Ross Nicoll 672a38cc06
Use CAmount for amounts
Use CAmount rather than unsigned int for amounts for consistency
with other fee rate amounts.

This does change the type from unsigned int to unsigned int64, and
while it is unlikely anyone would need a dust limit higher than
unsigned int, again this ensures the theoretical maximum is in line
with other rates.
2021-08-08 18:36:15 +01:00

544 lines
23 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2012-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers
// Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
// file COPYING or
#include "txmempool.h"
#include "wallet/wallet.h"
#include <set>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "rpc/server.h"
#include "test/test_bitcoin.h"
#include "validation.h"
#include "wallet/test/wallet_test_fixture.h"
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
#include <univalue.h>
extern UniValue importmulti(const JSONRPCRequest& request);
extern UniValue dumpwallet(const JSONRPCRequest& request);
extern UniValue importwallet(const JSONRPCRequest& request);
// how many times to run all the tests to have a chance to catch errors that only show up with particular random shuffles
#define RUN_TESTS 100
// some tests fail 1% of the time due to bad luck.
// we repeat those tests this many times and only complain if all iterations of the test fail
using namespace std;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<CWalletTx>> wtxn;
typedef set<pair<const CWalletTx*,unsigned int> > CoinSet;
extern CAmount nDustLimit;
BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_SUITE(wallet_tests, WalletTestingSetup)
static const CWallet wallet;
static vector<COutput> vCoins;
static void add_coin(const CAmount& nValue, int nAge = 6*24, bool fIsFromMe = false, int nInput=0)
static int nextLockTime = 0;
CMutableTransaction tx;
tx.nLockTime = nextLockTime++; // so all transactions get different hashes
tx.vout[nInput].nValue = nValue;
if (fIsFromMe) {
// IsFromMe() returns (GetDebit() > 0), and GetDebit() is 0 if vin.empty(),
// so stop vin being empty, and cache a non-zero Debit to fake out IsFromMe();
std::unique_ptr<CWalletTx> wtx(new CWalletTx(&wallet, MakeTransactionRef(std::move(tx))));
if (fIsFromMe)
wtx->fDebitCached = true;
wtx->nDebitCached = 1;
COutput output(wtx.get(), nInput, nAge, true, true);
static void empty_wallet(void)
static bool equal_sets(CoinSet a, CoinSet b)
pair<CoinSet::iterator, CoinSet::iterator> ret = mismatch(a.begin(), a.end(), b.begin());
return ret.first == a.end() && ret.second == b.end();
CoinSet setCoinsRet, setCoinsRet2;
CAmount nValueRet;
// test multiple times to allow for differences in the shuffle order
for (int i = 0; i < RUN_TESTS; i++)
// with an empty wallet we can't even pay one coin
BOOST_CHECK(!wallet.SelectCoinsMinConf( 1 * COIN, 1, 6, 0, vCoins, setCoinsRet, nValueRet));
add_coin(1*COIN, 4); // add a new 1 coin output
// with only a new 1 coin output, we still can't find a mature 1 coin output
BOOST_CHECK(!wallet.SelectCoinsMinConf( 1 * COIN, 1, 6, 0, vCoins, setCoinsRet, nValueRet));
// but we can find a new 1 coin output
BOOST_CHECK( wallet.SelectCoinsMinConf( 1 * COIN, 1, 1, 0, vCoins, setCoinsRet, nValueRet));
add_coin(2*COIN); // add a mature 2 coin output
// we can't make 3 coins of mature outputs
BOOST_CHECK(!wallet.SelectCoinsMinConf( 3 * COIN, 1, 6, 0, vCoins, setCoinsRet, nValueRet));
// we can make 3 coin of new outputs
BOOST_CHECK( wallet.SelectCoinsMinConf( 3 * COIN, 1, 1, 0, vCoins, setCoinsRet, nValueRet));
add_coin(5*COIN); // add a mature 5 coin output,
add_coin(10*COIN, 3, true); // a new 10 coin output sent from one of our own addresses
add_coin(20*COIN); // and a mature 20 coin output
// now we have new: 1+10=11 (of which 10 was self-sent), and mature: 2+5+20=27. total = 38
// we can't make 38 coins only if we disallow new output:
BOOST_CHECK(!wallet.SelectCoinsMinConf(38 * COIN, 1, 6, 0, vCoins, setCoinsRet, nValueRet));
// we can't even make 37 coins if we don't allow new output even if they're from us
BOOST_CHECK(!wallet.SelectCoinsMinConf(38 * COIN, 6, 6, 0, vCoins, setCoinsRet, nValueRet));
// but we can make 37 coins if we accept new output from ourself
BOOST_CHECK( wallet.SelectCoinsMinConf(37 * COIN, 1, 6, 0, vCoins, setCoinsRet, nValueRet));
// and we can make 38 coins if we accept all new output
BOOST_CHECK( wallet.SelectCoinsMinConf(38 * COIN, 1, 1, 0, vCoins, setCoinsRet, nValueRet));
// try making 34 coins from 1,2,5,10,20 - we can't do it exactly
BOOST_CHECK( wallet.SelectCoinsMinConf(34 * COIN, 1, 1, 0, vCoins, setCoinsRet, nValueRet));
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(nValueRet, 35 * COIN); // but 35 coins is closest
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(setCoinsRet.size(), 3U); // the best should be 20+10+5. it's incredibly unlikely the 1 or 2 got included (but possible)
// when we try making 7 coins, the smaller outputs (1,2,5) are enough. We should see just 2+5
BOOST_CHECK( wallet.SelectCoinsMinConf( 7 * COIN, 1, 1, 0, vCoins, setCoinsRet, nValueRet));
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(setCoinsRet.size(), 2U);
// when we try making 8 coins, the smaller outputs (1,2,5) are exactly enough.
BOOST_CHECK( wallet.SelectCoinsMinConf( 8 * COIN, 1, 1, 0, vCoins, setCoinsRet, nValueRet));
BOOST_CHECK(nValueRet == 8 * COIN);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(setCoinsRet.size(), 3U);
// when we try making 9 coins, no subset of smaller outputs is enough, and we get the next bigger output (10)
BOOST_CHECK( wallet.SelectCoinsMinConf( 9 * COIN, 1, 1, 0, vCoins, setCoinsRet, nValueRet));
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(setCoinsRet.size(), 1U);
// now clear out the wallet and start again to test choosing between subsets of smaller coins and the next biggest coin
add_coin( 6*COIN);
add_coin( 7*COIN);
add_coin( 8*COIN);
add_coin(30*COIN); // now we have 6+7+8+20+30 = 71 coins total
// check that we have 71 and not 72
BOOST_CHECK( wallet.SelectCoinsMinConf(71 * COIN, 1, 1, 0, vCoins, setCoinsRet, nValueRet));
BOOST_CHECK(!wallet.SelectCoinsMinConf(72 * COIN, 1, 1, 0, vCoins, setCoinsRet, nValueRet));
// now try making 16 coins. the best smaller outputs can do is 6+7+8 = 21; not as good at the next biggest output, 20
BOOST_CHECK( wallet.SelectCoinsMinConf(16 * COIN, 1, 1, 0, vCoins, setCoinsRet, nValueRet));
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(nValueRet, 20 * COIN); // we should get 20 in one output
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(setCoinsRet.size(), 1U);
add_coin( 5*COIN); // now we have 5+6+7+8+20+30 = 75 coins total
// now if we try making 16 coins again, the smaller outputs can make 5+6+7 = 18 coins, better than the next biggest output, 20
BOOST_CHECK( wallet.SelectCoinsMinConf(16 * COIN, 1, 1, 0, vCoins, setCoinsRet, nValueRet));
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(nValueRet, 18 * COIN); // we should get 18 in 3 outputs
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(setCoinsRet.size(), 3U);
add_coin( 18*COIN); // now we have 5+6+7+8+18+20+30
// and now if we try making 16 coins again, the smaller outputs can make 5+6+7 = 18 coins, the same as the next biggest output, 18
BOOST_CHECK( wallet.SelectCoinsMinConf(16 * COIN, 1, 1, 0, vCoins, setCoinsRet, nValueRet));
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(nValueRet, 18 * COIN); // we should get 18 in 1 output
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(setCoinsRet.size(), 1U); // because in the event of a tie, the biggest output wins
// now try making 11 coins. we should get 5+6
BOOST_CHECK( wallet.SelectCoinsMinConf(11 * COIN, 1, 1, 0, vCoins, setCoinsRet, nValueRet));
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(setCoinsRet.size(), 2U);
// check that the smallest bigger output is used
add_coin( 100*COIN);
add_coin( 200*COIN);
add_coin( 300*COIN);
add_coin( 400*COIN); // now we have 5+6+7+8+18+20+30+100+200+300+400 = 1094 coins
BOOST_CHECK( wallet.SelectCoinsMinConf(95 * COIN, 1, 1, 0, vCoins, setCoinsRet, nValueRet));
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(nValueRet, 100 * COIN); // we should get 100 coins in 1 output
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(setCoinsRet.size(), 1U);
BOOST_CHECK( wallet.SelectCoinsMinConf(195 * COIN, 1, 1, 0, vCoins, setCoinsRet, nValueRet));
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(nValueRet, 200 * COIN); // we should get 200 coins in 1 output
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(setCoinsRet.size(), 1U);
// empty the wallet and start again, now with fractions of a coin, to test small change avoidance
add_coin(MIN_CHANGE * 1 / 10);
add_coin(MIN_CHANGE * 2 / 10);
add_coin(MIN_CHANGE * 3 / 10);
add_coin(MIN_CHANGE * 4 / 10);
add_coin(MIN_CHANGE * 5 / 10);
// try making 1 * MIN_CHANGE from the 1.5 * MIN_CHANGE
// we'll get change smaller than MIN_CHANGE whatever happens, so can expect MIN_CHANGE exactly
BOOST_CHECK( wallet.SelectCoinsMinConf(MIN_CHANGE, 1, 1, 0, vCoins, setCoinsRet, nValueRet));
// but if we add a bigger output, small change is avoided
// try making 1 from 0.1 + 0.2 + 0.3 + 0.4 + 0.5 + 1111 = 1112.5
BOOST_CHECK( wallet.SelectCoinsMinConf(1 * MIN_CHANGE, 1, 1, 0, vCoins, setCoinsRet, nValueRet));
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(nValueRet, 1 * MIN_CHANGE); // we should get the exact amount
// if we add more small output:
add_coin(MIN_CHANGE * 6 / 10);
add_coin(MIN_CHANGE * 7 / 10);
// and try again to make 1.0 * MIN_CHANGE
BOOST_CHECK( wallet.SelectCoinsMinConf(1 * MIN_CHANGE, 1, 1, 0, vCoins, setCoinsRet, nValueRet));
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(nValueRet, 1 * MIN_CHANGE); // we should get the exact amount
// run the 'mtgox' test (see
// they tried to consolidate 10 50k outputs into one 500k output, and ended up with 50k in change
for (int j = 0; j < 20; j++)
add_coin(50000 * COIN);
BOOST_CHECK( wallet.SelectCoinsMinConf(500000 * COIN, 1, 1, 0, vCoins, setCoinsRet, nValueRet));
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(nValueRet, 500000 * COIN); // we should get the exact amount
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(setCoinsRet.size(), 10U); // in ten outputs
// if there's not enough in the smaller coins to make at least 1 * MIN_CHANGE change (0.5+0.6+0.7 < 1.0+1.0),
// we need to try finding an exact subset anyway
// sometimes it will fail, and so we use the next biggest output:
add_coin(MIN_CHANGE * 5 / 10);
add_coin(MIN_CHANGE * 6 / 10);
add_coin(MIN_CHANGE * 7 / 10);
add_coin(1111 * MIN_CHANGE);
BOOST_CHECK( wallet.SelectCoinsMinConf(1 * MIN_CHANGE, 1, 1, 0, vCoins, setCoinsRet, nValueRet));
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(nValueRet, 1111 * MIN_CHANGE); // we get the bigger output
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(setCoinsRet.size(), 1U);
// but sometimes it's possible, and we use an exact subset (0.4 + 0.6 = 1.0)
add_coin(MIN_CHANGE * 4 / 10);
add_coin(MIN_CHANGE * 6 / 10);
add_coin(MIN_CHANGE * 8 / 10);
add_coin(1111 * MIN_CHANGE);
BOOST_CHECK( wallet.SelectCoinsMinConf(MIN_CHANGE, 1, 1, 0, vCoins, setCoinsRet, nValueRet));
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(nValueRet, MIN_CHANGE); // we should get the exact amount
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(setCoinsRet.size(), 2U); // in two outputs 0.4+0.6
// test avoiding small change
add_coin(MIN_CHANGE * 5 / 100);
add_coin(MIN_CHANGE * 1);
add_coin(MIN_CHANGE * 100);
// trying to make 100.01 from these three outputs
BOOST_CHECK(wallet.SelectCoinsMinConf(MIN_CHANGE * 10001 / 100, 1, 1, 0, vCoins, setCoinsRet, nValueRet));
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(nValueRet, MIN_CHANGE * 10105 / 100); // we should get all outputs
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(setCoinsRet.size(), 3U);
// but if we try to make 99.9, we should take the bigger of the two small outputs to avoid small change
BOOST_CHECK(wallet.SelectCoinsMinConf(MIN_CHANGE * 9990 / 100, 1, 1, 0, vCoins, setCoinsRet, nValueRet));
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(setCoinsRet.size(), 2U);
// test with many inputs
for (CAmount amt=15*CENT; amt < 10000 * COIN; amt*=10) {
// Create 676 inputs (= (old MAX_STANDARD_TX_SIZE == 100000) / 148 bytes per input)
for (uint16_t j = 0; j < 676; j++)
BOOST_CHECK(wallet.SelectCoinsMinConf(20*CENT, 1, 1, 0, vCoins, setCoinsRet, nValueRet));
if (amt - 20*CENT < MIN_CHANGE) {
// needs more than one input:
uint16_t returnSize = std::ceil((20.0 * CENT + MIN_CHANGE)/amt);
CAmount returnValue = amt * returnSize;
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(nValueRet, returnValue);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(setCoinsRet.size(), returnSize);
} else {
// one input is sufficient:
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(nValueRet, amt);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(setCoinsRet.size(), 1U);
// test randomness
for (int i2 = 0; i2 < 100; i2++)
// picking 50 from 100 outputs doesn't depend on the shuffle,
// but does depend on randomness in the stochastic approximation code
BOOST_CHECK(wallet.SelectCoinsMinConf(50 * COIN, 1, 6, 0, vCoins, setCoinsRet , nValueRet));
BOOST_CHECK(wallet.SelectCoinsMinConf(50 * COIN, 1, 6, 0, vCoins, setCoinsRet2, nValueRet));
BOOST_CHECK(!equal_sets(setCoinsRet, setCoinsRet2));
int fails = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < RANDOM_REPEATS; j++)
// selecting 1 from 100 identical outputs depends on the shuffle; this test will fail 1% of the time
// run the test RANDOM_REPEATS times and only complain if all of them fail
BOOST_CHECK(wallet.SelectCoinsMinConf(COIN, 1, 6, 0, vCoins, setCoinsRet , nValueRet));
BOOST_CHECK(wallet.SelectCoinsMinConf(COIN, 1, 6, 0, vCoins, setCoinsRet2, nValueRet));
if (equal_sets(setCoinsRet, setCoinsRet2))
// add 75 coins in small change. not enough to make 90 coins,
// then try making 90 coins. there are multiple competing "smallest bigger" outputs,
// one of which should be picked at random
add_coin(5 * COIN);
add_coin(10 * COIN);
add_coin(15 * COIN);
add_coin(20 * COIN);
add_coin(25 * COIN);
fails = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < RANDOM_REPEATS; j++)
// selecting 1 from 100 identical outputs depends on the shuffle; this test will fail 1% of the time
// run the test RANDOM_REPEATS times and only complain if all of them fail
BOOST_CHECK(wallet.SelectCoinsMinConf(90*COIN, 1, 6, 0, vCoins, setCoinsRet , nValueRet));
BOOST_CHECK(wallet.SelectCoinsMinConf(90*COIN, 1, 6, 0, vCoins, setCoinsRet2, nValueRet));
if (equal_sets(setCoinsRet, setCoinsRet2))
CoinSet setCoinsRet;
CAmount nValueRet;
// Test vValue sort order
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
add_coin(1000 * COIN);
add_coin(3 * COIN);
BOOST_CHECK(wallet.SelectCoinsMinConf(1003 * COIN, 1, 6, 0, vCoins, setCoinsRet, nValueRet));
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(nValueRet, 1003 * COIN);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(setCoinsRet.size(), 2U);
BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(rescan, TestChain240Setup)
// Cap last block file size, and mine new block in a new block file.
CBlockIndex* oldTip = chainActive.Tip();
GetBlockFileInfo(oldTip->GetBlockPos().nFile)->nSize = MAX_BLOCKFILE_SIZE;
CreateAndProcessBlock({}, GetScriptForRawPubKey(coinbaseKey.GetPubKey()));
CBlockIndex* newTip = chainActive.Tip();
// Verify ScanForWalletTransactions picks up transactions in both the old
// and new block files.
CWallet wallet;
wallet.AddKeyPubKey(coinbaseKey, coinbaseKey.GetPubKey());
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(oldTip, wallet.ScanForWalletTransactions(oldTip));
BOOST_CHECK(wallet.GetImmatureBalance() < (240000000 * COIN));
// Prune the older block file.
// Verify ScanForWalletTransactions only picks transactions in the new block
// file.
CWallet wallet;
wallet.AddKeyPubKey(coinbaseKey, coinbaseKey.GetPubKey());
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(newTip, wallet.ScanForWalletTransactions(oldTip));
BOOST_CHECK(wallet.GetImmatureBalance() < (120000000 * COIN));
// Verify importmulti RPC returns failure for a key whose creation time is
// before the missing block, and success for a key whose creation time is
// after.
CWallet wallet;
CWallet *backup = ::pwalletMain;
::pwalletMain = &wallet;
UniValue keys;
UniValue key;
key.pushKV("scriptPubKey", HexStr(GetScriptForRawPubKey(coinbaseKey.GetPubKey())));
key.pushKV("timestamp", 0);
key.pushKV("internal", UniValue(true));
CKey futureKey;
key.pushKV("scriptPubKey", HexStr(GetScriptForRawPubKey(futureKey.GetPubKey())));
key.pushKV("timestamp", newTip->GetBlockTimeMax() + 7200);
key.pushKV("internal", UniValue(true));
JSONRPCRequest request;
UniValue response = importmulti(request);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(response.write(), strprintf("[{\"success\":false,\"error\":{\"code\":-1,\"message\":\"Failed to rescan before time %d, transactions may be missing.\"}},{\"success\":true}]", newTip->GetBlockTimeMax()));
::pwalletMain = backup;
// Verify importwallet RPC starts rescan at earliest block with timestamp
// greater or equal than key birthday. Previously there was a bug where
// importwallet RPC would start the scan at the latest block with timestamp less
// than or equal to key birthday.
BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(importwallet_rescan, TestChain240Setup)
CWallet *pwalletMainBackup = ::pwalletMain;
// Create two blocks with same timestamp to verify that importwallet rescan
// will pick up both blocks, not just the first.
const int64_t BLOCK_TIME = chainActive.Tip()->GetBlockTimeMax() + 5;
coinbaseTxns.emplace_back(*CreateAndProcessBlock({}, GetScriptForRawPubKey(coinbaseKey.GetPubKey())).vtx[0]);
coinbaseTxns.emplace_back(*CreateAndProcessBlock({}, GetScriptForRawPubKey(coinbaseKey.GetPubKey())).vtx[0]);
// Set key birthday to block time increased by the timestamp window, so
// rescan will start at the block time.
const int64_t KEY_TIME = BLOCK_TIME + 7200;
coinbaseTxns.emplace_back(*CreateAndProcessBlock({}, GetScriptForRawPubKey(coinbaseKey.GetPubKey())).vtx[0]);
// Import key into wallet and call dumpwallet to create backup file.
CWallet wallet;
wallet.mapKeyMetadata[coinbaseKey.GetPubKey().GetID()].nCreateTime = KEY_TIME;
wallet.AddKeyPubKey(coinbaseKey, coinbaseKey.GetPubKey());
JSONRPCRequest request;
::pwalletMain = &wallet;
// Call importwallet RPC and verify all blocks with timestamps >= BLOCK_TIME
// were scanned, and no prior blocks were scanned.
CWallet wallet;
JSONRPCRequest request;
::pwalletMain = &wallet;
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(wallet.mapWallet.size(), 3);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(coinbaseTxns.size(), 243);
for (size_t i = 0; i < coinbaseTxns.size(); ++i) {
bool found = wallet.GetWalletTx(coinbaseTxns[i].GetHash());
bool expected = i >= 240;
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(found, expected);
::pwalletMain = pwalletMainBackup;
uint64_t value = 1000 * COIN; // 1,000 DOGE
CMutableTransaction tx;
CTxMemPool pool(payTxFee);
CTxOut txout1(value, (CScript)vector<unsigned char>(24, 0));
int64_t nMinTxFee = COIN;
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(CWallet::GetMinimumFee(tx, 250, 0, pool), nMinTxFee);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(CWallet::GetMinimumFee(tx, 1000, 0, pool), nMinTxFee);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(CWallet::GetMinimumFee(tx, 1999, 0, pool), 2 * nMinTxFee);
// Derived from main net TX 3d6ec3ae2aca3ae0a6c65074fd8ee888cd7ed262f2cbaa25d33861989324a14e
CMutableTransaction tx;
CTxMemPool pool(payTxFee);
CTxOut txout1(139496846, (CScript)vector<unsigned char>(24, 0)); // Regular output
CTxOut txout2(15499649, (CScript)vector<unsigned char>(24, 0)); // Dust output
int64_t nMinTxFee = COIN;
// Confirm dust penalty fees are added on
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(CWallet::GetMinimumFee(tx, 963, 0, pool), 2 * nMinTxFee);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(CWallet::GetMinimumFee(tx, 1000, 0, pool), 2 * nMinTxFee);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(CWallet::GetMinimumFee(tx, 1999, 0, pool), 3 * nMinTxFee);
// change the hard dust limit
nDustLimit = COIN / 10;
// Confirm dust penalty fees are not added
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(CWallet::GetMinimumFee(tx, 963, 0, pool), 1 * nMinTxFee);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(CWallet::GetMinimumFee(tx, 1000, 0, pool), 1 * nMinTxFee);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(CWallet::GetMinimumFee(tx, 1999, 0, pool), 2 * nMinTxFee);
nDustLimit = COIN;