Plugin for adding custom property editors on inspector. [EditorInspectorPlugin] allows adding custom property editors to [EditorInspector]. When an object is edited, the [method _can_handle] function is called and must return [code]true[/code] if the object type is supported. If supported, the function [method _parse_begin] will be called, allowing to place custom controls at the beginning of the class. Subsequently, the [method _parse_category] and [method _parse_property] are called for every category and property. They offer the ability to add custom controls to the inspector too. Finally, [method _parse_end] will be called. On each of these calls, the "add" functions can be called. To use [EditorInspectorPlugin], register it using the [method EditorPlugin.add_inspector_plugin] method first. Returns [code]true[/code] if this object can be handled by this plugin. Called to allow adding controls at the beginning of the property list for [code]object[/code]. Called to allow adding controls at the beginning of a category in the property list for [code]object[/code]. Called to allow adding controls at the end of the property list for [code]object[/code]. Called to allow adding controls at the beginning of a group or a sub-group in the property list for [code]object[/code]. Called to allow adding property-specific editors to the property list for [code]object[/code]. The added editor control must extend [EditorProperty]. Returning [code]true[/code] removes the built-in editor for this property, otherwise allows to insert a custom editor before the built-in one. Adds a custom control, which is not necessarily a property editor. Adds a property editor for an individual property. The [code]editor[/code] control must extend [EditorProperty]. Adds an editor that allows modifying multiple properties. The [code]editor[/code] control must extend [EditorProperty].