block = None self.last_blocktxn = None def on_sendcmpct(self, conn, message): self.last_sendcmpct = message def on_block(self, conn, message): self.last_block = message def on_cmpctblock(self, conn, message): self.last_cmpctblock = message self.block_announced = True def on_headers(self, conn, message): self.last_headers = message self.block_announced = True def on_inv(self, conn, message): self.last_inv = message self.block_announced = True def on_getdata(self, conn, message): self.last_getdata = message def on_getblocktxn(self, conn, message): self.last_getblocktxn = message def on_blocktxn(self, conn, message): self.last_blocktxn = message # Requires caller to hold mininode_lock def received_block_announcement(self): return self.block_announced def clear_block_announcement(self): with mininode_lock: self.block_announced = False self.last_inv = None self.last_headers = None self.last_cmpctblock = None def get_headers(self, locator, hashstop): msg = msg_getheaders() msg.locator.vHave = locator msg.hashstop = hashstop self.connection.send_message(msg) def send_header_for_blocks(self, new_blocks): headers_message = msg_headers() headers_message.headers = [CBlockHeader(b) for b in new_blocks] self.send_message(headers_message) def request_headers_and_sync(self, locator, hashstop=0): self.clear_block_announcement() self.get_headers(locator, hashstop) assert(wait_until(self.received_block_announcement, timeout=30)) assert(self.received_block_announcement()) self.clear_block_announcement() class CompactBlocksTest(BitcoinTestFramework): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.setup_clean_chain = True self.num_nodes = 1 self.utxos = [] def setup_network(self): self.nodes = [] # Turn off segwit in this test, as compact blocks don't currently work # with segwit. (After BIP 152 is updated to support segwit, we can # test behavior with and without segwit enabled by adding a second node # to the test.) self.nodes = start_nodes(self.num_nodes, self.options.tmpdir, [["-debug", "-logtimemicros=1", "-bip9params=segwit:0:0"]]) def build_block_on_tip(self): height = self.nodes[0].getblockcount() tip = self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash() mtp = self.nodes[0].getblockheader(tip)['mediantime'] block = create_block(int(tip, 16), create_coinbase(height + 1), mtp + 1) block.solve() return block # Create 10 more anyone-can-spend utxo's for testing. def make_utxos(self): block = self.build_block_on_tip() self.test_node.send_and_ping(msg_block(block)) assert(int(self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash(), 16) == block.sha256) self.nodes[0].generate(100) total_value = block.vtx[0].vout[0].nValue out_value = total_value // 10 tx = CTransaction() tx.vin.append(CTxIn(COutPoint(block.vtx[0].sha256, 0), b'')) for i in range(10): tx.vout.append(CTxOut(out_value, CScript([OP_TRUE]))) tx.rehash() block2 = self.build_block_on_tip() block2.vtx.append(tx) block2.hashMerkleRoot = block2.calc_merkle_root() block2.solve() self.test_node.send_and_ping(msg_block(block2)) assert_equal(int(self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash(), 16), block2.sha256) self.utxos.extend([[tx.sha256, i, out_value] for i in range(10)]) return # Test "sendcmpct": # - No compact block announcements or getdata(MSG_CMPCT_BLOCK) unless # sendcmpct is sent. # - If sendcmpct is sent with version > 1, the message is ignored. # - If sendcmpct is sent with boolean 0, then block announcements are not # made with compact blocks. # - If sendcmpct is then sent with boolean 1, then new block announcements # are made with compact blocks. def test_sendcmpct(self): print("Testing SENDCMPCT p2p message... ") # Make sure we get a version 0 SENDCMPCT message from our peer def received_sendcmpct(): return (self.test_node.last_sendcmpct is not None) got_message = wait_until(received_sendcmpct, timeout=30) assert(received_sendcmpct()) assert(got_message) assert_equal(self.test_node.last_sendcmpct.version, 1) tip = int(self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash(), 16) def check_announcement_of_new_block(node, peer, predicate): peer.clear_block_announcement() node.generate(1) got_message = wait_until(lambda: peer.block_announced, timeout=30) assert(peer.block_announced) assert(got_message) with mininode_lock: assert(predicate(peer)) # We shouldn't get any block announcements via cmpctblock yet. check_announcement_of_new_block(self.nodes[0], self.test_node, lambda p: p.last_cmpctblock is None) # Try one more time, this time after requesting headers. self.test_node.request_headers_and_sync(locator=[tip]) check_announcement_of_new_block(self.nodes[0], self.test_node, lambda p: p.last_cmpctblock is None and p.last_inv is not None) # Test a few ways of using sendcmpct that should NOT # result in compact block announcements. # Before each test, sync the headers chain. self.test_node.request_headers_and_sync(locator=[tip]) # Now try a SENDCMPCT message with too-high version sendcmpct = msg_sendcmpct() sendcmpct.version = 2 self.test_node.send_and_ping(sendcmpct) check_announcement_of_new_block(self.nodes[0], self.test_node, lambda p: p.last_cmpctblock is None) # Headers sync before next test. self.test_node.request_headers_and_sync(locator=[tip]) # Now try a SENDCMPCT message with valid version, but announce=False self.test_node.send_and_ping(msg_sendcmpct()) check_announcement_of_new_block(self.nodes[0], self.test_node, lambda p: p.last_cmpctblock is None) # Headers sync before next test. self.test_node.request_headers_and_sync(locator=[tip]) # Finally, try a SENDCMPCT message with announce=True sendcmpct.version = 1 sendcmpct.announce = True self.test_node.send_and_ping(sendcmpct) check_announcement_of_new_block(self.nodes[0], self.test_node, lambda p: p.last_cmpctblock is not None) # Try one more time (no headers sync should be needed!) check_announcement_of_new_block(self.nodes[0], self.test_node, lambda p: p.last_cmpctblock is not None) # Try one more time, after turning on sendheaders self.test_node.send_and_ping(msg_sendheaders()) check_announcement_of_new_block(self.nodes[0], self.test_node, lambda p: p.last_cmpctblock is not None) # Now turn off announcements sendcmpct.announce = False self.test_node.send_and_ping(sendcmpct) check_announcement_of_new_block(self.nodes[0], self.test_node, lambda p: p.last_cmpctblock is None and p.last_headers is not None) # This test actually causes bitcoind to (reasonably!) disconnect us, so do this last. def test_invalid_cmpctblock_message(self): print("Testing invalid index in cmpctblock message...") self.nodes[0].generate(101) block = self.build_block_on_tip() cmpct_block = P2PHeaderAndShortIDs() cmpct_block.header = CBlockHeader(block) cmpct_block.prefilled_txn_length = 1 # This index will be too high prefilled_txn = PrefilledTransaction(1, block.vtx[0]) cmpct_block.prefilled_txn = [prefilled_txn] self.test_node.send_and_ping(msg_cmpctblock(cmpct_block)) assert(int(self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash(), 16) == block.hashPrevBlock) # Compare the generated shortids to what we expect based on BIP 152, given # bitcoind's choice of nonce. def test_compactblock_construction(self): print("Testing compactblock headers and shortIDs are correct...") # Generate a bunch of transactions. self.nodes[0].generate(101) num_transactions = 25 address = self.nodes[0].getnewaddress() for i in range(num_transactions): self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress(address, 0.1) self.test_node.sync_with_ping() # Now mine a block, and look at the resulting compact block. self.test_node.clear_block_announcement() block_hash = int(self.nodes[0].generate(1)[0], 16) # Store the raw block in our internal format. block = FromHex(CBlock(), self.nodes[0].getblock("%02x" % block_hash, False)) [tx.calc_sha256() for tx in block.vtx] block.rehash() # Don't care which type of announcement came back for this test; just # request the compact block if we didn't get one yet. wait_until(self.test_node.received_block_announcement, timeout=30) with mininode_lock: if self.test_node.last_cmpctblock is None: self.test_node.clear_block_announcement() inv = CInv(4, block_hash) # 4 == "CompactBlock" self.test_node.send_message(msg_getdata([inv])) wait_until(self.test_node.received_block_announcement, timeout=30) # Now we should have the compactblock header_and_shortids = None with mininode_lock: assert(self.test_node.last_cmpctblock is not None) # Convert the on-the-wire representation to absolute indexes header_and_shortids = HeaderAndShortIDs(self.test_node.last_cmpctblock.header_and_shortids) # Check that we got the right block! header_and_shortids.header.calc_sha256() assert_equal(header_and_shortids.header.sha256, block_hash) # Make sure the prefilled_txn appears to have included the coinbase assert(len(header_and_shortids.prefilled_txn) >= 1) assert_equal(header_and_shortids.prefilled_txn[0].index, 0) # Check that all prefilled_txn entries match what's in the block. for entry in header_and_shortids.prefilled_txn: entry.tx.calc_sha256() assert_equal(entry.tx.sha256, block.vtx[entry.index].sha256) # Check that the cmpctblock message announced all the transactions. assert_equal(len(header_and_shortids.prefilled_txn) + len(header_and_shortids.shortids), len(block.vtx)) # And now check that all the shortids are as expected as well. # Determine the siphash keys to use. [k0, k1] = header_and_shortids.get_siphash_keys() index = 0 while index < len(block.vtx): if (len(header_and_shortids.prefilled_txn) > 0 and header_and_shortids.prefilled_txn[0].index == index): # Already checked prefilled transactions above header_and_shortids.prefilled_txn.pop(0) else: shortid = calculate_shortid(k0, k1, block.vtx[index].sha256) assert_equal(shortid, header_and_shortids.shortids[0]) header_and_shortids.shortids.pop(0) index += 1 # Test that bitcoind requests compact blocks when we announce new blocks # via header or inv, and that responding to getblocktxn causes the block # to be successfully reconstructed. def test_compactblock_requests(self): print("Testing compactblock requests... ") # Try announcing a block with an inv or header, expect a compactblock # request for announce in ["inv", "header"]: block = self.build_block_on_tip() with mininode_lock: self.test_node.last_getdata = None if announce == "inv": self.test_node.send_message(msg_inv([CInv(2, block.sha256)])) else: self.test_node.send_header_for_blocks([block]) success = wait_until(lambda: self.test_node.last_getdata is not None, timeout=30) assert(success) assert_equal(len(self.test_node.last_getdata.inv), 1) assert_equal(self.test_node.last_getdata.inv[0].type, 4) assert_equal(self.test_node.last_getdata.inv[0].hash, block.sha256) # Send back a compactblock message that omits the coinbase comp_block = HeaderAndShortIDs() comp_block.header = CBlockHeader(block) comp_block.nonce = 0 comp_block.shortids = [1] # this is useless, and wrong self.test_node.send_and_ping(msg_cmpctblock(comp_block.to_p2p())) assert_equal(int(self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash(), 16), block.hashPrevBlock) # Expect a getblocktxn message. with mininode_lock: assert(self.test_node.last_getblocktxn is not None) absolute_indexes = self.test_node.last_getblocktxn.block_txn_request.to_absolute() assert_equal(absolute_indexes, [0]) # should be a coinbase request # Send the coinbase, and verify that the tip advances. msg = msg_blocktxn() msg.block_transactions.blockhash = block.sha256 msg.block_transactions.transactions = [block.vtx[0]] self.test_node.send_and_ping(msg) assert_equal(int(self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash(), 16), block.sha256) # Create a chain of transactions from given utxo, and add to a new block. def build_block_with_transactions(self, utxo, num_transactions): block = self.build_block_on_tip() for i in range(num_transactions): tx = CTransaction() tx.vin.append(CTxIn(COutPoint(utxo[0], utxo[1]), b'')) tx.vout.append(CTxOut(utxo[2] - 1000, CScript([OP_TRUE]))) tx.rehash() utxo = [tx.sha256, 0, tx.vout[0].nValue] block.vtx.append(tx) block.hashMerkleRoot = block.calc_merkle_root() block.solve() return block # Test that we only receive getblocktxn requests for transactions that the # node needs, and that responding to them causes the block to be # reconstructed. def test_getblocktxn_requests(self): print("Testing getblocktxn requests...") # First try announcing compactblocks that won't reconstruct, and verify # that we receive getblocktxn messages back. utxo = self.utxos.pop(0) block = self.build_block_with_transactions(utxo, 5) self.utxos.append([block.vtx[-1].sha256, 0, block.vtx[-1].vout[0].nValue]) comp_block = HeaderAndShortIDs() comp_block.initialize_from_block(block) self.test_node.send_and_ping(msg_cmpctblock(comp_block.to_p2p())) with mininode_lock: assert(self.test_node.last_getblocktxn is not None) absolute_indexes = self.test_node.last_getblocktxn.block_txn_request.to_absolute() assert_equal(absolute_indexes, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) msg = msg_blocktxn() msg.block_transactions = BlockTransactions(block.sha256, block.vtx[1:]) self.test_node.send_and_ping(msg) assert_equal(int(self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash(), 16), block.sha256) utxo = self.utxos.pop(0) block = self.build_block_with_transactions(utxo, 5) self.utxos.append([block.vtx[-1].sha256, 0, block.vtx[-1].vout[0].nValue]) # Now try interspersing the prefilled transactions comp_block.initialize_from_block(block, prefill_list=[0, 1, 5]) self.test_node.send_and_ping(msg_cmpctblock(comp_block.to_p2p())) with mininode_lock: assert(self.test_node.last_getblocktxn is not None) absolute_indexes = self.test_node.last_getblocktxn.block_txn_request.to_absolute() assert_equal(absolute_indexes, [2, 3, 4]) msg.block_transactions = BlockTransactions(block.sha256, block.vtx[2:5]) self.test_node.send_and_ping(msg) assert_equal(int(self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash(), 16), block.sha256) # Now try giving one transaction ahead of time. utxo = self.utxos.pop(0) block = self.build_block_with_transactions(utxo, 5) self.utxos.append([block.vtx[-1].sha256, 0, block.vtx[-1].vout[0].nValue]) self.test_node.send_and_ping(msg_tx(block.vtx[1])) assert(block.vtx[1].hash in self.nodes[0].getrawmempool()) # Prefill 4 out of the 6 transactions, and verify that only the one # that was not in the mempool is requested. comp_block.initialize_from_block(block, prefill_list=[0, 2, 3, 4]) self.test_node.send_and_ping(msg_cmpctblock(comp_block.to_p2p())) with mininode_lock: assert(self.test_node.last_getblocktxn is not None) absolute_indexes = self.test_node.last_getblocktxn.block_txn_request.to_absolute() assert_equal(absolute_indexes, [5]) msg.block_transactions = BlockTransactions(block.sha256, [block.vtx[5]]) self.test_node.send_and_ping(msg) assert_equal(int(self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash(), 16), block.sha256) # Now provide all transactions to the node before the block is # announced and verify reconstruction happens immediately. utxo = self.utxos.pop(0) block = self.build_block_with_transactions(utxo, 10) self.utxos.append([block.vtx[-1].sha256, 0, block.vtx[-1].vout[0].nValue]) for tx in block.vtx[1:]: self.test_node.send_message(msg_tx(tx)) self.test_node.sync_with_ping() # Make sure all transactions were accepted. mempool = self.nodes[0].getrawmempool() for tx in block.vtx[1:]: assert(tx.hash in mempool) # Clear out last request. with mininode_lock: self.test_node.last_getblocktxn = None # Send compact block comp_block.initialize_from_block(block, prefill_list=[0]) self.test_node.send_and_ping(msg_cmpctblock(comp_block.to_p2p())) with mininode_lock: # Shouldn't have gotten a request for any transaction assert(self.test_node.last_getblocktxn is None) # Tip should have updated assert_equal(int(self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash(), 16), block.sha256) # Incorrectly responding to a getblocktxn shouldn't cause the block to be # permanently failed. def test_incorrect_blocktxn_response(self): print("Testing handling of incorrect blocktxn responses...") if (len(self.utxos) == 0): self.make_utxos() utxo = self.utxos.pop(0) block = self.build_block_with_transactions(utxo, 10) self.utxos.append([block.vtx[-1].sha256, 0, block.vtx[-1].vout[0].nValue]) # Relay the first 5 transactions from the block in advance for tx in block.vtx[1:6]: self.test_node.send_message(msg_tx(tx)) self.test_node.sync_with_ping() # Make sure all transactions were accepted. mempool = self.nodes[0].getrawmempool() for tx in block.vtx[1:6]: assert(tx.hash in mempool) # Send compact block comp_block = HeaderAndShortIDs() comp_block.initialize_from_block(block, prefill_list=[0]) self.test_node.send_and_ping(msg_cmpctblock(comp_block.to_p2p())) absolute_indexes = [] with mininode_lock: assert(self.test_node.last_getblocktxn is not None) absolute_indexes = self.test_node.last_getblocktxn.block_txn_request.to_absolute() assert_equal(absolute_indexes, [6, 7, 8, 9, 10]) # Now give an incorrect response. # Note that it's possible for bitcoind to be smart enough to know we're # lying, since it could check to see if the shortid matches what we're # sending, and eg disconnect us for misbehavior. If that behavior # change were made, we could just modify this test by having a # different peer provide the block further down, so that we're still # verifying that the block isn't marked bad permanently. This is good # enough for now. msg = msg_blocktxn() msg.block_transactions = BlockTransactions(block.sha256, [block.vtx[5]] + block.vtx[7:]) self.test_node.send_and_ping(msg) # Tip should not have updated assert_equal(int(self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash(), 16), block.hashPrevBlock) # We should receive a getdata request success = wait_until(lambda: self.test_node.last_getdata is not None, timeout=10) assert(success) assert_equal(len(self.test_node.last_getdata.inv), 1) assert_equal(self.test_node.last_getdata.inv[0].type, 2) assert_equal(self.test_node.last_getdata.inv[0].hash, block.sha256) # Deliver the block self.test_node.send_and_ping(msg_block(block)) assert_equal(int(self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash(), 16), block.sha256) def test_getblocktxn_handler(self): print("Testing getblocktxn handler...") # bitcoind won't respond for blocks whose height is more than 15 blocks # deep. MAX_GETBLOCKTXN_DEPTH = 15 chain_height = self.nodes[0].getblockcount() current_height = chain_height while (current_height >= chain_height - MAX_GETBLOCKTXN_DEPTH): block_hash = self.nodes[0].getblockhash(current_height) block = FromHex(CBlock(), self.nodes[0].getblock(block_hash, False)) msg = msg_getblocktxn() msg.block_txn_request = BlockTransactionsRequest(int(block_hash, 16), []) num_to_request = random.randint(1, len(block.vtx)) msg.block_txn_request.from_absolute(sorted(random.sample(range(len(block.vtx)), num_to_request))) self.test_node.send_message(msg) success = wait_until(lambda: self.test_node.last_blocktxn is not None, timeout=10) assert(success) [tx.calc_sha256() for tx in block.vtx] with mininode_lock: assert_equal(self.test_node.last_blocktxn.block_transactions.blockhash, int(block_hash, 16)) all_indices = msg.block_txn_request.to_absolute() for index in all_indices: tx = self.test_node.last_blocktxn.block_transactions.transactions.pop(0) tx.calc_sha256() assert_equal(tx.sha256, block.vtx[index].sha256) self.test_node.last_blocktxn = None current_height -= 1 # Next request should be ignored, as we're past the allowed depth. block_hash = self.nodes[0].getblockhash(current_height) msg.block_txn_request = BlockTransactionsRequest(int(block_hash, 16), [0]) self.test_node.send_and_ping(msg) with mininode_lock: assert_equal(self.test_node.last_blocktxn, None) def test_compactblocks_not_at_tip(self): print("Testing compactblock requests/announcements not at chain tip...") # Test that requesting old compactblocks doesn't work. MAX_CMPCTBLOCK_DEPTH = 11 new_blocks = [] for i in range(MAX_CMPCTBLOCK_DEPTH): self.test_node.clear_block_announcement() new_blocks.append(self.nodes[0].generate(1)[0]) wait_until(self.test_node.received_block_announcement, timeout=30) self.test_node.clear_block_announcement() self.test_node.send_message(msg_getdata([CInv(4, int(new_blocks[0], 16))])) success = wait_until(lambda: self.test_node.last_cmpctblock is not None, timeout=30) assert(success) self.test_node.clear_block_announcement() self.nodes[0].generate(1) wait_until(self.test_node.received_block_announcement, timeout=30) self.test_node.clear_block_announcement() self.test_node.send_message(msg_getdata([CInv(4, int(new_blocks[0], 16))])) success = wait_until(lambda: self.test_node.last_block is not None, timeout=30) assert(success) with mininode_lock: self.test_node.last_block.block.calc_sha256() assert_equal(self.test_node.last_block.block.sha256, int(new_blocks[0], 16)) # Generate an old compactblock, and verify that it's not accepted. cur_height = self.nodes[0].getblockcount() hashPrevBlock = int(self.nodes[0].getblockhash(cur_height-5), 16) block = self.build_block_on_tip() block.hashPrevBlock = hashPrevBlock block.solve() comp_block = HeaderAndShortIDs() comp_block.initialize_from_block(block) self.test_node.send_and_ping(msg_cmpctblock(comp_block.to_p2p())) tips = self.nodes[0].getchaintips() found = False for x in tips: if x["hash"] == block.hash: assert_equal(x["status"], "headers-only") found = True break assert(found) # Requesting this block via getblocktxn should silently fail # (to avoid fingerprinting attacks). msg = msg_getblocktxn() msg.block_txn_request = BlockTransactionsRequest(block.sha256, [0]) with mininode_lock: self.test_node.last_blocktxn = None self.test_node.send_and_ping(msg) with mininode_lock: assert(self.test_node.last_blocktxn is None) def run_test(self): # Setup the p2p connections and start up the network thread. self.test_node = TestNode() connections = [] connections.append(NodeConn('', p2p_port(0), self.nodes[0], self.test_node)) self.test_node.add_connection(connections[0]) NetworkThread().start() # Start up network handling in another thread # Test logic begins here self.test_node.wait_for_verack() # We will need UTXOs to construct transactions in later tests. self.make_utxos() self.test_sendcmpct() self.test_compactblock_construction() self.test_compactblock_requests() self.test_getblocktxn_requests() self.test_getblocktxn_handler() self.test_compactblocks_not_at_tip() self.test_incorrect_blocktxn_response() self.test_invalid_cmpctblock_message() if __name__ == '__main__': CompactBlocksTest().main()