#[compute] #version 450 #VERSION_DEFINES // Original version here: // https://github.com/GPUOpen-LibrariesAndSDKs/GPUParticles11/blob/master/gpuparticles11/src/Shaders // // Copyright (c) 2016 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal // in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights // to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in // all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, // OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN // THE SOFTWARE. // #define SORT_SIZE 512 #define NUM_THREADS (SORT_SIZE / 2) #define INVERSION (16 * 2 + 8 * 3) #define ITERATIONS 1 layout(local_size_x = NUM_THREADS, local_size_y = 1, local_size_z = 1) in; #ifndef MODE_SORT_STEP shared vec2 g_LDS[SORT_SIZE]; #endif layout(set = 1, binding = 0, std430) restrict buffer SortBuffer { vec2 data[]; } sort_buffer; layout(push_constant, binding = 0, std430) uniform Params { uint total_elements; uint pad[3]; ivec4 job_params; } params; void main() { #ifdef MODE_SORT_BLOCK uvec3 Gid = gl_WorkGroupID; uvec3 DTid = gl_GlobalInvocationID; uvec3 GTid = gl_LocalInvocationID; uint GI = gl_LocalInvocationIndex; int GlobalBaseIndex = int((Gid.x * SORT_SIZE) + GTid.x); int LocalBaseIndex = int(GI); int numElementsInThreadGroup = int(min(SORT_SIZE, params.total_elements - (Gid.x * SORT_SIZE))); // Load shared data int i; for (i = 0; i < 2 * ITERATIONS; ++i) { if (GI + i * NUM_THREADS < numElementsInThreadGroup) g_LDS[LocalBaseIndex + i * NUM_THREADS] = sort_buffer.data[GlobalBaseIndex + i * NUM_THREADS]; } groupMemoryBarrier(); barrier(); // Bitonic sort for (int nMergeSize = 2; nMergeSize <= SORT_SIZE; nMergeSize = nMergeSize * 2) { for (int nMergeSubSize = nMergeSize >> 1; nMergeSubSize > 0; nMergeSubSize = nMergeSubSize >> 1) { for (i = 0; i < ITERATIONS; ++i) { int tmp_index = int(GI + NUM_THREADS * i); int index_low = tmp_index & (nMergeSubSize - 1); int index_high = 2 * (tmp_index - index_low); int index = index_high + index_low; int nSwapElem = nMergeSubSize == nMergeSize >> 1 ? index_high + (2 * nMergeSubSize - 1) - index_low : index_high + nMergeSubSize + index_low; if (nSwapElem < numElementsInThreadGroup) { vec2 a = g_LDS[index]; vec2 b = g_LDS[nSwapElem]; if (a.x > b.x) { g_LDS[index] = b; g_LDS[nSwapElem] = a; } } groupMemoryBarrier(); barrier(); } } } // Store shared data for (i = 0; i < 2 * ITERATIONS; ++i) { if (GI + i * NUM_THREADS < numElementsInThreadGroup) { sort_buffer.data[GlobalBaseIndex + i * NUM_THREADS] = g_LDS[LocalBaseIndex + i * NUM_THREADS]; } } #endif #ifdef MODE_SORT_STEP uvec3 Gid = gl_WorkGroupID; uvec3 GTid = gl_LocalInvocationID; ivec4 tgp; tgp.x = int(Gid.x) * 256; tgp.y = 0; tgp.z = int(params.total_elements); tgp.w = min(512, max(0, tgp.z - int(Gid.x) * 512)); uint localID = int(tgp.x) + GTid.x; // calculate threadID within this sortable-array uint index_low = localID & (params.job_params.x - 1); uint index_high = 2 * (localID - index_low); uint index = tgp.y + index_high + index_low; uint nSwapElem = tgp.y + index_high + params.job_params.y + params.job_params.z * index_low; if (nSwapElem < tgp.y + tgp.z) { vec2 a = sort_buffer.data[index]; vec2 b = sort_buffer.data[nSwapElem]; if (a.x > b.x) { sort_buffer.data[index] = b; sort_buffer.data[nSwapElem] = a; } } #endif #ifdef MODE_SORT_INNER uvec3 Gid = gl_WorkGroupID; uvec3 DTid = gl_GlobalInvocationID; uvec3 GTid = gl_LocalInvocationID; uint GI = gl_LocalInvocationIndex; ivec4 tgp; tgp.x = int(Gid.x * 256); tgp.y = 0; tgp.z = int(params.total_elements.x); tgp.w = int(min(512, max(0, params.total_elements - Gid.x * 512))); int GlobalBaseIndex = int(tgp.y + tgp.x * 2 + GTid.x); int LocalBaseIndex = int(GI); int i; // Load shared data for (i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { if (GI + i * NUM_THREADS < tgp.w) g_LDS[LocalBaseIndex + i * NUM_THREADS] = sort_buffer.data[GlobalBaseIndex + i * NUM_THREADS]; } groupMemoryBarrier(); barrier(); // sort threadgroup shared memory for (int nMergeSubSize = SORT_SIZE >> 1; nMergeSubSize > 0; nMergeSubSize = nMergeSubSize >> 1) { int tmp_index = int(GI); int index_low = tmp_index & (nMergeSubSize - 1); int index_high = 2 * (tmp_index - index_low); int index = index_high + index_low; int nSwapElem = index_high + nMergeSubSize + index_low; if (nSwapElem < tgp.w) { vec2 a = g_LDS[index]; vec2 b = g_LDS[nSwapElem]; if (a.x > b.x) { g_LDS[index] = b; g_LDS[nSwapElem] = a; } } groupMemoryBarrier(); barrier(); } // Store shared data for (i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { if (GI + i * NUM_THREADS < tgp.w) { sort_buffer.data[GlobalBaseIndex + i * NUM_THREADS] = g_LDS[LocalBaseIndex + i * NUM_THREADS]; } } #endif }