A [Texture] based on an [Image]. A [Texture] based on an [Image]. Can be created from an [Image]. Create a new [ImageTexture] with "width" and "height". "format" one of [Image].FORMAT_*. "flags" one or more of [Texture].FLAG_*. Create a new [ImageTexture] from an [Image] with "flags" from [Texture].FLAG_*. Return the format of the [ImageTexture], one of [Image].FORMAT_*. Return the storage quality for [ImageTexture].STORAGE_COMPRESS_LOSSY. Return the storage type. One of [ImageTexture].STORAGE_*. Load an [ImageTexure]. Set the [Image] of this [ImageTexture]. Set the storage quality in case of [ImageTexture].STORAGE_COMPRESS_LOSSY. Set the storage type. One of [ImageTexture].STORAGE_*. [Image] data is stored raw and unaltered. [Image] data is compressed with a lossy algorithm. You can set the storage quality with [method set_lossy_storage_quality]. [Image] data is compressed with a lossless algorithm.