Damps the body's rotation if greater than [code]0[/code]. Sets the body's transform. The body's bounciness. Values range from [code]0[/code] (no bounce) to [code]1[/code] (full bounciness). If [code]true[/code], the body is deactivated when there is no movement, so it will not take part in the simulation until it is awakened by an external force. The body's friction, from [code]0[/code] (frictionless) to [code]1[/code] (max friction). This is multiplied by the global 3D gravity setting found in [b]Project > Project Settings > Physics > 3d[/b] to produce the body's gravity. For example, a value of 1 will be normal gravity, 2 will apply double gravity, and 0.5 will apply half gravity to this object. Sets the joint's transform. Sets the joint's rotation in radians. Sets the joint type. See [enum JointType] for possible values. Damps the body's movement if greater than [code]0[/code]. The body's mass.