Thomas Holenstein e85e19be06 Changed Get64(.) to GetLow64()
The function Get64(.) has a bug in case the width is not divisible by 64.
Since it is only ever used as Get64(0) this simply changes it to this
special case. Additionally, an assert is added, and a cast to prevent
a compiler error.
2013-12-25 11:07:21 +01:00

528 lines
15 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2012 Pieter Wuille
// Distributed under the MIT/X11 software license, see the accompanying
// file COPYING or
#include "addrman.h"
#include "hash.h"
#include "serialize.h"
using namespace std;
int CAddrInfo::GetTriedBucket(const std::vector<unsigned char> &nKey) const
CDataStream ss1(SER_GETHASH, 0);
std::vector<unsigned char> vchKey = GetKey();
ss1 << nKey << vchKey;
uint64_t hash1 = Hash(ss1.begin(), ss1.end()).GetLow64();
CDataStream ss2(SER_GETHASH, 0);
std::vector<unsigned char> vchGroupKey = GetGroup();
ss2 << nKey << vchGroupKey << (hash1 % ADDRMAN_TRIED_BUCKETS_PER_GROUP);
uint64_t hash2 = Hash(ss2.begin(), ss2.end()).GetLow64();
int CAddrInfo::GetNewBucket(const std::vector<unsigned char> &nKey, const CNetAddr& src) const
CDataStream ss1(SER_GETHASH, 0);
std::vector<unsigned char> vchGroupKey = GetGroup();
std::vector<unsigned char> vchSourceGroupKey = src.GetGroup();
ss1 << nKey << vchGroupKey << vchSourceGroupKey;
uint64_t hash1 = Hash(ss1.begin(), ss1.end()).GetLow64();
CDataStream ss2(SER_GETHASH, 0);
ss2 << nKey << vchSourceGroupKey << (hash1 % ADDRMAN_NEW_BUCKETS_PER_SOURCE_GROUP);
uint64_t hash2 = Hash(ss2.begin(), ss2.end()).GetLow64();
bool CAddrInfo::IsTerrible(int64_t nNow) const
if (nLastTry && nLastTry >= nNow-60) // never remove things tried the last minute
return false;
if (nTime > nNow + 10*60) // came in a flying DeLorean
return true;
if (nTime==0 || nNow-nTime > ADDRMAN_HORIZON_DAYS*86400) // not seen in over a month
return true;
if (nLastSuccess==0 && nAttempts>=ADDRMAN_RETRIES) // tried three times and never a success
return true;
if (nNow-nLastSuccess > ADDRMAN_MIN_FAIL_DAYS*86400 && nAttempts>=ADDRMAN_MAX_FAILURES) // 10 successive failures in the last week
return true;
return false;
double CAddrInfo::GetChance(int64_t nNow) const
double fChance = 1.0;
int64_t nSinceLastSeen = nNow - nTime;
int64_t nSinceLastTry = nNow - nLastTry;
if (nSinceLastSeen < 0) nSinceLastSeen = 0;
if (nSinceLastTry < 0) nSinceLastTry = 0;
fChance *= 600.0 / (600.0 + nSinceLastSeen);
// deprioritize very recent attempts away
if (nSinceLastTry < 60*10)
fChance *= 0.01;
// deprioritize 50% after each failed attempt
for (int n=0; n<nAttempts; n++)
fChance /= 1.5;
return fChance;
CAddrInfo* CAddrMan::Find(const CNetAddr& addr, int *pnId)
std::map<CNetAddr, int>::iterator it = mapAddr.find(addr);
if (it == mapAddr.end())
return NULL;
if (pnId)
*pnId = (*it).second;
std::map<int, CAddrInfo>::iterator it2 = mapInfo.find((*it).second);
if (it2 != mapInfo.end())
return &(*it2).second;
return NULL;
CAddrInfo* CAddrMan::Create(const CAddress &addr, const CNetAddr &addrSource, int *pnId)
int nId = nIdCount++;
mapInfo[nId] = CAddrInfo(addr, addrSource);
mapAddr[addr] = nId;
mapInfo[nId].nRandomPos = vRandom.size();
if (pnId)
*pnId = nId;
return &mapInfo[nId];
void CAddrMan::SwapRandom(unsigned int nRndPos1, unsigned int nRndPos2)
if (nRndPos1 == nRndPos2)
assert(nRndPos1 < vRandom.size() && nRndPos2 < vRandom.size());
int nId1 = vRandom[nRndPos1];
int nId2 = vRandom[nRndPos2];
assert(mapInfo.count(nId1) == 1);
assert(mapInfo.count(nId2) == 1);
mapInfo[nId1].nRandomPos = nRndPos2;
mapInfo[nId2].nRandomPos = nRndPos1;
vRandom[nRndPos1] = nId2;
vRandom[nRndPos2] = nId1;
int CAddrMan::SelectTried(int nKBucket)
std::vector<int> &vTried = vvTried[nKBucket];
// random shuffle the first few elements (using the entire list)
// find the least recently tried among them
int64_t nOldest = -1;
int nOldestPos = -1;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ADDRMAN_TRIED_ENTRIES_INSPECT_ON_EVICT && i < vTried.size(); i++)
int nPos = GetRandInt(vTried.size() - i) + i;
int nTemp = vTried[nPos];
vTried[nPos] = vTried[i];
vTried[i] = nTemp;
assert(nOldest == -1 || mapInfo.count(nTemp) == 1);
if (nOldest == -1 || mapInfo[nTemp].nLastSuccess < mapInfo[nOldest].nLastSuccess) {
nOldest = nTemp;
nOldestPos = nPos;
return nOldestPos;
int CAddrMan::ShrinkNew(int nUBucket)
assert(nUBucket >= 0 && (unsigned int)nUBucket < vvNew.size());
std::set<int> &vNew = vvNew[nUBucket];
// first look for deletable items
for (std::set<int>::iterator it = vNew.begin(); it != vNew.end(); it++)
CAddrInfo &info = mapInfo[*it];
if (info.IsTerrible())
if (--info.nRefCount == 0)
SwapRandom(info.nRandomPos, vRandom.size()-1);
return 0;
// otherwise, select four randomly, and pick the oldest of those to replace
int n[4] = {GetRandInt(vNew.size()), GetRandInt(vNew.size()), GetRandInt(vNew.size()), GetRandInt(vNew.size())};
int nI = 0;
int nOldest = -1;
for (std::set<int>::iterator it = vNew.begin(); it != vNew.end(); it++)
if (nI == n[0] || nI == n[1] || nI == n[2] || nI == n[3])
assert(nOldest == -1 || mapInfo.count(*it) == 1);
if (nOldest == -1 || mapInfo[*it].nTime < mapInfo[nOldest].nTime)
nOldest = *it;
assert(mapInfo.count(nOldest) == 1);
CAddrInfo &info = mapInfo[nOldest];
if (--info.nRefCount == 0)
SwapRandom(info.nRandomPos, vRandom.size()-1);
return 1;
void CAddrMan::MakeTried(CAddrInfo& info, int nId, int nOrigin)
assert(vvNew[nOrigin].count(nId) == 1);
// remove the entry from all new buckets
for (std::vector<std::set<int> >::iterator it = vvNew.begin(); it != vvNew.end(); it++)
if ((*it).erase(nId))
assert(info.nRefCount == 0);
// what tried bucket to move the entry to
int nKBucket = info.GetTriedBucket(nKey);
std::vector<int> &vTried = vvTried[nKBucket];
// first check whether there is place to just add it
if (vTried.size() < ADDRMAN_TRIED_BUCKET_SIZE)
info.fInTried = true;
// otherwise, find an item to evict
int nPos = SelectTried(nKBucket);
// find which new bucket it belongs to
assert(mapInfo.count(vTried[nPos]) == 1);
int nUBucket = mapInfo[vTried[nPos]].GetNewBucket(nKey);
std::set<int> &vNew = vvNew[nUBucket];
// remove the to-be-replaced tried entry from the tried set
CAddrInfo& infoOld = mapInfo[vTried[nPos]];
infoOld.fInTried = false;
infoOld.nRefCount = 1;
// do not update nTried, as we are going to move something else there immediately
// check whether there is place in that one,
if (vNew.size() < ADDRMAN_NEW_BUCKET_SIZE)
// if so, move it back there
} else {
// otherwise, move it to the new bucket nId came from (there is certainly place there)
vTried[nPos] = nId;
// we just overwrote an entry in vTried; no need to update nTried
info.fInTried = true;
void CAddrMan::Good_(const CService &addr, int64_t nTime)
int nId;
CAddrInfo *pinfo = Find(addr, &nId);
// if not found, bail out
if (!pinfo)
CAddrInfo &info = *pinfo;
// check whether we are talking about the exact same CService (including same port)
if (info != addr)
// update info
info.nLastSuccess = nTime;
info.nLastTry = nTime;
info.nTime = nTime;
info.nAttempts = 0;
// if it is already in the tried set, don't do anything else
if (info.fInTried)
// find a bucket it is in now
int nRnd = GetRandInt(vvNew.size());
int nUBucket = -1;
for (unsigned int n = 0; n < vvNew.size(); n++)
int nB = (n+nRnd) % vvNew.size();
std::set<int> &vNew = vvNew[nB];
if (vNew.count(nId))
nUBucket = nB;
// if no bucket is found, something bad happened;
// TODO: maybe re-add the node, but for now, just bail out
if (nUBucket == -1) return;
LogPrint("addrman", "Moving %s to tried\n", addr.ToString().c_str());
// move nId to the tried tables
MakeTried(info, nId, nUBucket);
bool CAddrMan::Add_(const CAddress &addr, const CNetAddr& source, int64_t nTimePenalty)
if (!addr.IsRoutable())
return false;
bool fNew = false;
int nId;
CAddrInfo *pinfo = Find(addr, &nId);
if (pinfo)
// periodically update nTime
bool fCurrentlyOnline = (GetAdjustedTime() - addr.nTime < 24 * 60 * 60);
int64_t nUpdateInterval = (fCurrentlyOnline ? 60 * 60 : 24 * 60 * 60);
if (addr.nTime && (!pinfo->nTime || pinfo->nTime < addr.nTime - nUpdateInterval - nTimePenalty))
pinfo->nTime = max((int64_t)0, addr.nTime - nTimePenalty);
// add services
pinfo->nServices |= addr.nServices;
// do not update if no new information is present
if (!addr.nTime || (pinfo->nTime && addr.nTime <= pinfo->nTime))
return false;
// do not update if the entry was already in the "tried" table
if (pinfo->fInTried)
return false;
// do not update if the max reference count is reached
return false;
// stochastic test: previous nRefCount == N: 2^N times harder to increase it
int nFactor = 1;
for (int n=0; n<pinfo->nRefCount; n++)
nFactor *= 2;
if (nFactor > 1 && (GetRandInt(nFactor) != 0))
return false;
} else {
pinfo = Create(addr, source, &nId);
pinfo->nTime = max((int64_t)0, (int64_t)pinfo->nTime - nTimePenalty);
fNew = true;
int nUBucket = pinfo->GetNewBucket(nKey, source);
std::set<int> &vNew = vvNew[nUBucket];
if (!vNew.count(nId))
if (vNew.size() == ADDRMAN_NEW_BUCKET_SIZE)
return fNew;
void CAddrMan::Attempt_(const CService &addr, int64_t nTime)
CAddrInfo *pinfo = Find(addr);
// if not found, bail out
if (!pinfo)
CAddrInfo &info = *pinfo;
// check whether we are talking about the exact same CService (including same port)
if (info != addr)
// update info
info.nLastTry = nTime;
CAddress CAddrMan::Select_(int nUnkBias)
if (size() == 0)
return CAddress();
double nCorTried = sqrt(nTried) * (100.0 - nUnkBias);
double nCorNew = sqrt(nNew) * nUnkBias;
if ((nCorTried + nCorNew)*GetRandInt(1<<30)/(1<<30) < nCorTried)
// use a tried node
double fChanceFactor = 1.0;
int nKBucket = GetRandInt(vvTried.size());
std::vector<int> &vTried = vvTried[nKBucket];
if (vTried.size() == 0) continue;
int nPos = GetRandInt(vTried.size());
assert(mapInfo.count(vTried[nPos]) == 1);
CAddrInfo &info = mapInfo[vTried[nPos]];
if (GetRandInt(1<<30) < fChanceFactor*info.GetChance()*(1<<30))
return info;
fChanceFactor *= 1.2;
} else {
// use a new node
double fChanceFactor = 1.0;
int nUBucket = GetRandInt(vvNew.size());
std::set<int> &vNew = vvNew[nUBucket];
if (vNew.size() == 0) continue;
int nPos = GetRandInt(vNew.size());
std::set<int>::iterator it = vNew.begin();
while (nPos--)
assert(mapInfo.count(*it) == 1);
CAddrInfo &info = mapInfo[*it];
if (GetRandInt(1<<30) < fChanceFactor*info.GetChance()*(1<<30))
return info;
fChanceFactor *= 1.2;
int CAddrMan::Check_()
std::set<int> setTried;
std::map<int, int> mapNew;
if (vRandom.size() != nTried + nNew) return -7;
for (std::map<int, CAddrInfo>::iterator it = mapInfo.begin(); it != mapInfo.end(); it++)
int n = (*it).first;
CAddrInfo &info = (*it).second;
if (info.fInTried)
if (!info.nLastSuccess) return -1;
if (info.nRefCount) return -2;
} else {
if (info.nRefCount < 0 || info.nRefCount > ADDRMAN_NEW_BUCKETS_PER_ADDRESS) return -3;
if (!info.nRefCount) return -4;
mapNew[n] = info.nRefCount;
if (mapAddr[info] != n) return -5;
if (info.nRandomPos<0 || info.nRandomPos>=vRandom.size() || vRandom[info.nRandomPos] != n) return -14;
if (info.nLastTry < 0) return -6;
if (info.nLastSuccess < 0) return -8;
if (setTried.size() != nTried) return -9;
if (mapNew.size() != nNew) return -10;
for (int n=0; n<vvTried.size(); n++)
std::vector<int> &vTried = vvTried[n];
for (std::vector<int>::iterator it = vTried.begin(); it != vTried.end(); it++)
if (!setTried.count(*it)) return -11;
for (int n=0; n<vvNew.size(); n++)
std::set<int> &vNew = vvNew[n];
for (std::set<int>::iterator it = vNew.begin(); it != vNew.end(); it++)
if (!mapNew.count(*it)) return -12;
if (--mapNew[*it] == 0)
if (setTried.size()) return -13;
if (mapNew.size()) return -15;
return 0;
void CAddrMan::GetAddr_(std::vector<CAddress> &vAddr)
int nNodes = ADDRMAN_GETADDR_MAX_PCT*vRandom.size()/100;
// perform a random shuffle over the first nNodes elements of vRandom (selecting from all)
for (int n = 0; n<nNodes; n++)
int nRndPos = GetRandInt(vRandom.size() - n) + n;
SwapRandom(n, nRndPos);
assert(mapInfo.count(vRandom[n]) == 1);
void CAddrMan::Connected_(const CService &addr, int64_t nTime)
CAddrInfo *pinfo = Find(addr);
// if not found, bail out
if (!pinfo)
CAddrInfo &info = *pinfo;
// check whether we are talking about the exact same CService (including same port)
if (info != addr)
// update info
int64_t nUpdateInterval = 20 * 60;
if (nTime - info.nTime > nUpdateInterval)
info.nTime = nTime;