# .NET Native Internal Compiler Errors It looks like you probably hit a bug in .NET Native. You can help make .NET better by sending a bug report. However, take a look at the [Known Issues](#known-issues) section below before sending a bug report. There may already be a workaround for your issue. ## Creating and Sending a .NET Native repro 1. Add `C:\myReproDirectory` to the primary PropertyGroup in your project file, the file ending in csproj, vsproj, vcxproj, or jsproj. You can set `C:\myReproDirectory` to any directory that exists. [Examples are below.](#examples) 2. Rebuild your app. You will find ilcRepro.zip in the repro directory you specified above. 3. Put ilcRepro.zip on your OneDrive, Dropbox, or another storage provider. Send a link to ilcRepro.zip and a description of your issue to dotnetnative@microsoft.com. 4. Remove `` from your project file. ## Compilation Failure in Store UWP apps containing managed code are compiled in Store using the .NET Native Toolchain. If there is a compilation failure in the Store, you will get an error message like the following: `This submission failed due to compilation error {0}. More information about this error can be found here.` In such a case, please ensure that you were able to build your application in Release mode successfully at the time you submitted it to Store. If it did, please send the error number you got in the message above and email dotnetnative@microsoft.com. For help with any other issues, please share their details at https://connect.microsoft.com/visualstudio/ ## Examples Below are examples of where to add the `` tag. ### C# (*.csproj) Debug x86 {B44664F5-278C-4ABE-B62E-A5CA20E3DC48} AppContainerExe Properties App1 App1 en-US UAP 10.0.10158.0 10.0.10158.0 14 true 512 {A5A43C5B-DE2A-4C0C-9213-0A381AF9435A};{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC} App1_TemporaryKey.pfx C:\myRepro ### VB (*.vbproj) Debug x86 {8C7ADA9E-47DF-4937-A1D9-62CA9B88A100} AppContainerExe App4 App4 en-US UAP 10.0.10158.0 10.0.10158.0 14 true 512 {A5A43C5B-DE2A-4C0C-9213-0A381AF9435A};{F184B08F-C81C-45F6-A57F-5ABD9991F28F} App4_TemporaryKey.pfx C:\myRepro ### C++ (*.vcxproj) {74010e92-8ead-4acc-8fc6-7db385af579b} App2 en-US 14.0 true Windows Store 10.0.10158.0 10.0.10158.0 10.0 true C:\myRepro ### JS (*.jsproj) true UAP 10.0.10158.0 10.0.10158.0 $(VersionNumberMajor).$(VersionNumberMinor) en-US App3_TemporaryKey.pfx C:\myRepro