An object representing a method in a certain object that can be called. [Callable] is a first class object which can be held in variables and passed to functions. It represents a given method in an [Object], and is typically used for signal callbacks. [b]Example:[/b] [codeblock] var callable = Callable(self, "print_args") func print_args(arg1, arg2, arg3 = ""): prints(arg1, arg2, arg3) func test():"hello", "world") # Prints "hello world"., 42, callable) # Prints "(0, -1) 42 Node("."invalid") # Invalid call, should have at least 2 arguments. [/codeblock] Creates a new [Callable] for the method called [code]method_name[/code] in the specified [code]object[/code]. Calls the method represented by this [Callable]. Arguments can be passed and should match the method's signature. Calls the method represented by this [Callable] in deferred mode, i.e. during the idle frame. Arguments can be passed and should match the method's signature. Returns the name of the method represented by this [Callable]. Returns the object on which this [Callable] is called. Returns the ID of this [Callable]'s object (see [method Object.get_instance_id]).