Patrick 2291b6a7cc
rpc: cache aux block per scriptPubKey in createauxblock
- RPC caching source cherry-picked from: btccom@f4b613b2
- Adds addl test scenarios to tests

Allows pool operators to run multiple sub-pools with different
target addresses from a single dogecoind instance. Without this
enhancement, subsequent calls to createauxblock with differing
addresses ignore the address given and instead just return the
block containing the address that initially triggered generation
of the cached block. This can quickly lead to unpredictable
results as race scenarios between sub-pools come into play.

Note that, like with getauxblock, the cache only resets on aux
block creation, not submission, so submitauxblock will accept
multiple submissions at the same height until createauxblock is
called, resulting in chaintip forks.

Co-Authored-By: leezhen <>
2021-10-30 15:59:46 -04:00

197 lines
7.7 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2021 The Dogecoin Core Developers
# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
# file COPYING or
"""CreateAuxBlock QA test.
# Tests createauxblock and submitauxblock RPC endpoints
from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework
from test_framework.util import *
from test_framework import scrypt_auxpow as auxpow
class CreateAuxBlockTest(BitcoinTestFramework):
def __init__(self):
self.setup_clean_chain = True
self.num_nodes = 2
self.is_network_split = False
def setup_network(self):
self.nodes = []
self.nodes.append(start_node(0, self.options.tmpdir, ["-debug", "-txindex"]))
self.nodes.append(start_node(1, self.options.tmpdir, ["-debug"]))
connect_nodes_bi(self.nodes, 0, 1)
def run_test(self):
# Generate an initial chain
# Generate a block so that we are not "downloading blocks".
dummy_p2pkh_addr = "mmMP9oKFdADezYzduwJFcLNmmi8JHUKdx9"
dummy_p2sh_addr = "2Mwvgpd2H7wDPXx8jWe3Vqiciix6JqSbsyz"
# Compare basic data of createauxblock to getblocktemplate.
auxblock = self.nodes[0].createauxblock(dummy_p2pkh_addr)
blocktemplate = self.nodes[0].getblocktemplate()
assert_equal(auxblock["coinbasevalue"], blocktemplate["coinbasevalue"])
assert_equal(auxblock["bits"], blocktemplate["bits"])
assert_equal(auxblock["height"], blocktemplate["height"])
assert_equal(auxblock["previousblockhash"], blocktemplate["previousblockhash"])
# Compare target and take byte order into account.
target = auxblock["target"]
reversedTarget = auxpow.reverseHex(target)
assert_equal(reversedTarget, blocktemplate["target"])
# Verify data that can be found in another way.
assert_equal(auxblock["chainid"], 98)
assert_equal(auxblock["height"], self.nodes[0].getblockcount() + 1)
assert_equal(auxblock["previousblockhash"], self.nodes[0].getblockhash(auxblock["height"] - 1))
# Calling again should give the same block.
auxblock2 = self.nodes[0].createauxblock(dummy_p2pkh_addr)
assert_equal(auxblock2, auxblock)
# Calling with an invalid address must fail
auxblock2 = self.nodes[0].createauxblock("x")
raise AssertionError("invalid address accepted")
except JSONRPCException as exc:
assert_equal(exc.error["code"], -8)
# Calling with a different address ...
dummy_addr2 = self.nodes[0].getnewaddress()
auxblock3 = self.nodes[0].createauxblock(dummy_addr2)
# ... must give another block because the coinbase recipient differs ...
assert auxblock3["hash"] != auxblock["hash"]
# ... but must have retained the same parameterization otherwise
assert_equal(auxblock["coinbasevalue"], auxblock3["coinbasevalue"])
assert_equal(auxblock["bits"], auxblock3["bits"])
assert_equal(auxblock["height"], auxblock3["height"])
assert_equal(auxblock["previousblockhash"], auxblock3["previousblockhash"])
assert_equal(auxblock["chainid"], auxblock3["chainid"])
assert_equal(auxblock["target"], auxblock3["target"])
# If we receive a new block, the template cache must be emptied.
auxblock4 = self.nodes[0].createauxblock(dummy_p2pkh_addr)
assert auxblock["hash"] != auxblock4["hash"]
self.nodes[0].submitauxblock(auxblock["hash"], "x")
raise AssertionError("invalid block hash accepted")
except JSONRPCException as exc:
assert_equal(exc.error["code"], -8)
# Invalid format for auxpow.
self.nodes[0].submitauxblock(auxblock4["hash"], "x")
raise AssertionError("malformed auxpow accepted")
except JSONRPCException as exc:
assert_equal(exc.error["code"], -1)
# Invalidate the block again, send a transaction and query for the
# auxblock to solve that contains the transaction.
addr = self.nodes[1].getnewaddress()
txid = self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress(addr, 1)
assert_equal(self.nodes[1].getrawmempool(), [txid])
auxblock = self.nodes[0].createauxblock(dummy_p2pkh_addr)
reversedTarget = auxpow.reverseHex(auxblock["target"])
# Compute invalid auxpow.
apow = auxpow.computeAuxpowWithChainId(auxblock["hash"], reversedTarget, "98", False)
res = self.nodes[0].submitauxblock(auxblock["hash"], apow)
assert not res
# Compute and submit valid auxpow.
apow = auxpow.computeAuxpowWithChainId(auxblock["hash"], reversedTarget, "98", True)
res = self.nodes[0].submitauxblock(auxblock["hash"], apow)
assert res
# Make sure that the block is accepted.
assert_equal(self.nodes[1].getrawmempool(), [])
height = self.nodes[1].getblockcount()
assert_equal(height, auxblock["height"])
assert_equal(self.nodes[1].getblockhash(height), auxblock["hash"])
# check the mined block and transaction
self.check_mined_block(auxblock, apow, dummy_p2pkh_addr, Decimal("500000"), txid)
# Mine to a p2sh address while having multiple cached aux block templates
auxblock1 = self.nodes[0].createauxblock(dummy_p2pkh_addr)
auxblock2 = self.nodes[0].createauxblock(dummy_p2sh_addr)
auxblock3 = self.nodes[0].createauxblock(dummy_addr2)
reversedTarget = auxpow.reverseHex(auxblock2["target"])
apow = auxpow.computeAuxpowWithChainId(auxblock2["hash"], reversedTarget, "98", True)
res = self.nodes[0].submitauxblock(auxblock2["hash"], apow)
assert res
# check the mined block
self.check_mined_block(auxblock2, apow, dummy_p2sh_addr, Decimal("500000"))
# Solve the first p2pkh template before requesting a new auxblock
# this succeeds but creates a chaintip fork
reversedTarget = auxpow.reverseHex(auxblock1["target"])
apow = auxpow.computeAuxpowWithChainId(auxblock1["hash"], reversedTarget, "98", True)
res = self.nodes[0].submitauxblock(auxblock1["hash"], apow)
assert res
chaintips = self.nodes[0].getchaintips()
tipsFound = 0;
for ct in chaintips:
if ct["hash"] in [ auxblock1["hash"], auxblock2["hash"] ]:
tipsFound += 1
assert_equal(tipsFound, 2)
# Solve the last p2pkh template after requesting a new auxblock - this fails
reversedTarget = auxpow.reverseHex(auxblock3["target"])
apow = auxpow.computeAuxpowWithChainId(auxblock3["hash"], reversedTarget, "98", True)
self.nodes[0].submitauxblock(auxblock3["hash"], apow)
raise AssertionError("Outdated blockhash accepted")
except JSONRPCException as exc:
assert_equal(exc.error["code"], -8)
def check_mined_block(self, auxblock, apow, addr, min_value, txid=None):
# Call getblock and verify the auxpow field.
data = self.nodes[1].getblock(auxblock["hash"])
assert "auxpow" in data
auxJson = data["auxpow"]
assert_equal(auxJson["index"], 0)
assert_equal(auxJson["parentblock"], apow[-160:])
# Call getrawtransaction and verify the coinbase tx
coinbasetx = self.nodes[0].getrawtransaction(data["tx"][0], True)
assert coinbasetx["vout"][0]["value"] >= min_value
assert_equal(coinbasetx["vout"][0]["scriptPubKey"]["addresses"][0], addr)
# Make sure the coinbase contains the block height
coinbase = coinbasetx["vin"][0]["coinbase"]
assert_equal("01%02x01" % auxblock["height"], coinbase[0:6])
# Make sure our transaction got mined, if any
if not txid is None:
assert txid in data["tx"]
if __name__ == "__main__":