language: cpp # OS config, depends on actual 'os' in build matrix dist: xenial stages: - check - build env: global: - SCONS_CACHE=$HOME/.scons_cache/$TRAVIS_BRANCH - SCONS_CACHE_LIMIT=1024 - OPTIONS="debug_symbols=no verbose=yes progress=no builtin_libpng=yes" - secure: "uch9QszCgsl1qVbuzY41P7S2hWL2IiNFV4SbAYRCdi0oJ9MIu+pVyrQdpf3+jG4rH6j4Rffl+sN17Zz4dIDDioFL1JwqyCqyCyswR8uACC0Rr8gr4Mi3+HIRbv+2s2P4cIQq41JM8FJe84k9jLEMGCGh69w+ibCWoWs74CokYVA=" cache: directories: - $SCONS_CACHE matrix: include: - name: Static checks (clang-format) stage: check env: STATIC_CHECKS=yes os: linux compiler: gcc addons: apt: sources: - llvm-toolchain-xenial-8 packages: - clang-format-8 - name: Linux editor (debug, GCC 9, with Mono) stage: build env: PLATFORM=x11 TOOLS=yes TARGET=debug CACHE_NAME=${PLATFORM}-tools-mono-gcc-9 MATRIX_EVAL="CC=gcc-9 && CXX=g++-9" EXTRA_ARGS="module_mono_enabled=yes mono_glue=no warnings=extra werror=yes" os: linux compiler: gcc-9 addons: apt: sources: - mono - ubuntu-toolchain-r-test packages: - &gcc9_deps [gcc-9, g++-9] - &linux_deps [libasound2-dev, libgl1-mesa-dev, libglu1-mesa-dev, libx11-dev, libxcursor-dev, libxi-dev, libxinerama-dev, libxrandr-dev] - &linux_mono_deps [mono-devel, msbuild, nuget] coverity_scan: project: name: "godotengine/godot" description: "Godot Engine Coverity scans" notification_email: build_command_prepend: "" build_command: "scons p=x11 -j2 $OPTIONS" branch_pattern: coverity_scan - name: Linux export template (release, Clang) stage: build env: PLATFORM=x11 TOOLS=no TARGET=release CACHE_NAME=${PLATFORM}-clang EXTRA_ARGS="warnings=extra werror=yes" os: linux compiler: clang addons: apt: packages: - *linux_deps - name: Android export template (release_debug, Clang) stage: build env: PLATFORM=android TOOLS=no TARGET=release_debug CACHE_NAME=${PLATFORM}-clang EXTRA_ARGS="warnings=extra werror=yes" os: linux compiler: clang - name: macOS editor (debug, Clang) stage: build env: PLATFORM=osx TOOLS=yes TARGET=debug CACHE_NAME=${PLATFORM}-tools-clang EXTRA_ARGS="warnings=extra werror=yes" os: osx compiler: clang - name: iOS export template (debug, Clang) stage: build env: PLATFORM=iphone TOOLS=no TARGET=debug CACHE_NAME=${PLATFORM}-clang os: osx compiler: clang - name: Linux headless editor (release_debug, GCC 9, testing project exporting and script running) stage: build env: PLATFORM=server TOOLS=yes TARGET=release_debug CACHE_NAME=${PLATFORM}-tools-gcc-9 MATRIX_EVAL="CC=gcc-9 && CXX=g++-9" EXTRA_ARGS="warnings=extra werror=yes" TEST_PROJECT=yes os: linux compiler: gcc-9 addons: apt: sources: - ubuntu-toolchain-r-test packages: - *gcc9_deps - *linux_deps - name: Linux export template (release_debug, GCC 5, without 3D support) stage: build env: PLATFORM=x11 TOOLS=no TARGET=release_debug CACHE_NAME=${PLATFORM}-gcc-5 EXTRA_ARGS="disable_3d=yes" os: linux compiler: gcc addons: apt: packages: - *linux_deps before_install: - eval "${MATRIX_EVAL}" - if [ "$STATIC_CHECKS" = "yes" ]; then unset SCONS_CACHE; fi install: - pip install --user scons; - if [ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" = "linux" ] && [ "$PLATFORM" = "android" ]; then misc/travis/; fi - if [ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" = "osx" ]; then export PATH=${PATH}:/Users/travis/Library/Python/2.7/bin; fi - if [ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" = "osx" ] && [ "$PLATFORM" = "android" ]; then misc/travis/; fi before_script: - if [ "$PLATFORM" = "android" ]; then export ANDROID_HOME=$TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/godot-dev/build-tools/android-sdk; export ANDROID_NDK_ROOT=$TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/godot-dev/build-tools/android-ndk; fi script: - if [ "$STATIC_CHECKS" = "yes" ]; then sh ./misc/travis/; else scons -j2 CC=$CC CXX=$CXX platform=$PLATFORM tools=$TOOLS target=$TARGET $OPTIONS $EXTRA_ARGS && if [ "$TEST_PROJECT" = "yes" ]; then git clone --depth 1 ""; sed -i "s:custom_template/release=\"\":custom_template/release=\"$(readlink -e bin/\":" godot-tests/tests/project_export/export_presets.cfg; godot-tests/tests/project_export/ "bin/"; fi fi