Integer built-in type. Signed 64-bit integer type. It can take values in the interval [code][-2^63, 2^63 - 1][/code], i.e. [code][-9223372036854775808, 9223372036854775807][/code]. Exceeding those bounds will wrap around. [int] is a [Variant] type, and will thus be used when assigning an integer value to a [Variant]. It can also be enforced with the [code]: int[/code] type hint. [codeblocks] [gdscript] var my_variant = 0 # int, value 0. my_variant += 4.2 # float, value 4.2. var my_int: int = 1 # int, value 1. my_int = 4.2 # int, value 4, the right value is implicitly cast to int. my_int = int("6.7") # int, value 6, the String is explicitly cast with int. var max_int = 9223372036854775807 print(max_int) # 9223372036854775807, OK. max_int += 1 print(max_int) # -9223372036854775808, we overflowed and wrapped around. [/gdscript] [csharp] int myInt = (int)"6.7".ToFloat(); // int, value 6, the String is explicitly cast with int. // We have to use `long` here, because GDSript's `int` // is 64 bits long while C#'s `int` is only 32 bits. long maxInt = 9223372036854775807; GD.Print(maxInt); // 9223372036854775807, OK. maxInt++; GD.Print(maxInt); // -9223372036854775808, we overflowed and wrapped around. // Alternatively, if we used C#'s 32-bit `int` type, the maximum value is much smaller: int halfInt = 2147483647; GD.Print(halfInt); // 2147483647, OK. halfInt++; GD.Print(halfInt); // -2147483648, we overflowed and wrapped around. [/csharp] [/codeblocks] Constructs a default-initialized [int] set to [code]0[/code]. Constructs an [int] as a copy of the given [int]. Cast a [bool] value to an integer value, [code]int(true)[/code] will be equals to 1 and [code]int(false)[/code] will be equals to 0. Cast a float value to an integer value, this method simply removes the number fractions, so for example [code]int(2.7)[/code] will be equals to 2, [code]int(.1)[/code] will be equals to 0 and [code]int(-2.7)[/code] will be equals to -2.