/*************************************************************************/ /* spatial_editor_gizmos.h */ /*************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ /* http://www.godotengine.org */ /*************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2017 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.*/ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /*************************************************************************/ #ifndef SPATIAL_EDITOR_GIZMOS_H #define SPATIAL_EDITOR_GIZMOS_H #include "editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.h" #include "scene/3d/body_shape.h" #include "scene/3d/camera.h" #include "scene/3d/gi_probe.h" #include "scene/3d/light.h" #include "scene/3d/listener.h" #include "scene/3d/mesh_instance.h" #include "scene/3d/navigation_mesh.h" #include "scene/3d/portal.h" #include "scene/3d/position_3d.h" #include "scene/3d/ray_cast.h" #include "scene/3d/reflection_probe.h" #include "scene/3d/room_instance.h" #include "scene/3d/test_cube.h" #include "scene/3d/visibility_notifier.h" #include "scene/3d/collision_polygon.h" #include "scene/3d/physics_joint.h" #include "scene/3d/vehicle_body.h" class Camera; class EditorSpatialGizmo : public SpatialEditorGizmo { GDCLASS(EditorSpatialGizmo, SpatialGizmo); struct Instance { RID instance; Ref mesh; RID skeleton; bool billboard; bool unscaled; bool can_intersect; bool extra_margin; Instance() { billboard = false; unscaled = false; can_intersect = false; extra_margin = false; } void create_instance(Spatial *p_base); }; Vector collision_segments; Ref collision_mesh; struct Handle { Vector3 pos; bool billboard; }; Vector handles; Vector secondary_handles; bool billboard_handle; bool valid; Spatial *base; Vector instances; Spatial *spatial_node; void _set_spatial_node(Node *p_node) { set_spatial_node(p_node->cast_to()); } protected: void add_lines(const Vector &p_lines, const Ref &p_material, bool p_billboard = false); void add_mesh(const Ref &p_mesh, bool p_billboard = false, const RID &p_skeleton = RID()); void add_collision_segments(const Vector &p_lines); void add_collision_triangles(const Ref &p_tmesh); void add_unscaled_billboard(const Ref &p_material, float p_scale = 1); void add_handles(const Vector &p_handles, bool p_billboard = false, bool p_secondary = false); void set_spatial_node(Spatial *p_node); static void _bind_methods(); public: virtual Vector3 get_handle_pos(int p_idx) const; virtual bool intersect_frustum(const Camera *p_camera, const Vector &p_frustum); virtual bool intersect_ray(const Camera *p_camera, const Point2 &p_point, Vector3 &r_pos, Vector3 &r_normal, int *r_gizmo_handle = NULL, bool p_sec_first = false); void clear(); void create(); void transform(); virtual void redraw(); void free(); EditorSpatialGizmo(); ~EditorSpatialGizmo(); }; class LightSpatialGizmo : public EditorSpatialGizmo { GDCLASS(LightSpatialGizmo, EditorSpatialGizmo); Light *light; public: virtual String get_handle_name(int p_idx) const; virtual Variant get_handle_value(int p_idx) const; virtual void set_handle(int p_idx, Camera *p_camera, const Point2 &p_point); virtual void commit_handle(int p_idx, const Variant &p_restore, bool p_cancel = false); void redraw(); LightSpatialGizmo(Light *p_light = NULL); }; class CameraSpatialGizmo : public EditorSpatialGizmo { GDCLASS(CameraSpatialGizmo, EditorSpatialGizmo); Camera *camera; public: virtual String get_handle_name(int p_idx) const; virtual Variant get_handle_value(int p_idx) const; virtual void set_handle(int p_idx, Camera *p_camera, const Point2 &p_point); virtual void commit_handle(int p_idx, const Variant &p_restore, bool p_cancel = false); void redraw(); CameraSpatialGizmo(Camera *p_camera = NULL); }; class MeshInstanceSpatialGizmo : public EditorSpatialGizmo { GDCLASS(MeshInstanceSpatialGizmo, EditorSpatialGizmo); MeshInstance *mesh; public: void redraw(); MeshInstanceSpatialGizmo(MeshInstance *p_mesh = NULL); }; class Position3DSpatialGizmo : public EditorSpatialGizmo { GDCLASS(Position3DSpatialGizmo, EditorSpatialGizmo); Position3D *p3d; public: void redraw(); Position3DSpatialGizmo(Position3D *p_p3d = NULL); }; class SkeletonSpatialGizmo : public EditorSpatialGizmo { GDCLASS(SkeletonSpatialGizmo, EditorSpatialGizmo); Skeleton *skel; public: void redraw(); SkeletonSpatialGizmo(Skeleton *p_skel = NULL); }; class TestCubeSpatialGizmo : public EditorSpatialGizmo { GDCLASS(TestCubeSpatialGizmo, EditorSpatialGizmo); TestCube *tc; public: void redraw(); TestCubeSpatialGizmo(TestCube *p_tc = NULL); }; class RoomSpatialGizmo : public EditorSpatialGizmo { GDCLASS(RoomSpatialGizmo, EditorSpatialGizmo); struct _EdgeKey { Vector3 from; Vector3 to; bool operator<(const _EdgeKey &p_with) const { return from == p_with.from ? to < p_with.to : from < p_with.from; } }; Room *room; public: void redraw(); RoomSpatialGizmo(Room *p_room = NULL); }; class PortalSpatialGizmo : public EditorSpatialGizmo { GDCLASS(PortalSpatialGizmo, EditorSpatialGizmo); Portal *portal; public: void redraw(); PortalSpatialGizmo(Portal *p_portal = NULL); }; class VisibilityNotifierGizmo : public EditorSpatialGizmo { GDCLASS(VisibilityNotifierGizmo, EditorSpatialGizmo); VisibilityNotifier *notifier; public: virtual String get_handle_name(int p_idx) const; virtual Variant get_handle_value(int p_idx) const; virtual void set_handle(int p_idx, Camera *p_camera, const Point2 &p_point); virtual void commit_handle(int p_idx, const Variant &p_restore, bool p_cancel = false); void redraw(); VisibilityNotifierGizmo(VisibilityNotifier *p_notifier = NULL); }; class ReflectionProbeGizmo : public EditorSpatialGizmo { GDCLASS(ReflectionProbeGizmo, EditorSpatialGizmo); ReflectionProbe *probe; public: virtual String get_handle_name(int p_idx) const; virtual Variant get_handle_value(int p_idx) const; virtual void set_handle(int p_idx, Camera *p_camera, const Point2 &p_point); virtual void commit_handle(int p_idx, const Variant &p_restore, bool p_cancel = false); void redraw(); ReflectionProbeGizmo(ReflectionProbe *p_notifier = NULL); }; class GIProbeGizmo : public EditorSpatialGizmo { GDCLASS(GIProbeGizmo, EditorSpatialGizmo); GIProbe *probe; public: virtual String get_handle_name(int p_idx) const; virtual Variant get_handle_value(int p_idx) const; virtual void set_handle(int p_idx, Camera *p_camera, const Point2 &p_point); virtual void commit_handle(int p_idx, const Variant &p_restore, bool p_cancel = false); void redraw(); GIProbeGizmo(GIProbe *p_notifier = NULL); }; class CollisionShapeSpatialGizmo : public EditorSpatialGizmo { GDCLASS(CollisionShapeSpatialGizmo, EditorSpatialGizmo); CollisionShape *cs; public: virtual String get_handle_name(int p_idx) const; virtual Variant get_handle_value(int p_idx) const; virtual void set_handle(int p_idx, Camera *p_camera, const Point2 &p_point); virtual void commit_handle(int p_idx, const Variant &p_restore, bool p_cancel = false); void redraw(); CollisionShapeSpatialGizmo(CollisionShape *p_cs = NULL); }; class CollisionPolygonSpatialGizmo : public EditorSpatialGizmo { GDCLASS(CollisionPolygonSpatialGizmo, EditorSpatialGizmo); CollisionPolygon *polygon; public: void redraw(); CollisionPolygonSpatialGizmo(CollisionPolygon *p_polygon = NULL); }; class RayCastSpatialGizmo : public EditorSpatialGizmo { GDCLASS(RayCastSpatialGizmo, EditorSpatialGizmo); RayCast *raycast; public: void redraw(); RayCastSpatialGizmo(RayCast *p_raycast = NULL); }; class VehicleWheelSpatialGizmo : public EditorSpatialGizmo { GDCLASS(VehicleWheelSpatialGizmo, EditorSpatialGizmo); VehicleWheel *car_wheel; public: void redraw(); VehicleWheelSpatialGizmo(VehicleWheel *p_car_wheel = NULL); }; class NavigationMeshSpatialGizmo : public EditorSpatialGizmo { GDCLASS(NavigationMeshSpatialGizmo, EditorSpatialGizmo); struct _EdgeKey { Vector3 from; Vector3 to; bool operator<(const _EdgeKey &p_with) const { return from == p_with.from ? to < p_with.to : from < p_with.from; } }; NavigationMeshInstance *navmesh; public: void redraw(); NavigationMeshSpatialGizmo(NavigationMeshInstance *p_navmesh = NULL); }; class PinJointSpatialGizmo : public EditorSpatialGizmo { GDCLASS(PinJointSpatialGizmo, EditorSpatialGizmo); PinJoint *p3d; public: void redraw(); PinJointSpatialGizmo(PinJoint *p_p3d = NULL); }; class HingeJointSpatialGizmo : public EditorSpatialGizmo { GDCLASS(HingeJointSpatialGizmo, EditorSpatialGizmo); HingeJoint *p3d; public: void redraw(); HingeJointSpatialGizmo(HingeJoint *p_p3d = NULL); }; class SliderJointSpatialGizmo : public EditorSpatialGizmo { GDCLASS(SliderJointSpatialGizmo, EditorSpatialGizmo); SliderJoint *p3d; public: void redraw(); SliderJointSpatialGizmo(SliderJoint *p_p3d = NULL); }; class ConeTwistJointSpatialGizmo : public EditorSpatialGizmo { GDCLASS(ConeTwistJointSpatialGizmo, EditorSpatialGizmo); ConeTwistJoint *p3d; public: void redraw(); ConeTwistJointSpatialGizmo(ConeTwistJoint *p_p3d = NULL); }; class Generic6DOFJointSpatialGizmo : public EditorSpatialGizmo { GDCLASS(Generic6DOFJointSpatialGizmo, EditorSpatialGizmo); Generic6DOFJoint *p3d; public: void redraw(); Generic6DOFJointSpatialGizmo(Generic6DOFJoint *p_p3d = NULL); }; class SpatialEditorGizmos { public: Ref create_line_material(const Color &p_base_color); Ref create_solid_material(const Color &p_base_color); Ref handle2_material; Ref handle_material; Ref light_material; Ref light_material_omni_icon; Ref light_material_directional_icon; Ref camera_material; Ref skeleton_material; Ref reflection_probe_material; Ref reflection_probe_material_internal; Ref gi_probe_material; Ref gi_probe_material_internal; Ref room_material; Ref portal_material; Ref raycast_material; Ref visibility_notifier_material; Ref car_wheel_material; Ref joint_material; Ref navmesh_edge_material; Ref navmesh_solid_material; Ref navmesh_edge_material_disabled; Ref navmesh_solid_material_disabled; Ref listener_icon; Ref sample_player_icon; Ref stream_player_icon; Ref visibility_notifier_icon; Ref shape_material; Ref handle_t; Ref pos3d_mesh; Ref listener_line_mesh; static SpatialEditorGizmos *singleton; Ref test_cube_tm; Ref get_gizmo(Spatial *p_spatial); SpatialEditorGizmos(); }; #endif // SPATIAL_EDITOR_GIZMOS_H