Blends linearly between two of any number of [AnimationNode] of any type placed on a virtual axis. A resource to add to an [AnimationNodeBlendTree]. This is a virtual axis on which you can add any type of [AnimationNode] using [method add_blend_point]. Outputs the linear blend of the two [AnimationNode]s closest to the node's current value. You can set the extents of the axis using the [member min_space] and [member max_space]. Adds a new point that represents a [code]node[/code] on the virtual axis at a given position set by [code]pos[/code]. You can insert it at a specific index using the [code]at_index[/code] argument. If you use the default value for [code]at_index[/code], the point is inserted at the end of the blend points array. Returns the number of points on the blend axis. Returns the [AnimationNode] referenced by the point at index [code]point[/code]. Returns the position of the point at index [code]point[/code]. Removes the point at index [code]point[/code] from the blend axis. Changes the [AnimationNode] referenced by the point at index [code]point[/code]. Updates the position of the point at index [code]point[/code] on the blend axis. The blend space's axis's upper limit for the points' position. See [method add_blend_point]. The blend space's axis's lower limit for the points' position. See [method add_blend_point]. Position increment to snap to when moving a point on the axis. Label of the virtual axis of the blend space.