Jay Swain ff352b8ff3
Better ReleaseHighlight validation
The ReleaseHighlight validator will now actually request the image_url
and url of each highlight upon validation.

* added whats_new files to danger to run the test suite upon a new file
* fixed tests that were stubbing the wrong arguments (syms not strings)

part of:
2021-02-25 15:59:31 -08:00

59 lines
1.9 KiB

# EE code should map to respective spec
- source: ee/app/(.+)\.rb
test: ee/spec/%s_spec.rb
# FOSS code should map to respective spec
- source: app/(.+)\.rb
test: spec/%s_spec.rb
# EE extension should also map to its FOSS class spec
- source: ee/app/(.*/)ee/(.+)\.rb
test: spec/%s%s_spec.rb
# Some EE extensions also map to its EE class spec, but this is not recommended:
- source: ee/app/(.*/)ee/(.+)\.rb
test: ee/spec/%s%s_spec.rb
# EE lib should map to respective spec
- source: ee/lib/(.+)\.rb
test: ee/spec/lib/%s_spec.rb
# FOSS lib & tooling should map to respective spec
- source: (tooling/)?lib/(.+)\.rb
test: spec/%slib/%s_spec.rb
# Initializers should map to respective spec
- source: config/initializers/(.+)\.rb
test: spec/initializers/%s_spec.rb
# DB structure should map to schema spec
- source: db/structure.sql
test: spec/db/schema_spec.rb
# Migration should map to either timestamped or non-timestamped spec
- source: db/(?:post_)?migrate/(?:[0-9]+)_(.+)\.rb
test: spec/migrations/%s_spec.rb
- source: db/(?:post_)?migrate/([0-9]+)_(.+)\.rb
test: spec/migrations/%s_%s_spec.rb
# EE/FOSS views should map to respective spec
- source: (ee/)?app/views/(.+)\.haml
test: '%sspec/views/%s.haml_spec.rb'
# EE/FOSS spec code should map to itself
- source: (ee/)?spec/(.+)_spec\.rb
test: '%sspec/%s_spec.rb'
# EE extension spec should map to its FOSS class spec
- source: ee/spec/(.*/)ee/(.+)\.rb
test: spec/%s%s.rb
# EE/FOSS factory should map to factories spec
- source: (ee/)?spec/factories/.+\.rb
test: spec/factories_spec.rb
# Whats New should map to its respective spec
- source: data/whats_new/\w*.yml
test: spec/lib/release_highlights/validator_spec.rb