Create a new surface ([method get_surface_count] that will become surf_idx for this. Surfaces are created to be rendered using a "primitive", which may be PRIMITIVE_POINTS, PRIMITIVE_LINES, PRIMITIVE_LINE_STRIP, PRIMITIVE_LINE_LOOP, PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLES, PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLE_STRIP, PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLE_FAN. (As a note, when using indices, it is recommended to only use just points, lines or triangles). Return the amount of surfaces that the [ArrayMesh] holds. Return the length in indices of the index array in the requested surface (see [method add_surface]). Return the length in vertices of the vertex array in the requested surface (see [method add_surface]). Return the format mask of the requested surface (see [method add_surface]). Return a [Material] in a given surface. Surface is rendered using this material. Return the primitive type of the requested surface (see [method add_surface]). Remove a surface at position surf_idx, shifting greater surfaces one surf_idx slot down. Set a [Material] for a given surface. Surface will be rendered using this material. Default value used for index_array_len when no indices are present. Amount of weights/bone indices per vertex (always 4). Vertex array (array of [Vector3] vertices). Normal array (array of [Vector3] normals). Tangent array, array of groups of 4 floats. first 3 floats determine the tangent, and the last the binormal direction as -1 or 1. Vertex array (array of [Color] colors). UV array (array of [Vector3] UVs or float array of groups of 2 floats (u,v)). Second UV array (array of [Vector3] UVs or float array of groups of 2 floats (u,v)). Array of bone indices, as a float array. Each element in groups of 4 floats. Array of bone weights, as a float array. Each element in groups of 4 floats. Array of integers, used as indices referencing vertices. No index can be beyond the vertex array size. Array format will include vertices (mandatory). Array format will include normals Array format will include tangents Array format will include a color array. Array format will include UVs. Array format will include another set of UVs. Array format will include bone indices. Array format will include bone weights. Index array will be used.