diff --git a/release-notes/1.1/1.1.0-preview1-contibutor-list.md b/release-notes/1.1/1.1.0-preview1-contibutor-list.md index b1f82753..e7e95655 100644 --- a/release-notes/1.1/1.1.0-preview1-contibutor-list.md +++ b/release-notes/1.1/1.1.0-preview1-contibutor-list.md @@ -2,12 +2,15 @@ We're still working out the best way to present contributors and trying to be as accurate as possible. The list below is generated with the following command against each repo. The release qualifier is different from the example in some cases. Also, where multiple email addresses were returned for a single person, the counts were aggregated with the email address reported the most commits. + ```bash git shortlog -sne --no-merges HEAD..release/1.1.0 --since master@{2016-09-07} --until master@{2016-10-23} ``` When you navigate to a contributors commit page, the results are not filtered by release so more commits than are listed below will be shown. +### There are definitely contributors missing from the list below. Working on an update! + ## CLI - [Livar Cunha (8)](https://github.com/dotnet/cli/commits/rel/1.0.0-preview2.1?author=livar@live.com)