Node for 2D tile-based maps. Node for 2D tile-based maps. Tilemaps use a [TileSet] which contain a list of tiles (textures plus optional collision, navigation, and/or occluder shapes) which are used to create grid-based maps. Clear all cells. Clear cells that does not exist in the tileset. Return the tile index of the referenced cell. Return the tile index of the cell referenced by a Vector2. Return an array of all cells containing a tile from the tileset (i.e. a tile index different from -1). Return whether the referenced cell is transposed, i.e. the X and Y axes are swapped (mirroring with regard to the (1,1) vector). Return whether the referenced cell is flipped over the X axis. Return whether the referenced cell is flipped over the Y axis. Return the absolute world position corresponding to the tilemap (grid-based) coordinates given as an argument. Optionally, the tilemap's potential half offset can be ignored. Set the tile index for the cell referenced by its grid-based X and Y coordinates. A tile index of -1 clears the cell. Optionally, the tile can also be flipped over the X and Y coordinates, transposed, or be given autotile coordinates. Set the tile index for the cell referenced by a Vector2 of grid-based coordinates. A tile index of -1 clears the cell. Optionally, the tile can also be flipped over the X and Y axes or transposed. Set any collision layer to be [code]true[/code] or [code]false[/code]. Applies autotiling rules to the cell (and its adjacent cells) referenced by its grid-based X and Y coordinates. Applies autotiling rules to the cells in the given region (specified by grid-based X and Y coordinates). Calling with invalid (or missing) parameters applies autotiling rules for the entire TileMap. Return the tilemap (grid-based) coordinates corresponding to the absolute world position given as an argument. The custom [Transform2D] to be applied to the TileMap's cells. Amount to offset alternating tiles. Uses HALF_OFFSET_* constants. Default value: HALF_OFFSET_DISABLED. The TileMap's quadrant size. Optimizes drawing by batching, using chunks of this size. Default value: 16. The TileMap's cell size. Position for tile origin. Uses TILE_ORIGIN_* constants. Default value: TILE_ORIGIN_TOP_LEFT. If [code]true[/code] the TileMap's children will be drawn in order of their Y coordinate. Default value: [code]false[/code]. Bounce value for static body collisions (see [code]collision_use_kinematic[/code]). Default value: 0. Friction value for static body collisions (see [code]collision_use_kinematic[/code]). Default value: 1. The collision layer(s) for all colliders in the TileMap. The collision mask(s) for all colliders in the TileMap. If [code]true[/code] TileMap collisions will be handled as a kinematic body. If [code]false[/code] collisions will be handled as static body. Default value: [code]false[/code]. The TileMap orientation mode. Uses MODE_* constants. Default value: MODE_SQUARE. The light mask assigned to all light occluders in the TileMap. The TileSet's light occluders will cast shadows only from Light2D(s) that have the same light mask(s). The assigned [TileSet]. Emitted when a tilemap setting has changed. Returned when a cell doesn't exist. Orthogonal orientation mode. Isometric orientation mode. Custom orientation mode. Half offset on the X coordinate. Half offset on the Y coordinate. Half offset disabled. Tile origin at its top-left corner. Tile origin at its center. Tile origin at its bottom-left corner.