#!/usr/bin/env bash # Test block generation and basic wallet sending if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then echo "Usage: $0 path_to_binaries" echo "e.g. $0 ../../src" exit 1 fi set -f BITCOIND=${1}/bitcoind CLI=${1}/bitcoin-cli DIR="${BASH_SOURCE%/*}" SENDANDWAIT="${DIR}/send.sh" if [[ ! -d "$DIR" ]]; then DIR="$PWD"; fi . "$DIR/util.sh" D=$(mktemp -d test.XXXXX) # Two nodes; one will play the part of merchant, the # other an evil transaction-mutating miner. D1=${D}/node1 CreateDataDir $D1 port=11000 rpcport=11001 B1ARGS="-datadir=$D1" $BITCOIND $B1ARGS & B1PID=$! D2=${D}/node2 CreateDataDir $D2 port=11010 rpcport=11011 B2ARGS="-datadir=$D2" $BITCOIND $B2ARGS & B2PID=$! trap "kill -9 $B1PID $B2PID; rm -rf $D" EXIT # Wait until all four nodes are at the same block number function WaitBlocks { while : do sleep 1 BLOCKS1=$( GetBlocks $B1ARGS ) BLOCKS2=$( GetBlocks $B2ARGS ) if (( $BLOCKS1 == $BLOCKS2 )) then break fi done } # Wait until node has $N peers function WaitPeers { while : do PEERS=$( $CLI $1 getconnectioncount ) if (( "$PEERS" == $2 )) then break fi sleep 1 done } # Start with B2 connected to B1: $CLI $B2ARGS addnode onetry WaitPeers "$B1ARGS" 1 # 1 block, 50 XBT each == 50 XBT $CLI $B1ARGS setgenerate true 1 WaitBlocks # 100 blocks, 0 mature == 0 XBT $CLI $B2ARGS setgenerate true 100 WaitBlocks CheckBalance $B1ARGS 50 CheckBalance $B2ARGS 0 # restart B2 with no connection $CLI $B2ARGS stop > /dev/null 2>&1 wait $B2PID $BITCOIND $B2ARGS & B2PID=$! B2ADDRESS=$( $CLI $B2ARGS getnewaddress ) # Have B1 create two transactions; second will # spend change from first, since B1 starts with only a single # 50 bitcoin output: $CLI $B1ARGS move "" "foo" 10.0 $CLI $B1ARGS move "" "bar" 10.0 TXID1=$( $CLI $B1ARGS sendfrom foo $B2ADDRESS 1.0 0) TXID2=$( $CLI $B1ARGS sendfrom bar $B2ADDRESS 2.0 0) # Mutate TXID1 and add it to B2's memory pool: RAWTX1=$( $CLI $B1ARGS getrawtransaction $TXID1 ) RAWTX2=$( $CLI $B1ARGS getrawtransaction $TXID2 ) # ... mutate RAWTX1: # RAWTX1 is hex-encoded, serialized transaction. So each # byte is two characters; we'll prepend the first # "push" in the scriptsig with OP_PUSHDATA1 (0x4c), # and add one to the length of the signature. # Fields are fixed; from the beginning: # 4-byte version # 1-byte varint number-of inputs (one in this case) # 32-byte previous txid # 4-byte previous output # 1-byte varint length-of-scriptsig # 1-byte PUSH this many bytes onto stack # ... etc # So: to mutate, we want to get byte 41 (hex characters 82-83), # increment it, and insert 0x4c after it. L=${RAWTX1:82:2} NEWLEN=$( printf "%x" $(( 16#$L + 1 )) ) MUTATEDTX1=${RAWTX1:0:82}${NEWLEN}4c${RAWTX1:84} # ... give mutated tx1 to B2: MUTATEDTXID=$( $CLI $B2ARGS sendrawtransaction $MUTATEDTX1 ) echo "TXID1: " $TXID1 echo "Mutated: " $MUTATEDTXID # Re-connect nodes, and have B2 mine a block $CLI $B2ARGS addnode onetry WaitPeers "$B1ARGS" 1 $CLI $B2ARGS setgenerate true 3 WaitBlocks $CLI $B1ARGS setgenerate true 3 WaitBlocks $CLI $B2ARGS stop > /dev/null 2>&1 wait $B2PID $CLI $B1ARGS stop > /dev/null 2>&1 wait $B1PID trap "" EXIT echo "Done, bitcoind's shut down. To rerun/poke around:" echo "${1}/bitcoind -datadir=$D1 -daemon" echo "${1}/bitcoind -datadir=$D2 -daemon -connect=" echo "To cleanup:" echo "killall bitcoind; rm -rf test.*" exit 0 echo "Tests successful, cleaning up" rm -rf $D exit 0