pratik 4fb515d0b7 upgraded validator plug-in 2020-01-06 17:13:26 +05:30
Chart.js Update libraries 2016-06-03 00:08:25 +08:00
DateJS Add Flot plugin to bower 2016-07-14 00:34:05 +08:00
Flot Added Vendors cganges 2019-10-23 16:04:21 +05:30
animate.css Update libraries 2016-06-03 00:08:25 +08:00
autosize Update libraries 2016-06-03 00:08:25 +08:00
bootstrap New Changes to Vendor 2019-10-23 16:06:28 +05:30
bootstrap-daterangepicker bump bootstrap to 3.4.1 2019-04-08 12:55:26 -04:00
bootstrap-datetimepicker Datetime picker #411 2017-06-13 11:59:40 -05:00
bootstrap-progressbar Update libraries 2016-06-03 00:08:25 +08:00
bootstrap-wysiwyg Update libraries 2016-06-03 00:08:25 +08:00
cropper Update libraries 2016-06-03 00:08:25 +08:00 Update libraries 2016-06-03 00:08:25 +08:00 DataTable Issue resolved 2019-10-30 16:59:13 +05:30 dataTable buttons pakage updated 2019-10-15 12:33:55 +05:30 Update libraries 2016-06-03 00:08:25 +08:00 Update libraries 2016-06-03 00:08:25 +08:00 Update libraries 2016-06-03 00:08:25 +08:00 Update libraries 2016-06-03 00:08:25 +08:00 Update libraries 2016-06-03 00:08:25 +08:00 Update libraries 2016-06-03 00:08:25 +08:00 Update libraries 2016-06-03 00:08:25 +08:00 Update libraries 2016-06-03 00:08:25 +08:00
devbridge-autocomplete Update libraries 2016-06-03 00:08:25 +08:00
dropzone Update libraries 2016-06-03 00:08:25 +08:00
echarts Update libraries 2016-06-03 00:08:25 +08:00
eve Put dependecy libraries to bower for easy updating 2016-04-24 22:26:16 +08:00
fastclick Update libraries 2016-06-03 00:08:25 +08:00
flot bump bootstrap to 3.4.1 2019-04-08 12:55:26 -04:00
flot-spline Add Flot plugin to bower 2016-07-14 00:34:05 +08:00
flot.curvedlines Add Flot plugin to bower 2016-07-14 00:34:05 +08:00
flot.orderbars Add Flot plugin to bower 2016-07-14 00:34:05 +08:00
font-awesome #361 2017-01-16 12:57:56 +02:00
fontawesome bump bootstrap to 3.4.1 2019-04-08 12:55:26 -04:00
fullcalendar #266 2016-12-06 14:10:14 +02:00
gauge.js Put dependecy libraries to bower for easy updating 2016-04-24 22:26:16 +08:00
google-code-prettify Put dependecy libraries to bower for easy updating 2016-04-24 22:26:16 +08:00
iCheck Update libraries 2016-06-03 00:08:25 +08:00
ion.rangeSlider Update libraries 2016-05-04 23:40:49 +08:00
jQuery-Smart-Wizard fix bug-Reflected XSS vulnerability 2019-05-06 14:46:11 +08:00
jquery * Me 2017-01-13 18:39:22 +02:00
jquery-knob Update libraries 2016-06-03 00:08:25 +08:00
jquery-mousewheel Fix login form not switchable 2016-05-23 00:35:54 +08:00
jquery-sparkline Update libraries 2016-06-03 00:08:25 +08:00
jquery.easy-pie-chart Update libraries 2016-06-03 00:08:25 +08:00
jquery.hotkeys Put dependecy libraries to bower for easy updating 2016-04-24 22:26:16 +08:00
jquery.inputmask Update libraries 2016-06-03 00:08:25 +08:00
jquery.tagsinput Update libraries 2016-06-03 00:08:25 +08:00
jqvmap Change jVectorMap to JQVMap 2016-06-10 01:01:58 +08:00
jszip Put dependecy libraries to bower for easy updating 2016-04-24 22:26:16 +08:00
malihu-custom-scrollbar-plugin Add option to make sidebar menu fix 2016-05-11 00:24:48 +08:00
mjolnic-bootstrap-colorpicker Update libraries 2016-06-03 00:08:25 +08:00
mocha Put dependecy libraries to bower for easy updating 2016-04-24 22:26:16 +08:00
moment Update libraries 2016-06-03 00:08:25 +08:00
morris.js Update libraries 2016-06-03 00:08:25 +08:00
normalize-css Update libraries 2016-06-03 00:08:25 +08:00
nprogress Update libraries 2016-06-03 00:08:25 +08:00
parsleyjs Update libraries 2016-06-03 00:08:25 +08:00
pdfmake Update libraries 2016-06-03 00:08:25 +08:00
pnotify Update libraries 2016-06-03 00:08:25 +08:00
raphael Put dependecy libraries to bower for easy updating 2016-04-24 22:26:16 +08:00
requirejs Put dependecy libraries to bower for easy updating 2016-04-24 22:26:16 +08:00
select2 Update libraries 2016-06-03 00:08:25 +08:00
skycons Fix login form not switchable 2016-05-23 00:35:54 +08:00
starrr Update libraries 2016-05-04 23:40:49 +08:00
switchery Update libraries 2016-06-03 00:08:25 +08:00
transitionize Put dependecy libraries to bower for easy updating 2016-04-24 22:26:16 +08:00
validator upgraded validator plug-in 2020-01-06 17:13:26 +05:30