Flat button helper class. This is a helper class to generate a flat [Button] (see [member Button.flat]), creating a [ToolButton] is equivalent to: [codeblock] var btn = Button.new() btn.flat = true [/codeblock] [StyleBox] used when the [ToolButton] is disabled. [StyleBox] used when the [ToolButton] is focused. It is displayed over the current [StyleBox], so using [StyleBoxEmpty] will just disable the focus visual effect. [Font] of the [ToolButton]'s text. Default text [Color] of the [ToolButton]. Text [Color] used when the [ToolButton] is disabled. Text [Color] used when the [ToolButton] is being hovered. Text [Color] used when the [ToolButton] is being pressed. [StyleBox] used when the [ToolButton] is being hovered. The horizontal space between [ToolButton]'s icon and text. Default [StyleBox] for the [ToolButton]. [StyleBox] used when the [ToolButton] is being pressed.