Color picker control. [Control] node displaying a color picker widget. It's useful for selecting a color from an RGB/RGBA colorspace. Adds the given color to a list of color presets. The presets are displayed in the color picker and the user will be able to select them. Note: the presets list is only for [i]this[/i] color picker. The currently selected color. If [code]true[/code] the color will apply only after the user releases the mouse button, otherwise it will apply immediatly even in mouse motion event (which can cause performance issues). If [code]true[/code] shows an alpha channel slider (transparency). If [code]true[/code] allows the color R, G, B component values to go beyond 1.0, which can be used for certain special operations that require it (like tinting without darkening or rendering sprites in HDR). Emitted when the color is changed.