Canvas drawing layer. Canvas drawing layer. [CanvasItem] nodes that are direct or indirect children of a [CanvasLayer] will be drawn in that layer. The layer is a numeric index that defines the draw order. The default 2D scene renders with index 0, so a [CanvasLayer] with index -1 will be drawn below, and one with index 1 will be drawn above. This is very useful for HUDs (in layer 1+ or above), or backgrounds (in layer -1 or below). Returns the RID of the canvas used by this layer. The custom [Viewport] node assigned to the [CanvasLayer]. If [code]null[/code], uses the default viewport instead. Layer index for draw order. Lower values are drawn first. The layer's base offset. The layer's rotation in radians. The layer's rotation in degrees. The layer's scale. The layer's transform.