Adds a constant directional force without affecting rotation. This is equivalent to [code]add_force(force, Vector3(0,0,0))[/code]. Adds a constant force (i.e. acceleration). Adds a constant rotational force (i.e. a motor) without affecting position. Applies a single directional impulse without affecting rotation. This is equivalent to [code]apply_impulse(Vector3(0, 0, 0), impulse)[/code]. Applies a positioned impulse to the body. An impulse is time independent! Applying an impulse every frame would result in a framerate dependent force. For this reason it should only be used when simulating one-time impacts. The position uses the rotation of the global coordinate system, but is centered at the object's origin. Apply a torque impulse (which will be affected by the body mass and shape). This will rotate the body around the passed in vector. Impulse created by the contact. Only implemented for Bullet physics. The angular velocity of the body. The inverse of the inertia of the body. The inverse of the mass of the body. The linear velocity of the body. [code]true[/code] if this body is currently sleeping (not active). The timestep (delta) used for the simulation. The rate at which the body stops rotating, if there are not any other forces moving it. The total gravity vector being currently applied to this body. The rate at which the body stops moving, if there are not any other forces moving it. The transformation matrix of the body.