# .NET Core Samples This directory contains samples that you can use to test out [.NET Core](http://dotnet.github.io). They are small and simple, and are used to get your feet wet with .NET Core as fast as possible. ## How to run the samples? In order to run these samples, you first need to [install .NET Core](http://dotnet.github.io/getting-started/). After that, you can clone this repo, go into each of the samples folders and either: * Run from source using the following commands: * `dotnet restore` * `dotnet run` * Compile and run using the following commands * `dotnet restore` * `dotnet build` * `dotnet bin/Debug/[framework]/[binary name]` ## Samples list * **dotnetbot** - Let dotnetbot say Hi! * **helloworld** - because no sample is complete without Hello World! * **qotd** - a simple "quote of the day" console application (**note**: this sample is not yet capable of being compiled to a native binary).