Philip Kaufmann 5350ea4171 update CClientUIInterface and remove orphan Wx stuff
- fix ThreadSafeMessageBox always displays error icon
- allow to specify MSG_ERROR / MSG_WARNING or MSG_INFORMATION without a
  custom caption / title
- allow to specify CClientUIInterface::ICON_ERROR / ICON_WARNING and
  ICON_INFORMATION (which is default) as message box icon
- remove CClientUIInterface::OK from ThreadSafeMessageBox-calls, as
  the OK button will be set as default, if none is specified
- prepend "Bitcoin - " to used captions
- rename BitcoinGUI::error() -> BitcoinGUI::message() and add function
- change all style parameters and enum flags to unsigned
- update code to use that new API

- update Client- and WalletModel to use new BitcoinGUI::message() and
  rename the classes error() method into message()
- include the possibility to supply the wanted icon for messages from
  Client- and WalletModel via "style" parameter
2012-11-26 13:32:31 +01:00

187 lines
6.1 KiB

#include <QMainWindow>
#include <QSystemTrayIcon>
class TransactionTableModel;
class ClientModel;
class WalletModel;
class TransactionView;
class OverviewPage;
class AddressBookPage;
class SendCoinsDialog;
class SignVerifyMessageDialog;
class Notificator;
class RPCConsole;
class QLabel;
class QLineEdit;
class QTableView;
class QAbstractItemModel;
class QModelIndex;
class QProgressBar;
class QStackedWidget;
class QUrl;
Bitcoin GUI main class. This class represents the main window of the Bitcoin UI. It communicates with both the client and
wallet models to give the user an up-to-date view of the current core state.
class BitcoinGUI : public QMainWindow
explicit BitcoinGUI(QWidget *parent = 0);
/** Set the client model.
The client model represents the part of the core that communicates with the P2P network, and is wallet-agnostic.
void setClientModel(ClientModel *clientModel);
/** Set the wallet model.
The wallet model represents a bitcoin wallet, and offers access to the list of transactions, address book and sending
void setWalletModel(WalletModel *walletModel);
void changeEvent(QEvent *e);
void closeEvent(QCloseEvent *event);
void dragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent *event);
void dropEvent(QDropEvent *event);
bool eventFilter(QObject *object, QEvent *event);
ClientModel *clientModel;
WalletModel *walletModel;
QStackedWidget *centralWidget;
OverviewPage *overviewPage;
QWidget *transactionsPage;
AddressBookPage *addressBookPage;
AddressBookPage *receiveCoinsPage;
SendCoinsDialog *sendCoinsPage;
SignVerifyMessageDialog *signVerifyMessageDialog;
QLabel *labelEncryptionIcon;
QLabel *labelConnectionsIcon;
QLabel *labelBlocksIcon;
QLabel *progressBarLabel;
QProgressBar *progressBar;
QMenuBar *appMenuBar;
QAction *overviewAction;
QAction *historyAction;
QAction *quitAction;
QAction *sendCoinsAction;
QAction *addressBookAction;
QAction *signMessageAction;
QAction *verifyMessageAction;
QAction *aboutAction;
QAction *receiveCoinsAction;
QAction *optionsAction;
QAction *toggleHideAction;
QAction *exportAction;
QAction *encryptWalletAction;
QAction *backupWalletAction;
QAction *changePassphraseAction;
QAction *aboutQtAction;
QAction *openRPCConsoleAction;
QSystemTrayIcon *trayIcon;
Notificator *notificator;
TransactionView *transactionView;
RPCConsole *rpcConsole;
QMovie *syncIconMovie;
/** Create the main UI actions. */
void createActions();
/** Create the menu bar and sub-menus. */
void createMenuBar();
/** Create the toolbars */
void createToolBars();
/** Create system tray (notification) icon */
void createTrayIcon();
public slots:
/** Set number of connections shown in the UI */
void setNumConnections(int count);
/** Set number of blocks shown in the UI */
void setNumBlocks(int count, int nTotalBlocks);
/** Set the encryption status as shown in the UI.
@param[in] status current encryption status
@see WalletModel::EncryptionStatus
void setEncryptionStatus(int status);
/** Notify the user of an event from the core network or transaction handling code.
@param[in] title the message box / notification title
@param[in] message the displayed text
@param[in] modal true to use a message box, false to use a notification
@param[in] style style definitions (icon and used buttons - buttons only for message boxes)
@see CClientUIInterface::MessageBoxFlags
void message(const QString &title, const QString &message, bool modal, unsigned int style);
/** Asks the user whether to pay the transaction fee or to cancel the transaction.
It is currently not possible to pass a return value to another thread through
BlockingQueuedConnection, so an indirected pointer is used.
@param[in] nFeeRequired the required fee
@param[out] payFee true to pay the fee, false to not pay the fee
void askFee(qint64 nFeeRequired, bool *payFee);
void handleURI(QString strURI);
private slots:
/** Switch to overview (home) page */
void gotoOverviewPage();
/** Switch to history (transactions) page */
void gotoHistoryPage();
/** Switch to address book page */
void gotoAddressBookPage();
/** Switch to receive coins page */
void gotoReceiveCoinsPage();
/** Switch to send coins page */
void gotoSendCoinsPage();
/** Show Sign/Verify Message dialog and switch to sign message tab */
void gotoSignMessageTab(QString addr = "");
/** Show Sign/Verify Message dialog and switch to verify message tab */
void gotoVerifyMessageTab(QString addr = "");
/** Show configuration dialog */
void optionsClicked();
/** Show about dialog */
void aboutClicked();
#ifndef Q_OS_MAC
/** Handle tray icon clicked */
void trayIconActivated(QSystemTrayIcon::ActivationReason reason);
/** Show incoming transaction notification for new transactions.
The new items are those between start and end inclusive, under the given parent item.
void incomingTransaction(const QModelIndex & parent, int start, int end);
/** Encrypt the wallet */
void encryptWallet(bool status);
/** Backup the wallet */
void backupWallet();
/** Change encrypted wallet passphrase */
void changePassphrase();
/** Ask for passphrase to unlock wallet temporarily */
void unlockWallet();
/** Show window if hidden, unminimize when minimized, rise when obscured or show if hidden and fToggleHidden is true */
void showNormalIfMinimized(bool fToggleHidden = false);
/** Simply calls showNormalIfMinimized(true) for use in SLOT() macro */
void toggleHidden();
#endif // BITCOINGUI_H