Control to play video files. This control has the ability to play video streams. The only format accepted is the OGV Theora, so any other format must be converted before using in a project. Get the selected audio track (for multitrack videos). Get the amount of miliseconds to store in buffer while playing. Get the video stream. Get the name of the video stream. Get the current position of the stream, in seconds. Get the current frame of the video as a [Texture]. Get the volume of the audio track as a linear value. Get the volume of the audio track in decibels. Get whether or not the video is set as autoplay. Get whether or not the expand property is set. Get whether or not the video is paused. Get whether or not the video is playing. Start the video playback. Set the audio track (for multitrack videos). Set whether this node should start playing automatically. Set the amount of miliseconds to buffer during playback. Set the expand property. If enabled, the video will grow or shrink to fit the player size, otherwise it will play at the stream resolution. Set whether the video should pause the playback. Set the video stream for this player. Set the audio volume as a linear value. Set the audio volume in decibels. Stop the video playback.