A floating-point scalar operator to be used within the visual shader graph. Applies [member operator] to two floating-point inputs: [code]a[/code] and [code]b[/code]. An operator to be applied to the inputs. See [enum Operator] for options. Sums two numbers using [code]a + b[/code]. Subtracts two numbers using [code]a - b[/code]. Multiplies two numbers using [code]a * b[/code]. Divides two numbers using [code]a / b[/code]. Calculates the remainder of two numbers. Translates to [code]mod(a, b)[/code] in the Godot Shader Language. Raises the [code]a[/code] to the power of [code]b[/code]. Translates to [code]pow(a, b)[/code] in the Godot Shader Language. Returns the greater of two numbers. Translates to [code]max(a, b)[/code] in the Godot Shader Language. Returns the lesser of two numbers. Translates to [code]min(a, b)[/code] in the Godot Shader Language. Returns the arc-tangent of the parameters. Translates to [code]atan(a, b)[/code] in the Godot Shader Language. Generates a step function by comparing [code]b[/code](x) to [code]a[/code](edge). Returns 0.0 if [code]x[/code] is smaller than [code]edge[/code] and otherwise 1.0. Translates to [code]step(a, b)[/code] in the Godot Shader Language.